



  • 用户可以通过自然语言描述自己的想法,即梦AI会根据描述生成图片。平台还支持对生成的图片进行编辑,以满足用户的个性化需求。


  • 即梦AI支持通过文字或图片输入生成视频。用户可以输入简单的文案或图片,即可快速生成优质的视频片段。平台提供流畅的运镜效果和多轮尝试功能,以确保生成的视频自然生动。


  • 提供一站式智能画布,集成了AI拼图生成能力,并支持局部重绘、一键扩图、图像消除和抠图等多功能操作。用户可以在同一画布上实现多元素的无缝拼接,确保创作风格的统一和谐。


  • 即梦AI还支持故事创作功能,用户可以输入文字描述,AI会生成相应的故事内容,适用于短篇小说、剧本等创作。


  • 用户可以在即梦AI的创意社区中浏览其他用户的作品,获取创作灵感,并与其他用户互动,分享自己的创作。


  • 即梦AI支持多语言提示词进行创作,拥有更好的语义理解能力,能够准确把握用户需求,将抽象的思路转化为视觉作品。



  • 用户可以对图片的特定部分进行重绘,以实现更精细的创作效果。


  • 通过AI技术,用户可以对图片进行一键扩展,增加图片的尺寸和内容。


  • 即梦AI提供图像消除和抠图功能,用户可以轻松去除图片中的不需要部分或提取特定元素。



  • 即梦AI提供一定程度的免费体验,用户可以在不支付任何费用的情况下,体验到基础图片和视频生成功能。


  • 基础会员:价格为79元/月,提供更多的积分以生成更多的图片和视频。
  • 标准会员:价格为239元/月,相较于基础会员,提供更多的积分和可能的其他特权。
  • 高级会员:价格为649元/月,提供最高额度的积分和最全面的功能。


  • 用户可以选择按次付费的方式,通过购买积分来生成图片和视频。这种方式适合不需要频繁使用的用户。

Dreamina AI is a one-stop AI creation platform designed for creative enthusiasts, aiming to transform users’ imagination into visual works through advanced artificial intelligence technology.

Main Features

  1. AI Image Generation Users can describe their ideas in natural language, and Dreamina AI will generate images based on the description. The platform also supports editing of generated images to meet users’ personalized needs.
  2. Video Generation Dreamina AI supports video generation through text or image inputs. Users can input simple scripts or images to quickly generate high-quality video clips. The platform offers smooth camera movement effects and multi-round attempts to ensure the generated videos are natural and vivid.
  3. Smart Canvas Dreamina AI offers a one-stop smart canvas, integrating AI-powered puzzle generation and supporting features like partial redrawing, one-click image expansion, image removal, and background extraction. Users can seamlessly combine multiple elements on the same canvas, ensuring consistency and harmony in the creative style.
  4. Story Creation Dreamina AI also supports story creation, where users can input a textual description, and the AI will generate corresponding story content. This feature is suitable for creating short stories, scripts, and other forms of narrative writing.
  5. Creative Community Users can browse other users’ works in Dreamina AI’s creative community, gain inspiration, and interact with fellow users to share their creations.
  6. Multi-Language Support Dreamina AI supports multi-language prompts for creation, offering better semantic understanding to accurately capture user needs and transform abstract ideas into visual works.

Other Features

  1. Partial Redrawing Users can redraw specific parts of an image to achieve more detailed creative effects.
  2. One-Click Image Expansion Through AI technology, users can expand images with a single click, increasing the size and content of the picture.
  3. Image Removal and Background Extraction Dreamina AI provides image removal and background extraction functions, allowing users to easily remove unwanted parts of an image or extract specific elements.

Pricing Model

  1. Free Trial Dreamina AI offers a certain level of free experience, allowing users to access basic image and video generation functions without paying any fees.
  2. Subscription Plans
    • Basic Membership: ¥79/month, offering more credits to generate additional images and videos.
    • Standard Membership: ¥239/month, providing more credits and possibly other privileges compared to the basic membership.
    • Premium Membership: ¥649/month, offering the highest amount of credits and access to the most comprehensive features.
  3. Pay-Per-Use Users can opt for a pay-per-use model by purchasing credits to generate images and videos, suitable for those who do not need frequent access to the platform.