



  • 内容创作:生成高质量的文章、广告文案、产品描述和社交媒体内容。
  • 文本总结:快速总结长篇文档,如技术文档、财务报告和法律文件。
  • 问答系统:根据提供的内容执行问答,适用于客户支持和信息检索。


  • 代码编写和调试:生成生产级代码,支持复杂代码库的操作,包括内联代码生成和调试。
  • 对话式查询:通过对话形式生成和修改代码,适用于开发者的日常工作。


  • 图像分析:处理和分析视觉输入,如图表、图形和技术图表,能够从中提取洞察。
  • 图像转文本:将图像内容转化为文本,适用于OCR(光学字符识别)应用。


  • API调用:通过生成结构化的API调用输出,与外部客户端工具和函数进行交互,执行推理、规划和操作。
  • 数据提取:从非结构化文本中提取结构化数据,适用于数据库搜索和信息整理。


  • 财务预测:进行复杂的财务预测和市场趋势分析,帮助企业做出数据驱动的决策。
  • 战略规划:支持高层战略规划和复杂问题解决,适用于企业级任务。


  • 多语言处理:支持多种语言的对话和文本分析,包括西班牙语、日语和法语等。


  • 长上下文窗口:支持包含20万令牌的上下文窗口,能够处理长篇输入,如整个代码库或长篇文学作品。




  • Claude 3 Opus:每百万输入token收费15美元,每百万输出token收费75美元。
  • Claude 3 Sonnet:每百万输入token收费3美元,每百万输出token收费15美元。
  • Claude 3 Haiku:每百万输入token收费0.25美元,每百万输出token收费1.25美元。



  • Claude Pro:每月20美元,提供比免费版本高5倍的使用量,并优先使用系统资源和新功能。



  • 免费用户:可以免费使用Claude,但有发送频率限制,每8小时最多发送100条消息,具体数量取决于消息长度和附件大小。



  • 金融分析:帮助金融分析师分析复杂的财务报告,发现关键趋势,并生成富有洞见的摘要。
  • 市场营销:撰写引人入胜的广告文案、产品描述和社交媒体内容,以激发目标受众的共鸣。
  • 法律服务:高效审阅和总结冗长的法律文件,确定相关的先例,并起草初始合同模板。


  • 问答系统:根据提供的内容执行问答,提升客户支持的效率和准确性。
  • 内容审核:快速审核和过滤用户生成的内容,确保符合平台政策和法律法规。


  • 代码生成和调试:生成生产级代码,支持复杂代码库的操作,包括内联代码生成和调试。
  • 对话式查询:通过对话形式生成和修改代码,适用于开发者的日常工作。


  • 病历汇总:快速汇总病历,识别潜在的药物相互作用,并协助诊断过程。
  • 医学研究:处理和分析大量医学文献,提取关键信息和趋势。


  • 自动翻译:提供高质量的多语言翻译,适用于在线教育和跨国交流。
  • 内容生成:生成教育材料和学习指南,帮助学生快速掌握知识点。


  • 信息提取:从非结构化文本中提取结构化数据,适用于数据库搜索和信息整理。
  • 数据分析:进行复杂的数据分析和趋势预测,帮助企业做出数据驱动的决策。


  • 图像分析:处理和分析视觉输入,如图表、图形和技术图表,能够从中提取洞察。
  • 图像转文本:将图像内容转化为文本,适用于OCR(光学字符识别)应用。


  • 文章和文案写作:生成高质量的文章、广告文案、产品描述和社交媒体内容。
  • 文本总结:快速总结长篇文档,如技术文档、财务报告和法律文件。


Claude is a series of AI models developed by Anthropic, designed to provide powerful functions such as text and code generation, visual processing, tool usage, and more.

Key Features

  1. Text Generation:
    • Content Creation: Generate high-quality articles, ad copy, product descriptions, and social media content.
    • Text Summarization: Quickly summarize lengthy documents, such as technical manuals, financial reports, and legal documents.
    • Q&A System: Perform question-answering based on provided content, suitable for customer support and information retrieval.
  2. Code Generation:
    • Code Writing and Debugging: Generate production-level code, supporting complex codebase operations, including inline code generation and debugging.
    • Conversational Queries: Modify and generate code through a conversational interface, catering to developers’ daily tasks.
  3. Visual Processing:
    • Image Analysis: Analyze and process visual inputs like charts, graphs, and technical diagrams, extracting insights from them.
    • Image to Text: Convert image content into text, suitable for Optical Character Recognition (OCR) applications.
  4. Tool Usage:
    • API Calls: Generate structured API call outputs for interacting with external client tools and functions, executing reasoning, planning, and operations.
    • Data Extraction: Extract structured data from unstructured text, useful for database searches and information organization.
  5. Advanced Analytics:
    • Financial Forecasting: Perform complex financial predictions and market trend analysis to help businesses make data-driven decisions.
    • Strategic Planning: Support high-level strategic planning and complex problem-solving, applicable to enterprise-level tasks.
  6. Multilingual Support:
    • Multilingual Processing: Handle conversations and text analysis in various languages, including Spanish, Japanese, French, and more.
  7. Context Handling:
    • Long Context Window: Supports a context window of up to 200,000 tokens, allowing it to process lengthy inputs like entire codebases or long literary works.

Pricing Models

  1. Usage-Based Billing:
    • Claude models use a pay-as-you-go billing model, where users are charged based on the number of tokens used, offering flexibility for users of all scales.
    • Claude 3 Opus: $15 per million input tokens, $75 per million output tokens.
    • Claude 3 Sonnet: $3 per million input tokens, $15 per million output tokens.
    • Claude 3 Haiku: $0.25 per million input tokens, $1.25 per million output tokens.
  2. Subscription Services:
    • In addition to usage-based billing, Claude offers subscription services for users needing higher usage and advanced features.
    • Claude Pro: $20 per month, offering 5x more usage than the free version and priority access to system resources and new features.
  3. Free Usage:
    • Claude also provides a limited free usage option, though free users are subject to frequency and message limits.
    • Free Users: Can send up to 100 messages every 8 hours, depending on message length and attachment size.

Use Cases

  1. Enterprise Applications:
    • Financial Analysis: Assists financial analysts in interpreting complex reports, identifying key trends, and generating insightful summaries.
    • Marketing: Writes compelling ad copy, product descriptions, and social media content to engage target audiences.
    • Legal Services: Efficiently reviews and summarizes lengthy legal documents, identifies relevant precedents, and drafts initial contract templates.
  2. Customer Service:
    • Q&A Systems: Execute question-answering based on provided content, enhancing the efficiency and accuracy of customer support.
    • Content Moderation: Quickly review and filter user-generated content to ensure compliance with platform policies and legal regulations.
  3. Developer Support:
    • Code Generation and Debugging: Generate production-quality code and support complex codebase operations, including inline code generation and debugging.
    • Conversational Queries: Generate and modify code through conversational interfaces for daily developer tasks.
  4. Healthcare:
    • Medical Record Summarization: Summarize medical records, identify potential drug interactions, and assist in the diagnosis process.
    • Medical Research: Process and analyze vast amounts of medical literature, extracting key insights and trends.
  5. Education:
    • Automatic Translation: Provide high-quality multilingual translation, useful for online education and cross-border communication.
    • Content Generation: Generate educational materials and study guides to help students quickly grasp key concepts.
  6. Data Processing:
    • Information Extraction: Extract structured data from unstructured text, suitable for database searches and information organization.
    • Data Analysis: Conduct complex data analysis and trend forecasting to help businesses make data-driven decisions.
  7. Visual Processing:
    • Image Analysis: Analyze and process visual inputs like charts, graphs, and technical diagrams to extract insights.
    • Image to Text: Convert visual content into text, useful for OCR applications.
  8. Content Creation:
    • Article and Copywriting: Generate high-quality articles, ad copy, product descriptions, and social media content.
    • Text Summarization: Summarize lengthy documents such as technical papers, financial reports, and legal files.

Closed Source

Claude models are closed-source, meaning their source code and underlying technology are not publicly available. Users cannot modify or redistribute these codes.
