
画宇宙是由「Nolibox 计算美学」推出的人工智能(AI)作画平台。



  • 支持多种图像生成模型,包括画宇宙系列模型、百度文心AI绘画大模型、Draft、社区大模型等。


  • 用户可以通过输入文本描述生成图像,这使得创作过程更加直观和便捷。


  • 支持通过已有图像生成新的图像,包括垫图生成和相似图生成。


  • 用户只需上传图片并点击抠图按钮,系统会自动识别图片主体并进行抠图,操作简便。


  • 通过简单的操作,用户可以将图片进行扩展,生成更大尺寸的图像。


  • 允许用户对图像的特定部分进行擦除和修改,以达到更精细的效果。


  • 提供图像超分辨率功能,使低分辨率图像变得更加清晰。



  • 适用于电商平台的商品设计和宣传图制作,提升商业图像的质量和吸引力。


  • 提供人像处理和优化功能,适用于个人照片和肖像艺术创作。


  • 支持图像的四方连续生成和外延,适合需要大面积图像的场景。


  • 提供API接口,方便开发者将画宇宙的功能集成到其他应用中。


  • 用户注册后可以免费获得100个画力星,首次登录还会额外赠送30个画力星。
  • 免费用户可以使用这些画力星来生成图像,但生成速度和次数可能会受到一定限制。


  • 用量收费:用户可以通过购买画力星来增加使用次数和提高生成速度。
  • 订阅付费:用户可以选择开通付费会员,享受不限次数的图像生成和更快的生成速度。


  • 数字绘画:画宇宙提供丰富的绘画工具和材料,支持高精度绘图,适合艺术家在电脑或平板设备上进行创作,同时保持手绘的质感和细节。
  • 虚拟现实艺术:通过VR技术,用户可以在虚拟的三维空间中进行创作,提供了无限的想象和实验空间。


  • 电商图片:AI绘画技术可以应用于电商图片中,例如生成拿着产品的人物插画,提升商品展示效果。
  • 商品图制作:画宇宙在制作商品图、企业LOGO、服装印花设计等商业使用场景中表现优越,是企业生产的首选辅助工具。
  • 营销物料生成:支持生成高质量的营销物料,如海报、广告图等,帮助企业提升品牌形象和市场推广效果。


  • 教育资源:画宇宙可以用于制作教育插图和教学材料,帮助学生更直观地理解学习内容。
  • 娱乐创作:用户可以通过简单的操作体验AI作画的乐趣,激发创意和想象力。


  • 建筑设计:通过批量生成设计草案,帮助建筑师快速探索设计方案。
  • 工业设计:支持工业产品的外观设计和概念图生成,提升设计效率。
  • 包装设计:提供高质量的包装设计方案,满足企业的品牌需求。


  • 品牌运营:提供标准化和定制化的接口服务,结合时事热点生成相关图像,赋能企业品牌运营和流量运营。
  • API服务:提供稳定的API服务,方便企业将画宇宙的功能集成到自己的产品中,提升用户体验。


Huayuzhou is an AI-powered art creation platform launched by “Nolibox Computational Aesthetics.” It offers a wide range of AI-generated image tools for artists and creators.

Key Features

  1. Multi-Source Image Generation Models
    • Supports multiple image generation models, including Huayuzhou series models, Baidu Wenxin AI painting model, Draft, and community models.
  2. Text-to-Image
    • Users can generate images by inputting text descriptions, making the creative process intuitive and convenient.
  3. Image-to-Image
    • Allows users to create new images based on existing ones, including background image generation and similar image creation.
  4. One-Click Cutout
    • With a simple click, users can upload images and cut out the subject automatically, providing an easy and efficient solution for image editing.
  5. One-Click Image Expansion
    • Users can expand their images to larger sizes with minimal effort, generating larger-scale visuals.
  6. Partial Erasure
    • Users can erase and modify specific parts of an image, enabling more precise editing and fine-tuning.
  7. Image Upscaling
    • Offers super-resolution functionality, making low-resolution images clearer and more detailed.

Other Key Features

  1. Smart Product Images
    • Tailored for e-commerce platforms, helping create high-quality product and promotional images to enhance commercial visual appeal.
  2. Smart Portraits
    • Provides portrait enhancement and optimization, suitable for personal photos and portrait art creation.
  3. Image Extension
    • Supports seamless image extension in all directions, ideal for large-scale image needs.
  4. API Integration
    • Offers API access, allowing developers to integrate Huayuzhou’s features into other applications.

Free Plan

  • Registration Rewards: Users receive 100 “Drawing Stars” upon registration, with an additional 30 Drawing Stars awarded for first-time login.
  • Free Usage: Users can utilize these stars to generate images, although there may be speed and usage limitations.

Paid Plans

  1. Usage-Based Pricing: Users can purchase Drawing Stars to increase usage frequency and speed up image generation.
  2. Subscription Plans: Paid members can enjoy unlimited image generation and faster speeds.

Artistic Creation

  1. Digital Painting: Huayuzhou offers a variety of tools and materials for high-precision digital drawing, ideal for artists using computers or tablets while maintaining a hand-drawn texture and detail.
  2. Virtual Reality Art: With VR technology, users can create in a virtual 3D space, offering limitless possibilities for creativity and experimentation.

Commercial Design

  1. E-Commerce Images: AI painting techniques can be applied to e-commerce images, such as generating character illustrations holding products, improving product display effects.
  2. Product Image Creation: Huayuzhou excels in producing product images, company logos, and clothing pattern designs for commercial use.
  3. Marketing Material Generation: Supports the generation of high-quality marketing materials like posters and advertisement images, enhancing brand image and promotional efforts.

Education and Entertainment

  1. Educational Resources: Huayuzhou can be used to create educational illustrations and teaching materials, helping students better understand complex concepts.
  2. Entertainment Creation: Users can enjoy the fun of AI-powered art creation with simple operations, sparking creativity and imagination.

Professional Design

  1. Architectural Design: Assists architects in rapidly exploring design concepts by generating multiple drafts.
  2. Industrial Design: Supports exterior design and concept image generation for industrial products, boosting design efficiency.
  3. Packaging Design: Offers high-quality packaging design solutions to meet corporate branding needs.

Traffic and Brand Operations

  1. Brand Management: Provides standardized and customizable API services, enabling businesses to generate trend-related images for brand operations and traffic growth.
  2. API Service: Offers stable API services, making it easy for companies to integrate Huayuzhou’s functionalities into their products and improve user experience.

Open-Source and Closed-Source Strategy

Huayuzhou, launched by Nolibox, adopts a hybrid approach combining open-source and closed-source strategies. The backend algorithms are open-source, and users can find the relevant code on GitHub (search for “carefree-creator”). This hybrid model leverages the transparency and community contributions of open-source while protecting core technologies and commercial interests through the closed-source aspects.
