
DreamStudio 是由 Stability AI 推出的在线 AI 绘画工具,基于 CLIP 文本图像生成模型。


  • 文本生成图像:用户可以通过输入文字描述来生成图像。DreamStudio 能够理解文字与图像之间的关系,并在几秒钟内生成高质量的图像。
  • 图像编辑:支持对生成的图像进行编辑,包括添加或移除元素、调整图像细节等。用户可以通过这些功能进一步完善和定制图像。
  • 多样化风格:支持多种艺术风格的图像生成,用户可以选择不同的风格提示词、艺术家名称等来生成符合特定风格的图像。
  • 多图画布:允许用户在一个画布上同时处理多个图像,方便进行对比和综合创作。
  • 图像放大:提供图像放大功能,可以在不损失图像质量的情况下放大图像,适用于需要高分辨率图像的场景。
  • 历史记录:保存用户的生成历史,方便用户回顾和再次使用之前的创作。
  • 动画制作:正在开发中的功能,包括使用本地 GPU 制作动画和 PPT 等。


  • 免费积分:新用户注册后可以获得 200 个免费积分,这些积分可以用来生成约 200 张图像。


  • 按需购买积分:用户可以按需购买积分,价格为每 100 个积分 1 美元。积分可以用来生成和编辑图像,具体消耗量取决于图像的复杂度和生成参数。
  • 订阅计划:目前 DreamStudio 主要采用按需购买积分的方式,没有月度或年度订阅计划。



  • 插画和绘画:艺术家可以使用 DreamStudio 生成各种风格的插画和绘画作品,节省创作时间并获得灵感。
  • 漫画和概念设计:适用于漫画创作和概念设计,帮助创作者快速生成角色和场景。


  • 广告图像:广告设计师可以快速生成吸引眼球的广告图像,用于线上和线下的广告宣传。
  • 社交媒体内容:社交媒体经理可以使用 DreamStudio 生成高质量的视觉内容,提高社交媒体帖子的吸引力和互动率。


  • 游戏场景和角色:游戏开发者可以生成游戏场景和角色设计,节省开发时间并提高创意效率。
  • 虚拟现实内容:适用于生成虚拟现实(VR)和增强现实(AR)内容,提供沉浸式体验。


  • 视频动画:支持生成视频动画,适用于多媒体创作和视频制作。
  • PPT和演示文稿:正在开发中的功能,包括使用本地 GPU 制作动画和 PPT 等。


  • 图像增强和修复:提供图像编辑工具,可以对图像进行细节调整、添加或移除元素等。
  • 高分辨率图像生成:支持生成高分辨率图像,适用于需要高质量图像的场景,如印刷和大幅面展示。


  • 教育素材:教师和教育工作者可以使用 DreamStudio 生成教学素材,帮助学生更好地理解课程内容。
  • 科研图像:科研人员可以生成科研图像,用于论文发表和学术交流。

DreamStudio 是 Stability AI 的商业产品,主要用于生成高质量的图像。它最初是闭源的,用户需要通过付费模式来使用其计算资源和 API。尽管 DreamStudio 本身是闭源的,但其底层模型 Stable Diffusion 是开源的,这使得开发者可以在其他平台上使用相同的模型进行开发和实验。

DreamStudio is an online AI art tool launched by Stability AI, based on the CLIP text-to-image generation model.

Key Features

  1. Text-to-Image Generation: Users can create images by inputting text descriptions. DreamStudio understands the relationship between words and images, generating high-quality images within seconds.
  2. Image Editing: Users can edit generated images, including adding or removing elements and adjusting details, allowing for further refinement and customization of the artwork.
  3. Diverse Styles: DreamStudio supports multiple artistic styles. Users can generate images in specific styles by using style keywords, artist names, or other prompts.
  4. Multi-Image Canvas: Allows users to work on multiple images on the same canvas, making it easier to compare and create composite artworks.
  5. Image Upscaling: The tool offers image upscaling capabilities without loss of quality, ideal for high-resolution image needs.
  6. History: It keeps a record of users’ generated images, making it easy to revisit and reuse previous creations.
  7. Animation Creation: Features under development include using local GPUs to create animations and PowerPoint presentations.

Free Trial

  • Free Credits: New users receive 200 free credits upon registration, which can generate around 200 images.

Pricing Plans

  • Pay-As-You-Go: Users can purchase credits as needed, at a rate of $1 for 100 credits. Credits are used for image generation and editing, with consumption varying based on image complexity and generation parameters.
  • Subscription Plans: Currently, DreamStudio primarily operates on a pay-as-you-go credit system without monthly or annual subscription options.

Use Cases

Artistic Creation

  1. Illustration and Painting: Artists can generate illustrations and artworks in various styles, saving time and finding creative inspiration.
  2. Comics and Concept Design: Suitable for comic creation and concept design, helping creators quickly generate characters and scenes.

Advertising and Marketing

  1. Ad Images: Ad designers can quickly generate eye-catching images for online and offline campaigns.
  2. Social Media Content: Social media managers can use DreamStudio to create high-quality visual content to enhance the appeal and engagement of social media posts.

Game Development

  1. Game Scenes and Characters: Game developers can generate scenes and character designs, saving time and boosting creativity.
  2. Virtual Reality Content: Useful for generating content for virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR), providing immersive experiences.

Video and Animation

  1. Video Animations: DreamStudio supports video animation creation, suitable for multimedia and video production.
  2. PPT and Presentations: Features under development include using local GPUs to create animations and PowerPoint presentations.

Image Editing

  1. Image Enhancement and Restoration: Provides tools for adjusting image details, adding or removing elements, and enhancing image quality.
  2. High-Resolution Image Generation: Supports generating high-resolution images, ideal for printing and large-format displays.

Education and Research

  1. Educational Materials: Teachers and educators can generate teaching materials to help students better understand course content.
  2. Research Images: Researchers can generate images for academic papers and presentations.

DreamStudio and Stability AI

DreamStudio is a commercial product by Stability AI designed for generating high-quality images. While DreamStudio itself is proprietary, its underlying model, Stable Diffusion, is open-source, allowing developers to use the same model on other platforms for development and experimentation.
