Microsoft Copilot

Microsoft Copilot 是微软开发的一款生成式人工智能聊天机器人,基于大型语言模型(LLM)。


  • 文档生成和编辑
    • Word:Copilot 可以帮助用户撰写、编辑和总结文档。用户只需输入简单的提示或指令,Copilot 就能生成相应的文本内容,并提供语气建议、创建大纲等。
    • PowerPoint:Copilot 能根据现有的文档自动生成演示文稿,并添加合适的模板和图像,帮助用户快速创建高质量的演示内容。
  • 数据分析和报告
    • Excel:Copilot 可以自动化复杂的数据分析任务,生成图表和报告,并提供有用的见解和建议。它还能帮助用户创建公式,减少错误并提高报告的准确性。
  • 邮件管理
    • Outlook:Copilot 可以帮助用户管理日程安排、回复邮件、编写摘要和提纲,并提供适当的语气和礼貌建议。它还能自动摘取邮件的重点,帮助用户更快地掌握内容并作出回复。
  • 协作与沟通
    • Teams:Copilot 可以帮助用户在团队中协作沟通,分享信息,创建任务和计划,并提供相关的反馈和建议。它还能在会议中实时回答用户的问题,并生成会议记录和要点。
  • 商务聊天
    • Business Chat:Copilot 可以跨越LLM、Microsoft 365应用程序和用户的数据,根据用户的自然语言提示生成文本内容,例如状态更新、项目提案、市场分析等,并根据用户在Microsoft Graph中的数据进行调整和优化。


  • Microsoft 365 Copilot:每个用户每月收费 30 美元。这个价格是基于用户已经订阅了 Microsoft 365 服务的前提下额外收取的费用。例如,如果用户已经订阅了 Microsoft 365 商务标准版,每月需支付 12.5 美元,那么使用 Microsoft 365 Copilot 还需额外支付 30 美元。
  • Copilot Pro:每个用户每月收费 20 美元,提供优先访问 GPT-4 和 GPT-4 Turbo 的服务。


  • 年度订阅:用户可以选择按年支付,每个用户每年收费 360 美元。
  • 企业客户:对于企业客户,Microsoft 365 Copilot 的收费标准为每个用户每月 12.5 美元至 57 美元不等,具体取决于所选的订阅计划和服务级别。


  • Bing Chat 企业版:对于 Microsoft 365 E3、E5、商务标准版和商务进阶版的客户,Bing Chat 企业版可以免费试用,并且未来将以每个用户每月 5 美元的价格提供。



  • Word:Copilot 可以根据用户的简单描述生成初稿,帮助撰写文案、脚本和报告。它还能根据用户的需求调整文风,提供语法和内容建议,甚至可以将其他文档中的内容整合进来。


  • Excel:Copilot 能够自动生成分析报表,发现数据相关性,提出假设方案,并根据用户的问题给出公式建议。用户可以通过自然语言命令对数据进行编辑和分析,无需掌握复杂的公式和函数。


  • PowerPoint:Copilot 可以将现有的文字文档转换为演示文稿,自动添加图片、音频等多媒体内容。用户还能通过自然语言调整布局、文本格式和插入动画,极大地简化了创建演示文稿的过程。


  • Outlook:Copilot 可以帮助用户分类和回复电子邮件,生成邮件摘要,并根据上下文提供回复建议。它还能自动安排日程和提醒未来的计划。


  • Teams:Copilot 可以实时总结会议要点,建议后续问题,并生成会议记录。它还能帮助用户在团队中分享信息、创建任务和计划,并提供相关的反馈和建议。


  • Business Chat:Copilot 能够跨越多种应用(如Word、Excel、PowerPoint、Outlook、Teams等),根据用户的自然语言提示生成内容。例如,它可以根据用户的需求将Word文档转换为PPT,或者从Excel中提取数据生成报告。


  • 市场趋势总结:Copilot 可以帮助用户总结市场趋势、供需关系、研究学术文章、获取客户和竞争对手情报,以及定价策略等。


  • 个性化撰写:Copilot 能根据用户的需求改变文风,实现个性化撰写,还可以通过建议来强化论点或修改错误。

Microsoft Copilot is a generative AI chatbot developed by Microsoft, based on large language models (LLMs).

Key Features

Document Creation and Editing

  • Word: Copilot helps users draft, edit, and summarize documents. By providing simple prompts or instructions, Copilot can generate text, offer tone suggestions, and create outlines.
  • PowerPoint: Copilot automatically generates presentations based on existing documents and adds suitable templates and images, helping users quickly create high-quality presentations.

Data Analysis and Reporting

  • Excel: Copilot automates complex data analysis tasks, generates charts and reports, and provides useful insights and suggestions. It can also help users create formulas, reducing errors and improving report accuracy.

Email Management

  • Outlook: Copilot assists users in managing schedules, replying to emails, drafting summaries and outlines, and offering appropriate tone and politeness suggestions. It also highlights key points in emails, helping users grasp content faster and respond more efficiently.

Collaboration and Communication

  • Teams: Copilot helps users collaborate, share information, create tasks and plans, and provides relevant feedback and suggestions. It can also answer user questions in real-time during meetings and generate meeting notes and highlights.

Business Chat

  • Business Chat: Copilot leverages LLM, Microsoft 365 applications, and user data to generate text content based on natural language prompts, such as status updates, project proposals, and market analyses, optimizing the content using data from Microsoft Graph.


  • Microsoft 365 Copilot: $30 per user per month. This price is in addition to an existing Microsoft 365 subscription. For example, if a user subscribes to Microsoft 365 Business Standard at $12.50 per month, they will need to pay an extra $30 to use Microsoft 365 Copilot.
  • Copilot Pro: $20 per user per month, offering priority access to GPT-4 and GPT-4 Turbo services.

Subscription Plans

  • Annual Subscription: Users can opt for an annual payment plan at $360 per user per year.
  • Enterprise Customers: For enterprise customers, Microsoft 365 Copilot pricing ranges from $12.50 to $57 per user per month, depending on the chosen subscription plan and service level.

Free Trials and Other Options

  • Bing Chat Enterprise: Customers with Microsoft 365 E3, E5, Business Standard, and Business Premium subscriptions can try Bing Chat Enterprise for free, with a future cost of $5 per user per month.

Use Cases

Document Processing

  • Word: Copilot can generate drafts based on simple descriptions, helping users write copy, scripts, and reports. It can adjust the writing style to meet user needs, provide grammar and content suggestions, and even integrate content from other documents.

Data Analysis

  • Excel: Copilot can automatically generate analysis reports, identify data correlations, propose hypothesis scenarios, and offer formula suggestions based on user queries. Users can edit and analyze data using natural language commands without mastering complex formulas or functions.


  • PowerPoint: Copilot can transform existing text documents into presentations, automatically adding images, audio, and other multimedia content. Users can adjust layout, text formatting, and insert animations using natural language, greatly simplifying the process of creating presentations.

Email Management

  • Outlook: Copilot helps users categorize and respond to emails, generate email summaries, and offer reply suggestions based on the context. It can also automatically schedule appointments and remind users of future plans.

Team Collaboration

  • Teams: Copilot can summarize meeting highlights in real time, suggest follow-up questions, and generate meeting notes. It also helps users share information, create tasks and plans, and provides feedback and suggestions in team settings.

Cross-Application Integration

  • Business Chat: Copilot operates across multiple applications (such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, and Teams) and generates content based on natural language prompts. For instance, it can convert a Word document into a PowerPoint presentation or extract data from Excel to generate a report.

Market and Business Analysis

  • Market Trend Summaries: Copilot can help users summarize market trends, supply and demand relationships, research academic articles, gather customer and competitor intelligence, and develop pricing strategies.

Personalized Experience

  • Personalized Writing: Copilot can modify the writing style to meet user preferences and provide suggestions to strengthen arguments or correct errors, allowing for a more personalized writing experience.