Leonardo AI

Leonardo AI 是一个强大的 AI 艺术生成器,用户可以通过输入简单的文字描述或上传图像,轻松生成引人注目的数字艺术作品。



  • 文生图(Text-to-Image):用户可以通过输入文字描述生成各种风格的图像,如艺术作品、插图等。
  • 图生图(Image-to-Image):用户可以上传一张图像,并基于该图像生成新的图像,适用于图像风格转换和细节增强。

AI 画布

  • 实时创作:用户可以在 AI 画布上进行实时创作,将初步草图迅速转化为精美的画作,并对生成的图像进行进一步的修改和优化。

3D 纹理生成

  • 高质量 3D 纹理:为 3D 模型生成逼真的纹理,适合游戏开发者和 3D 艺术家,提升建模和渲染的效率。


  • 动画视频:将静态图像转化为动画视频,适用于各种多媒体创作,增强视觉表达的动态效果。


  • 透明 PNG 生成:用户可以方便地生成无背景的 PNG 图像,为设计提供极大的便利,尤其是在图形和网页设计中。


  • 风格多样:包括动漫风格、高速图像生成、摄影效果等多种模型,适应不同创意领域的需求。


  • 免费版:每天可以生成 150 张图像,每生成一张图像会消耗一定的积分,积分每天重置。


Leonardo AI 提供多个付费订阅计划,具体如下:

  • Apprentice Plan:每月 $10,允许每月生成 8,500 张图像,适合刚开始使用 AI 工具的个人用户。
  • Artisan Plan:每月 $24,提供无限制的图像生成次数,适合需要大量生成图像的用户。
  • Maestro Plan:每月 $48,提供 60,000 个快速代币和 180,000 个银行代币,适合专业用户和团队。


  • API Pro Plan:每月 $299,包含 200,000 个 API 代币,适合需要大规模生成图像的企业用户。



  • 数字艺术:艺术家和设计师可以使用 Leonardo AI 生成高质量的数字艺术作品,包括插画、海报和广告素材。
  • 视频制作:通过将静态图像转化为动画视频,内容创作者可以制作引人注目的多媒体内容。

3D 设计

  • 游戏开发:Leonardo AI 的 3D 纹理生成工具可以帮助游戏设计师创建逼真的游戏环境和角色,提高开发效率。
  • 建筑设计:建筑师可以利用 Leonardo AI 生成建筑设计草图和3D模型,快速展示设计概念。



  • 教育材料:教师可以使用 Leonardo AI 生成教学材料,如插图和图表,帮助学生更好地理解复杂概念。
  • AI 教学:学生可以通过 Leonardo AI 学习如何使用 AI 技术进行创作和设计,增强他们的技术技能。



  • 广告素材:营销人员可以快速生成高质量的视觉内容,用于社交媒体广告、网页设计和电子邮件营销,提高品牌的吸引力和互动率。
  • 品牌设计:企业可以利用 Leonardo AI 设计独特的品牌标识和视觉元素,提升品牌形象。


  • 产品展示:在线零售商可以使用 Leonardo AI 生成产品图片和展示视频,增强产品的视觉吸引力。
  • 服装设计:时尚设计师可以利用 Leonardo AI 设计独特的服装图案和款式,快速推出新产品。



  • 角色设计:游戏开发者和动画师可以使用 Leonardo AI 生成独特的角色设计和场景,提升作品的创意和质量。
  • 故事板:电影和动画制作人可以利用 Leonardo AI 生成故事板,快速展示剧情和视觉效果。


  • 内容创作:社交媒体影响者和内容创作者可以使用 Leonardo AI 生成引人注目的图片和视频,提升内容的吸引力和互动性。

Leonardo AI 基于开源的 Stable Diffusion 技术构建,这意味着其核心技术是公开的,任何人都可以查看、修改和使用。

Leonardo AI is a powerful AI art generator that allows users to effortlessly create captivating digital art by inputting simple text descriptions or uploading images.

Main Features

Image Generation

  1. Text-to-Image: Users can generate various styles of images, such as artworks and illustrations, by inputting text descriptions.
  2. Image-to-Image: Users can upload an image and generate a new one based on it, suitable for image style transformation and detail enhancement.

AI Canvas

  • Real-Time Creation: Users can create art in real time on the AI canvas, transforming initial sketches into stunning artworks and further modifying and optimizing generated images.

3D Texture Generation

  • High-Quality 3D Textures: Generate realistic textures for 3D models, ideal for game developers and 3D artists, improving modeling and rendering efficiency.

Video Generation

  • Animated Videos: Transform static images into animated videos, enhancing the dynamic effects in multimedia creations.

Background Removal

  • Transparent PNG Generation: Easily generate background-free PNG images, highly useful for graphic and web design projects.

Multiple Generation Models

  • Diverse Styles: Leonardo AI offers a range of models, including anime styles, high-speed image generation, and photographic effects, catering to different creative fields.

Free Plan

  • Free Version: Users can generate up to 150 images daily, with each image consuming a certain amount of credits, which reset every day.

Paid Plans

Leonardo AI offers several paid subscription plans:

  1. Apprentice Plan: $10 per month, allowing users to generate 8,500 images per month, suitable for individuals just starting with AI tools.
  2. Artisan Plan: $24 per month, offering unlimited image generation, ideal for users needing to generate a large number of images.
  3. Maestro Plan: $48 per month, providing 60,000 fast tokens and 180,000 banked tokens, designed for professional users and teams.

Advanced Features

  • API Pro Plan: $299 per month, includes 200,000 API tokens, suited for enterprises requiring large-scale image generation.

Design and Creativity

Image and Video Generation

  1. Digital Art: Artists and designers can use Leonardo AI to generate high-quality digital art, including illustrations, posters, and advertising materials.
  2. Video Production: Content creators can produce captivating multimedia content by converting static images into animated videos.

3D Design

  1. Game Development: Leonardo AI’s 3D texture generation tool helps game designers create realistic environments and characters, improving development efficiency.
  2. Architectural Design: Architects can quickly generate architectural sketches and 3D models using Leonardo AI to showcase design concepts.

Education and Learning

Teaching Tools

  1. Educational Materials: Teachers can generate educational materials such as illustrations and diagrams using Leonardo AI to help students better understand complex concepts.
  2. AI Learning: Students can learn how to use AI for creative work and design through Leonardo AI, enhancing their technical skills.

Business and Marketing

Digital Marketing

  1. Ad Creatives: Marketers can quickly generate high-quality visual content for social media ads, web design, and email marketing to increase brand appeal and engagement.
  2. Brand Design: Businesses can use Leonardo AI to design unique brand logos and visual elements, enhancing brand identity.


  1. Product Display: Online retailers can generate product images and showcase videos using Leonardo AI, boosting product visual appeal.
  2. Fashion Design: Fashion designers can create unique clothing patterns and styles using Leonardo AI, quickly launching new products.

Entertainment and Media

Games and Animation

  1. Character Design: Game developers and animators can use Leonardo AI to generate unique character designs and scenes, enhancing creativity and quality in their work.
  2. Storyboarding: Movie and animation producers can use Leonardo AI to generate storyboards, quickly visualizing plotlines and visual effects.

Social Media

  • Content Creation: Social media influencers and content creators can generate eye-catching images and videos using Leonardo AI, increasing content engagement and appeal.


Leonardo AI is built on open-source Stable Diffusion technology, meaning its core technology is publicly available for anyone to view, modify, and use.
