

  • 文生图:用户只需输入提示词,AI便会根据提示词生成相应的图像。用户还可以选择和调整画面风格、画面尺寸、生成数量等参数。
  • 图生图:用户可以导入一张照片,AI会根据这张照片生成多种风格的绘画。这个功能允许用户将现有的图片转换成不同的艺术风格。
  • AI修图:WHEE不仅能生成图像,还具备多种AI修图功能,包括局部修改、扩图、无痕消除等,帮助用户对生成的图像进行进一步的优化和调整。
  • 风格模型训练:用户可以利用模型训练功能,训练自己的风格模型,为创作提供更多个性化的选择。
  • 创作词库:WHEE提供创作词库,帮助用户找到合适的提示词,提高创作效率。


  • 新用户奖励:新用户注册后可获得20美豆(虚拟积分),每生成一张图片大约消耗2美豆。
  • 每日奖励:用户每日分享作品可获得额外的美豆奖励,用于免费图像创作。


  • VIP会员:WHEE提供VIP会员服务,用户可以选择包月、包季或包年订阅。VIP会员每月可获得1800美豆,并享有折扣购买特权。
    • 连续包月:58元
    • 连续包季:158元
    • 连续包年:588元
  • 单独充值:用户也可以单独购买美豆,用于生成更多图片或使用高级功能。


1. 设计与广告

  • 海报设计:WHEE可以生成高质量的海报图像,适用于各种宣传活动和广告投放。
  • 插画创作:用户可以利用WHEE生成各种风格的插画,从写实到抽象,从动漫到油画,应有尽有。
  • LOGO设计:通过输入提示词,WHEE可以生成多种风格的LOGO,帮助企业和个人快速设计品牌标识。

2. 新媒体与内容创作

  • 社交媒体内容:WHEE生成的图片可以用于社交媒体平台的内容创作,提升帖子的视觉吸引力。
  • 博客与文章配图:为博客文章或新闻报道生成配图,提升文章的视觉效果和阅读体验。

3. 艺术与创意

  • 艺术创作:艺术家可以利用WHEE进行创意绘画,探索新的艺术风格和表现形式。
  • 二次创作:用户可以对现有的图片进行二次创作,生成新的艺术作品,丰富创作灵感。

4. 教育与培训

  • 教学素材:教育工作者可以利用WHEE生成教学素材,如插图、示意图等,辅助教学。
  • 培训课程:设计培训课程中,WHEE可以作为一个实用工具,帮助学员快速掌握AI绘画技术。

5. 个性化定制

  • 头像与壁纸:用户可以生成个性化的头像和壁纸,满足个人定制需求。
  • 表情包制作:通过WHEE生成独特的表情包,用于社交聊天和网络交流。

6. 商业应用

  • 产品设计:企业可以利用WHEE进行产品概念设计和视觉展示,提升产品的市场竞争力。
  • 品牌宣传:通过生成高质量的宣传图像,企业可以更有效地进行品牌推广和市场营销。

WHEE is a high-quality AI content generator that offers an all-in-one service for AI visual creation and material generation. Users can easily create or modify images by describing their needs in natural language.

Key Features

  1. Text-to-Image: Users simply input prompts, and the AI generates images based on these prompts. Users can also select and adjust parameters like style, image size, and the number of images to generate.
  2. Image-to-Image: Users can upload a photo, and the AI will generate multiple artistic styles based on that photo. This feature allows users to transform existing images into different artistic forms.
  3. AI Image Editing: WHEE not only generates images but also offers a variety of AI image editing tools, including partial modifications, image expansion, and seamless removal, helping users further optimize and adjust their creations.
  4. Style Model Training: Users can train their own style models using the model training feature, offering more personalized options for creation.
  5. Prompt Library: WHEE provides a prompt library to help users find the right prompts, improving creative efficiency.

Free Version

  • New User Rewards: New users receive 20 “MeiBeans” (virtual credits) upon registration, with approximately 2 MeiBeans required per image generation.
  • Daily Rewards: Users can earn additional MeiBeans by sharing their creations daily, which can be used for free image generation.

Paid Version

  • VIP Membership: WHEE offers VIP membership services, allowing users to subscribe monthly, quarterly, or annually. VIP members receive 1800 MeiBeans per month and enjoy discount privileges for purchases.
    • Monthly Subscription: ¥58
    • Quarterly Subscription: ¥158
    • Annual Subscription: ¥588
  • One-Time Purchase: Users can also purchase MeiBeans separately to generate more images or access advanced features.

Application Scenarios

  1. Design & Advertising
    • Poster Design: WHEE can generate high-quality posters for various promotional events and advertisements.
    • Illustration Creation: Users can generate illustrations in various styles, from realistic to abstract, anime to oil paintings.
    • Logo Design: By inputting prompts, WHEE can generate logos in different styles, helping businesses and individuals quickly design brand identities.
  2. New Media & Content Creation
    • Social Media Content: WHEE-generated images can be used for content creation on social media platforms, enhancing the visual appeal of posts.
    • Blog and Article Images: Generate images to accompany blog posts or news articles, improving the visual effect and reading experience.
  3. Art & Creativity
    • Artistic Creation: Artists can use WHEE to create original artwork, exploring new artistic styles and forms of expression.
    • Remix Creation: Users can recreate existing images, generating new artwork and expanding creative inspiration.
  4. Education & Training
    • Educational Materials: Educators can generate teaching materials, such as illustrations and diagrams, to support their lessons.
    • Training Courses: In design courses, WHEE can serve as a practical tool to help learners quickly master AI-based drawing techniques.
  5. Personalization
    • Avatars & Wallpapers: Users can generate personalized avatars and wallpapers to meet their customization needs.
    • Emoji Creation: Create unique emoji sets using WHEE for social chat and online communication.
  6. Commercial Applications
    • Product Design: Businesses can use WHEE to create product concept designs and visual presentations, enhancing product competitiveness in the market.
    • Brand Promotion: By generating high-quality promotional images, businesses can more effectively promote their brands and market their products.