
Midjourney 是一个功能强大的 AI 图像生成工具,能够根据用户输入的文本描述生成高质量的图像。


1. 文本生成图像

Midjourney 的核心功能是通过文本描述生成图像。用户只需输入简单的文字提示,Midjourney 就能将这些语义信息转换为视觉元素,生成精美的图像。

2. 风格参考(sref)

sref(style reference)功能允许用户指定一个或多个图像作为风格参考。Midjourney 将使用这些参考图像来生成具有类似风格的图像。这对于需要特定艺术风格的创作非常有用,例如现实主义、超现实主义、抽象主义等。

3. 内容参考(cref)

cref(content reference)功能允许用户指定一个或多个图像作为内容参考。Midjourney 将使用这些参考图像来生成具有类似内容的图像。cref 功能特别适用于动漫或游戏中的角色和场景生成。

4. 高分辨率图像

Midjourney 可以生成高分辨率的图像,最高可达 4000×4000 像素,满足用户对高质量图片的需求。

5. 多样化的艺术风格

Midjourney 支持多种艺术风格,包括油画、素描、卡通等。用户可以根据需要选择不同的风格来生成图像。

6. 图像修改


7. 实时绘画建议

Midjourney 提供实时绘画建议,帮助用户在创作过程中获得灵感和指导。

8. 个性化设置


9. 图像放大和细节增强

Midjourney 允许用户放大图像的特定部分,并对细节进行增强,以提高图像的视觉效果。

10. 批处理功能

对于需要大量生成图像的用户,Midjourney 提供批处理功能,支持一次生成多个图像(仅限于高级用户)。


1. 基本计划

  • 费用:每月 $10 或每年 $96(相当于每月 $8)。
  • 使用额度:每月 200 分钟的 GPU 时间。

2. 标准计划

  • 费用:每月 $30 或每年 $288(相当于每月 $24)。
  • 使用额度:每月 15 小时的快速生成时间和无限制的放松模式生成时间。

3. 专业计划

  • 费用:每月 $60 或每年 $576(相当于每月 $48)。
  • 使用额度:每月 30 小时的快速生成时间和无限制的放松模式生成时间。
  • 额外功能:隐私生成模式,用户生成的关键词不会展示在会员画廊中。

4. 超级计划

  • 费用:每月 $120 或每年 $1152(相当于每月 $96)。
  • 使用额度:每月 60 小时的快速生成时间和无限制的放松模式生成时间。


  • Midjourney 曾经提供每个 Discord 账号 25 次的免费试用机会,但从 2023 年 3 月 30 日起,免费试用已被取消。


1. 旅行应用

  • 行程规划:Midjourney API 可以快速生成行程规划,包括景点间的最佳路径、预计时间和费用。
  • 路线优化:利用高效的图论算法,如 Dijkstra 或 A* 搜索,实现实时的最短路径计算。

2. 物流配送

  • 最优配送路线:物流公司可以利用 Midjourney API 实现最优配送路线,降低成本,提高效率。

3. 共享出行

  • 导航服务:共享单车或汽车公司可以借助 Midjourney API 提供导航服务,引导用户找到最近的车辆或停车点。

4. 城市规划

  • 交通策略评估:城市规划者可以通过模拟和分析不同的交通策略,评估它们对城市交通的影响。

5. 品牌宣传

  • 视觉设计:Midjourney 可以用于品牌视觉设计,生成高质量的品牌形象和广告素材。
  • 活动运营:根据活动主题快速生成活动主视觉,例如节日活动、日常活动等。

6. B端设计

  • 中后台业务:可应用于中后台业务中的图标、数据大屏、登录页、官网插图等。

7. 拍摄素材

  • 新媒体应用:可应用于业务侧服务场景、新媒体应用、形象宣传等用途。

8. 教育和培训

  • 教学工具:在教育和培训领域,Midjourney 生成的图片可以用于教学材料、课件制作等。

9. 家居设计和装修

  • 虚拟设计体验:客户可以通过 VR 眼镜或手机 App,实时感受设计师的设计理念,并在虚拟空间中进行互动和调整。

10. 游戏和电影

  • 概念艺术:用于游戏和电影的概念艺术设计,生成角色、场景和道具的概念图。
  • 分镜头脚本:生成电影分镜头脚本,帮助导演和制片人更好地规划拍摄。

Midjourney 作为闭源软件,主要通过订阅服务进行商业化运营。用户需要支付订阅费用才能使用其服务。

Midjourney is a powerful AI image generation tool that can create high-quality images based on user-inputted text descriptions.

Main Features

  1. Text-to-Image Generation The core feature of Midjourney is the ability to generate images from text descriptions. Users simply input a basic text prompt, and Midjourney converts this semantic information into visual elements, producing exquisite images.
  2. Style Reference (sref) The sref (style reference) feature allows users to specify one or more images as style references. Midjourney uses these reference images to generate visuals with a similar style. This is particularly useful for creating specific artistic styles, such as realism, surrealism, and abstraction.
  3. Content Reference (cref) The cref (content reference) feature enables users to specify one or more images as content references. Midjourney uses these images to generate visuals with similar content. This feature is especially handy for generating characters and scenes from anime or games.
  4. High-Resolution Images Midjourney can generate high-resolution images, up to 4000×4000 pixels, meeting users’ demands for high-quality visuals.
  5. Diverse Artistic Styles Midjourney supports a wide range of artistic styles, including oil painting, sketching, cartoons, and more. Users can choose different styles to generate the desired images.
  6. Image Modification If the generated image doesn’t meet expectations, users can modify the text prompt to regenerate the image until they are satisfied.
  7. Real-Time Drawing Suggestions Midjourney provides real-time drawing suggestions to help users gain inspiration and guidance during the creative process.
  8. Personalization Settings Users can adjust the degree of stylization in their generated images through personalization settings, allowing for a controlled level of artistic influence.
  9. Image Zoom and Detail Enhancement Midjourney allows users to zoom into specific parts of an image and enhance details, improving the overall visual effect.
  10. Batch Processing For users needing to generate many images, Midjourney offers a batch processing function, enabling the creation of multiple images at once (for advanced users only).

Pricing Plans

  1. Basic Plan
    • Cost: $10 per month or $96 per year (equivalent to $8 per month).
    • Usage: 200 GPU minutes per month.
  2. Standard Plan
    • Cost: $30 per month or $288 per year (equivalent to $24 per month).
    • Usage: 15 hours of fast generation time per month and unlimited relaxed mode generation time.
  3. Pro Plan
    • Cost: $60 per month or $576 per year (equivalent to $48 per month).
    • Usage: 30 hours of fast generation time per month and unlimited relaxed mode generation time.
    • Additional Feature: Private generation mode where user-generated keywords won’t be displayed in the member gallery.
  4. Super Plan
    • Cost: $120 per month or $1152 per year (equivalent to $96 per month).
    • Usage: 60 hours of fast generation time per month and unlimited relaxed mode generation time.

Free Trial

Midjourney used to offer 25 free trial attempts for each Discord account. However, since March 30, 2023, the free trial has been discontinued.

Application Scenarios

  1. Travel Applications
    • Itinerary Planning: The Midjourney API can quickly generate itinerary plans, including optimal paths between attractions, estimated time, and cost.
    • Route Optimization: Uses efficient graph algorithms, like Dijkstra or A* search, to achieve real-time shortest path calculation.
  2. Logistics and Delivery
    • Optimal Delivery Routes: Logistics companies can use the Midjourney API to optimize delivery routes, reducing costs and improving efficiency.
  3. Shared Mobility
    • Navigation Services: Companies offering shared bicycles or cars can leverage the Midjourney API to provide navigation services, guiding users to the nearest vehicle or parking spot.
  4. Urban Planning
    • Traffic Strategy Assessment: Urban planners can simulate and analyze various traffic strategies to evaluate their impact on city traffic.
  5. Brand Promotion
    • Visual Design: Midjourney can be used for brand visual design, generating high-quality brand images and advertising materials.
    • Event Operations: Quickly generate event visuals based on themes, such as holiday events or daily activities.
  6. B2B Design
    • Backend Business: Can be applied to backend business for creating icons, data dashboards, login pages, website illustrations, and more.
  7. Photography Resources
    • New Media Applications: Applicable in business services, new media applications, and image promotion for various uses.
  8. Education and Training
    • Teaching Tools: Images generated by Midjourney can be used in educational materials and courseware production in the education and training sectors.
  9. Home Design and Renovation
    • Virtual Design Experience: Clients can use VR headsets or mobile apps to experience designers’ concepts in real-time and interactively adjust them within virtual spaces.
  10. Gaming and Film
    • Concept Art: Used for concept art design in games and films, generating character, scene, and prop concept images.
    • Storyboarding: Generates movie storyboards to help directors and producers better plan the filming process.

Monetization Model

Midjourney, as a closed-source software, operates commercially through a subscription service. Users need to pay a subscription fee to access its services.
