
Dreamlike.art 是一个利用人工智能(AI)技术生成艺术作品的平台。该平台提供多种功能和工具,帮助用户快速创建高质量的原创艺术作品。



  • 文本生成图像:用户可以输入文本提示,AI会根据这些提示生成相应的图像。
  • 图像生成新图像和变体:用户可以上传现有图像,AI会基于这些图像生成新的变体或完全不同的图像。


  • 图像放大:通过AI技术将图像放大到原始尺寸的四倍而不损失质量。
  • 面部修复:修复图像中的面部细节,使其更加清晰和自然。
  • 去噪和修复:去除图像中的噪点、模糊和损坏等缺陷。


  • 无限画布:允许用户在一个扩展的空间内进行创作,适合生成大尺寸的图像。
  • 多种艺术风格:支持多种艺术风格,包括Dreamlike Diffusion、Dreamlike Photoreal、Stable Diffusion 1.5、Anime Diffusion (Eimis)和Openjourney Diffusion。
  • 参数调节:用户可以调节生成图像的各种参数,如注意力控制和迭代步骤,以获得更精确的结果。


  • 快速生成:AI生成图像的速度非常快,通常在10秒左右就能生成高质量的图像。
  • 互动性:提供与艺术家互动的机会,用户可以了解作品背后的灵感,甚至参与创作过程。
  • 教育资源:提供艺术教育资源,包括在线课程、工作坊和讲座,旨在激发和培养新一代艺术家。


  • 展示和出售:用户可以在平台上展示和出售他们的数字艺术作品,形成一个独特的艺术市场。


  • 免费计划:用户可以免费使用Dreamlike.art,但有一些限制。免费用户初始获得50个积分,并且每天可以领取24个免费积分。


Dreamlike.art 提供三种付费计划,用户可以根据需求选择适合自己的计划:

  • 核心计划(Core Plan)
    • 价格:每月$12(按年计费)或每月$16(按月计费)。
    • 积分:每月3,000个积分。
  • 专业计划(Pro Plan)
    • 价格:每月$24(按年计费)或每月$30(按月计费)。
    • 积分:每月12,000个积分。
  • 超值计划(Ultra Plan)
    • 价格:每月$48(按年计费)或每月$60(按月计费)。
    • 积分:每月30,000个积分。



  • 数字艺术:用户可以使用Dreamlike.art创建美丽的数字绘画、插图和头像等。
  • 艺术家和设计师:艺术家和设计师可以利用该平台生成独特的艺术作品,作为其项目的灵感来源或直接用于创作。


  • 博客和社交媒体:内容创作者可以生成视觉效果出众的图像,用于博客文章、社交媒体帖子和其他在线内容。
  • 营销和广告:企业和个人可以利用Dreamlike.art创作独特的营销素材,提升品牌形象,吸引更多关注。


  • 教学材料:教师和学生可以利用Dreamlike.art的创作工具制作富有个性的教学材料和演示文稿,提高教学效果。
  • 艺术教育:平台提供的工具和资源可以用于艺术教育,帮助学生学习和掌握数字艺术创作技巧。


  • 故事和漫画:用户可以利用Dreamlike.art创作有趣的故事、漫画和图像小说,丰富自己的业余生活。
  • 游戏开发:游戏开发者可以使用该平台生成游戏中的视觉元素,如角色设计、背景和道具等。


  • 图像增强:用户可以通过放大、去噪和面部修复等功能,提升图像的质量和细节。
  • 变体生成:用户可以上传现有图像,AI会基于这些图像生成新的变体或完全不同的图像,适用于创意项目和设计工作。


  • 产品设计:设计师可以使用Dreamlike.art生成产品概念图和设计草图,帮助快速迭代和优化设计方案。
  • 品牌推广:企业可以利用平台生成高质量的视觉内容,用于品牌推广和市场营销活动。

Dreamlike.art is a platform that utilizes artificial intelligence (AI) technology to generate artwork. It offers a variety of features and tools that help users quickly create high-quality, original art pieces.

Key Features

Image Generation

  1. Text-to-Image: Users can input text prompts, and the AI will generate corresponding images based on these descriptions.
  2. Image-to-Image Variations: Users can upload existing images, and the AI will generate new variations or completely different images based on the originals.

Image Enhancement

  1. Image Upscaling: AI technology enlarges images up to four times their original size without losing quality.
  2. Face Restoration: Improves facial details in images, making them clearer and more natural.
  3. Denoising and Repair: Removes noise, blurring, and defects from images.

Creative Tools

  1. Infinite Canvas: Allows users to create on an extended workspace, ideal for generating large-sized images.
  2. Various Art Styles: Supports multiple artistic styles, including Dreamlike Diffusion, Dreamlike Photoreal, Stable Diffusion 1.5, Anime Diffusion (Eimis), and Openjourney Diffusion.
  3. Parameter Adjustments: Users can fine-tune parameters such as attention control and iteration steps to achieve more precise results.

User Experience

  1. Fast Generation: The AI generates high-quality images in about 10 seconds.
  2. Interactivity: Provides opportunities to interact with artists, allowing users to learn about the inspiration behind artworks or even participate in the creation process.
  3. Educational Resources: Offers art education resources such as online courses, workshops, and lectures, aiming to inspire and nurture the next generation of artists.


  1. Exhibit and Sell: Users can showcase and sell their digital artwork on the platform, creating a unique art market.

Free Plan

  • Free Plan: Users can use Dreamlike.art for free, but with certain limitations. Free users receive 50 initial credits and can claim 24 free credits daily.

Paid Plans

Dreamlike.art offers three paid subscription plans, allowing users to choose the plan that suits their needs:

  1. Core Plan:
    • Price: $12 per month (billed annually) or $16 per month (billed monthly).
    • Credits: 3,000 credits per month.
  2. Pro Plan:
    • Price: $24 per month (billed annually) or $30 per month (billed monthly).
    • Credits: 12,000 credits per month.
  3. Ultra Plan:
    • Price: $48 per month (billed annually) or $60 per month (billed monthly).
    • Credits: 30,000 credits per month.

Use Cases

Artistic Creation

  1. Digital Art: Users can create beautiful digital paintings, illustrations, and portraits using Dreamlike.art.
  2. Artists and Designers: Artists and designers can use the platform to generate unique artwork for inspiration or direct use in projects.

Content Creation

  1. Blogs and Social Media: Content creators can generate visually striking images for blog posts, social media, and other online content.
  2. Marketing and Advertising: Businesses and individuals can use Dreamlike.art to create unique marketing materials to enhance brand image and attract attention.

Educational Use

  1. Teaching Materials: Teachers and students can use Dreamlike.art’s tools to create personalized teaching materials and presentations for improved educational outcomes.
  2. Art Education: The platform’s tools and resources can be used in art education, helping students learn and master digital art creation techniques.

Entertainment and Leisure

  1. Stories and Comics: Users can create fun stories, comics, and graphic novels with Dreamlike.art, enriching their leisure time.
  2. Game Development: Game developers can generate visual elements like character designs, backgrounds, and props for their games.

Image Processing

  1. Image Enhancement: Users can improve image quality and details through functions like upscaling, denoising, and face restoration.
  2. Variation Generation: Users can upload existing images, and the AI will generate new variations or entirely different images, making it suitable for creative projects and design work.

Commercial Use

  1. Product Design: Designers can use Dreamlike.art to create product concept images and design sketches, helping to iterate and optimize design solutions quickly.
  2. Brand Promotion: Businesses can generate high-quality visual content for brand promotion and marketing campaigns using the platform.