



  • 用户只需输入最少5个字的灵感关键词,海绵音乐将基于这些关键词生成歌词,帮助用户快速启动音乐创作过程。


  • 用户可以自定义音乐的各个方面,包括旋律、节奏、和声等,生成个性化的音乐作品。


  • 提供“一键生成”功能,用户可以输入一句话灵感或歌词,即可快速生成相应的音乐作品。


  • 支持多种音乐风格,如R&B、摇滚、嘻哈、电子、国风等,满足不同用户的个性化需求。


  • 用户可以根据音乐想要传达的情感,选择相应的心情选项,如活力、EMO、怀旧等,并选择女声或男声进行演唱。


  • 在生成歌词后,用户可以进行续写、换韵脚或更换主题风格,提供丰富的编辑选项以满足个性化需求。


  • 海绵音乐在中文歌曲处理上表现出色,通过减少电音使用、提高吐字清晰度和演唱流畅性,提供更自然的母语音乐体验。


  • 用户可以将自己的创作分享到社交媒体,通过分享链接与他人共享音乐作品。


  • 免费试用:目前,海绵音乐提供免费试用,用户可以免费生成和分享音乐作品。
  • 内测阶段:在内测阶段,用户每次可以生成1分钟时长的歌曲,并支持通过链接分享。


  • 正式发布后:具体的收费方式及定价计划将在正式发布后公布,目前尚未明确。



  • 用户可以在日常生活中使用海绵音乐来聆听和创作音乐,放松心情,享受音乐带来的乐趣。


  • 在朋友聚会或社交活动中,用户可以使用海绵音乐来播放和创作音乐,营造良好的聚会氛围。


  • 即使没有专业音乐技能,音乐爱好者也可以通过海绵音乐平台轻松创作出独特的音乐作品,满足个人创作需求。


  • 视频博主、播客制作者等需要背景音乐或原创音乐的内容创作者,可以通过海绵音乐快速定制适合他们作品氛围和主题的音乐。


  • 广告创意团队可以使用海绵音乐为广告创意提供匹配的音乐素材,提升广告的吸引力和感染力。


  • 影视制作团队可以利用海绵音乐为电影、电视剧等影视作品快速生成背景音乐和主题曲,节省创作时间和成本。


  • 音乐教育机构和教师可以使用海绵音乐作为教学工具,帮助学生理解和创作音乐,提高教学效果。


  • 商业场景中,企业可以使用海绵音乐为品牌活动、产品发布会等生成定制化的音乐,增强品牌形象。




Sponge Music is an AI-powered music creation platform developed by ByteDance, designed to generate personalized music using artificial intelligence technology. The platform offers a variety of features, allowing users to easily create and share music.

Key Features

Inspiration-Based Creation

Users only need to input a minimum of five characters as inspiration keywords, and Sponge Music will generate lyrics based on these keywords, helping to kickstart the music creation process quickly.

Custom Music Creation

Users can customize various aspects of the music, including melody, rhythm, harmony, and more, to create personalized music tracks.

One-Click Generation

With the “one-click generation” feature, users can input a single sentence of inspiration or lyrics, and quickly generate a corresponding music track.

Diverse Music Styles

Sponge Music supports a wide range of music genres, such as R&B, rock, hip-hop, electronic, and Chinese traditional styles, catering to different user preferences.

Emotion and Voice Options

Users can choose the mood they want to convey, such as energetic, emo, nostalgic, and more. Additionally, they can select male or female vocals for the performance.

Music Editing Tools

After generating lyrics, users can continue writing, change rhyme schemes, or switch themes and styles, providing ample editing options for a personalized music experience.

High-Quality Music Experience

Sponge Music excels in handling Chinese songs by reducing the use of electronic sounds and improving pronunciation clarity and vocal smoothness, offering a more natural native language music experience.

Social Sharing

Users can share their creations on social media by generating a link, allowing others to enjoy and share the music.

Current Pricing

  • Free Trial: Currently, Sponge Music offers a free trial, allowing users to generate and share music.
  • Beta Phase: During the beta phase, users can generate songs of up to one minute in length and share them via a link.

Future Pricing Plans

  • Post-Official Launch: The exact pricing and subscription plans will be announced after the official release, and details are yet to be confirmed.

Use Cases

Everyday Entertainment

Users can create and listen to music for leisure, relaxation, and enjoyment in their daily lives.

Party Atmosphere

Sponge Music can be used to play and create music at social gatherings, adding to the fun and creating a lively atmosphere.

Music Enthusiasts

Even without professional music skills, music lovers can use the platform to easily create unique songs, fulfilling their personal creative needs.

Content Creators

Video bloggers, podcasters, and other content creators can quickly customize background or original music for their content, perfectly matching the mood and theme.

Advertisement Production

Creative teams can use Sponge Music to generate music that complements their ad concepts, enhancing the appeal and impact of their advertisements.

Film Scoring

Film production teams can use Sponge Music to quickly generate background music and theme songs for movies, TV shows, and other projects, saving time and costs.

Music Education

Music education institutions and teachers can utilize Sponge Music as a teaching tool, helping students understand and create music, thus improving the teaching experience.

Commercial Use

In commercial settings, businesses can use Sponge Music to generate custom music for brand events, product launches, and more, enhancing brand image.

Technical and Access Information

Sponge Music, developed by ByteDance, utilizes AI technology to generate personalized music. It is not open-source, with its technology and algorithms being developed and maintained internally by ByteDance.

During the beta phase, an invitation code is required to use the platform, which is primarily aimed at Chinese users.
