



  • 功能描述:用户只需输入一段文字描述(Prompt),清影即可生成一段视频。
  • 生成时间:30秒内生成6秒的视频内容。
  • 视频清晰度:生成的视频清晰度可达1440×960,帧率为16fps。


  • 功能描述:用户可以上传一张图片,清影会根据这张图片生成一段视频。
  • 应用场景:适用于广告制作、剧情创作、短视频创作等。


  • 可选风格:包括卡通3D、黑白、油画、电影感等多种视频风格。


  • 功能描述:允许用户为生成的视频添加不同风格的背景音乐。
  • 可选音乐类型:安静、轻松欢快、伤感、史诗、搞怪等。


  • 功能描述:通过“老照片动起来”小程序,让静态的老照片通过AI技术动起来。


  • 功能描述:企业和开发者可以通过API调用清影的功能,实现文本生成视频和图片生成视频的生成。



  • 基础功能免费:清影的基础功能是免费的,用户可以无限制地使用其生成视频。
  • 免费体验:所有用户均可通过智谱清言的AI视频生成功能免费体验清影。


  • 加速服务:清影提供付费加速服务,用户可以选择付费以更快的速度生成视频。
  • 收费标准:24小时加速服务收费5元,一年加速服务收费199元。


  • 企业和开发者:企业和开发者可以通过API调用清影的功能,这部分服务可能需要付费。



  • 功能描述:快速生成吸引眼球的宣传视频。
  • 应用实例:用户可以输入产品特点、品牌形象等相关文本,选择适合的风格,如时尚、科技感等,清影就能生成相应的广告视频。


  • 功能描述:制作生动有趣的教学视频,提高课程吸引力。
  • 应用实例:教育工作者可以使用清影生成在线课程的视频,使得课程内容更加生动有趣,从而提高学生的学习兴趣和参与度。


  • 功能描述:提升品牌曝光率和客户参与度。
  • 应用实例:企业可以利用清影生成品牌宣传视频,展示产品特点和企业文化,提升品牌形象和市场影响力。


  • 功能描述:创建有影响力的社交媒体视频内容。
  • 应用实例:个人或企业可以使用清影生成创意短视频,发布在社交媒体平台上,吸引更多的关注和互动。


  • 功能描述:辅助电影剪辑工作,生成特定场景的视频片段。
  • 应用实例:电影制作团队可以使用清影生成特定场景的视频片段,辅助电影剪辑工作,提高制作效率。


  • 功能描述:快速生成创意短视频,满足短视频创作者的需求。
  • 应用实例:短视频创作者可以使用清影生成各种风格的短视频,丰富视频内容,提升观众的观看体验。


  • 功能描述:通过“老照片动起来”小程序,让静态的老照片通过AI技术动起来。
  • 应用实例:用户可以上传老照片,清影会将其转换为动态视频,赋予老照片新的生命。

Qingying is an AI video generation tool launched by Zhipu AI. Users can create a 6-second video within 30 seconds by simply entering text or uploading an image.

Key Features

  1. Text-to-Video
    • Feature Description: Users can generate a video by entering a text description (Prompt).
    • Generation Time: A 6-second video can be created within 30 seconds.
    • Video Quality: The generated video resolution can reach up to 1440×960, with a frame rate of 16fps.
  2. Image-to-Video
    • Feature Description: Users can upload an image, and Qingying will create a video based on that image.
    • Use Cases: Suitable for ad production, story creation, short video content, etc.
  3. Style Options
    • Available Styles: Includes various video styles such as 3D Cartoon, Black and White, Oil Painting, Cinematic, and more.
  4. Background Music
    • Feature Description: Users can add different styles of background music to the generated videos.
    • Available Music Types: Quiet, Relaxed and Cheerful, Sad, Epic, Quirky, etc.
  5. Old Photos Brought to Life
    • Feature Description: Using the “Old Photos Brought to Life” mini-program, static old photos can be animated with AI technology.
  6. API Support
    • Feature Description: Enterprises and developers can use the API to call Qingying’s features for text-to-video and image-to-video generation.

Pricing Model

  1. Free Usage
    • Basic Features: Qingying’s basic features are free, and users can generate videos without limitations.
    • Free Trial: All users can experience Qingying’s AI video generation features through the Zhipu Qingyan platform.
  2. Paid Acceleration
    • Acceleration Service: Qingying offers paid acceleration services for users to generate videos faster.
    • Pricing: 24-hour acceleration service costs 5 RMB, while a yearly acceleration service costs 199 RMB.
  3. API Calls
    • For Enterprises and Developers: Enterprises and developers can call Qingying’s features via API, which may require additional payment.

Application Scenarios

  1. Ad Production
    • Feature Description: Quickly generate eye-catching promotional videos.
    • Example: Users can input product features, brand image, and related text, choose a suitable style (e.g., fashion, tech), and Qingying will create an advertising video accordingly.
  2. Educational Content
    • Feature Description: Create engaging and interesting educational videos to enhance course appeal.
    • Example: Educators can use Qingying to generate video content for online courses, making lessons more dynamic and increasing students’ interest and participation.
  3. Corporate Marketing
    • Feature Description: Enhance brand visibility and customer engagement.
    • Example: Companies can use Qingying to generate promotional videos showcasing product features and corporate culture, improving brand image and market impact.
  4. Social Media Content
    • Feature Description: Create impactful social media video content.
    • Example: Individuals or businesses can use Qingying to generate creative short videos to share on social media platforms, attracting more engagement and interaction.
  5. Film Editing
    • Feature Description: Assist in film editing by generating specific video clips.
    • Example: Film production teams can use Qingying to generate specific video scenes, assisting in editing work and improving production efficiency.
  6. Short Video Creation
    • Feature Description: Quickly generate creative short videos, catering to short video creators’ needs.
    • Example: Short video creators can use Qingying to generate videos in various styles, enhancing video content and improving the viewing experience.
  7. Old Photos Brought to Life
    • Feature Description: Using the “Old Photos Brought to Life” mini-program, static old photos can be animated with AI technology.
    • Example: Users can upload old photos, and Qingying will transform them into dynamic videos, giving new life to old memories.