
Udio 是一个由 Uncharted Labs 开发的 AI 模型,专门用于生成音乐和其他音频内容。这个平台非常多功能,允许用户探索、创作和分享各种音乐类型,包括摇滚、电子、流行、爵士等。



  • 用户可以通过简单的文字描述生成带有歌词的音乐作品。描述可以包括音乐风格、主题、情感等。


  • Udio 支持多种音乐风格,包括流行、电子、爵士、摇滚、福音、蓝调等,还可以生成纯音乐和带有人声的歌曲。


  • 用户可以自定义歌词,支持多种语言,如中文、日语、俄语、法语等。可以指定主歌、副歌、钩子等部分。


  • 在音乐编辑界面,用户可以拖放各种音乐元素,如旋律、和弦、节拍等,进行音乐创作。


  • Udio 支持无损音频格式导出,用户可以将自己创作的音乐作品以高质量音频格式保存和分享。


  • 用户可以在 Udio 社区浏览其他用户的作品,关注喜欢的作者,评论和点赞作品,与其他用户交流互动。


  • 支持用户之间的协作创作,可以共同编辑和完善音乐作品。


  • 除了英语,Udio 还支持中文、日语、俄语、法语等多种语言的歌词创作。


  • 用户可以根据需要扩展和定制音轨的长度和结构。


  • 用户可以下载创作的音频/视频,并导出音轨以用于专业数字音频工作站(DAW)。


  • 内置音乐探索功能,帮助用户发现新的音乐作品和创作灵感。



  • 在测试阶段,Udio 提供每月最多生成 1200 首音乐的免费服务。


  • 每月收费 $10,包括 1200 个积分,这些积分足以生成约 1200 个 30 秒的音乐片段。


  • 每月收费 $30,包括 4800 个积分,适合需要大量生成音乐的高级用户。年度专业订阅享受八折优惠。



  • Udio 为个人音乐爱好者提供了一个简单易用的平台,用户可以快速生成创意灵感或制作完整的音乐作品。


  • 视频创作者可以使用 Udio 生成独特的背景音乐,用于视频项目、电影、广告等,提升作品的专业性和吸引力。


  • Udio 可以用于音乐教育和培训,帮助学生理解音乐创作的过程,提供互动式的学习体验。


  • 广告公司可以使用 Udio 生成独特的广告背景音乐,提升品牌形象和广告效果。


  • 娱乐行业的从业者可以利用 Udio 生成各种风格的音乐作品,用于游戏、动画、舞台剧等多种娱乐内容。


  • Udio 提供了一个协作平台,音乐创作者可以共同创作和编辑音乐作品,促进团队合作和创意交流。


  • Udio 提供了一系列音频处理工具,如均衡器、压缩器、混响和延迟,用户可以用这些工具来增强和修改音频信号。


  • Udio 允许开发者创建虚拟音频设备,如麦克风、扬声器和 MIDI 设备,适用于构建自定义音频系统和应用程序。


  • Udio 被用于构建教育互动应用,如语言学习和发音训练,通过游戏和练习帮助用户学习语言。


  • Udio 的语音识别和转录功能可以用于医疗领域,将语音记录自动转录为文本,提高工作效率。

Udio is an AI model developed by Uncharted Labs, designed specifically for generating music and other audio content. This versatile platform allows users to explore, create, and share various music genres, including rock, electronic, pop, jazz, and more.

Key Features

  1. Text-to-Music Generation:
    • Users can generate music with lyrics by providing simple text descriptions. The description can include musical style, themes, emotions, etc.
  2. Support for Multiple Music Genres:
    • Udio supports a wide range of music genres, including pop, electronic, jazz, rock, gospel, and blues. It can also generate instrumental and vocal tracks.
  3. Lyric Creation:
    • Users can customize their lyrics, supporting multiple languages such as Chinese, Japanese, Russian, French, and more. They can specify sections like verses, choruses, and hooks.
  4. Drag-and-Drop Editing:
    • In the music editing interface, users can drag and drop various musical elements such as melodies, chords, and beats to create music.
  5. High-Quality Audio Output:
    • Udio supports lossless audio format exports, allowing users to save and share their music creations in high-quality audio.
  6. Community Interaction:
    • Users can browse other users’ creations within the Udio community, follow favorite artists, comment, like, and engage with others.
  7. Collaboration Features:
    • Udio supports collaborative creation, allowing users to co-edit and enhance music projects together.
  8. Multi-Language Support:
    • In addition to English, Udio supports lyric creation in various languages such as Chinese, Japanese, Russian, and French.
  9. Track Length Expansion and Customization:
    • Users can expand and customize the length and structure of their tracks as needed.
  10. Professional Export Options:
    • Users can download their created audio or video, and export tracks for use in professional digital audio workstations (DAWs).
  11. Explore and Discover:
    • Udio offers a built-in music discovery feature, helping users find new music and creative inspiration.

Pricing Plans

  1. Free Plan:
    • During the testing phase, Udio offers a free service that allows users to generate up to 1,200 tracks per month.
  2. Standard Subscription:
    • Priced at $10 per month, it includes 1,200 credits, enough to generate approximately 1,200 30-second music clips.
  3. Professional Subscription:
    • Priced at $30 per month, it includes 4,800 credits, ideal for advanced users who need to generate a large volume of music. An annual professional subscription is offered at a 20% discount.

Application Scenarios

  1. Personal Music Creation:
    • Udio provides an easy-to-use platform for individual music enthusiasts, enabling them to quickly generate creative ideas or produce complete music tracks.
  2. Media Production:
    • Video creators can use Udio to generate unique background music for video projects, films, advertisements, and more, enhancing the professionalism and appeal of their work.
  3. Music Education:
    • Udio can be used in music education and training to help students understand the process of music creation, providing an interactive learning experience.
  4. Advertising Production:
    • Advertising agencies can use Udio to generate unique background music for commercials, improving brand image and advertisement effectiveness.
  5. Entertainment Industry:
    • Professionals in the entertainment industry can use Udio to generate music for various applications, including games, animations, theater productions, and other entertainment content.
  6. Collaborative Creation:
    • Udio provides a platform for collaborative music creation, allowing music creators to work together on projects, fostering teamwork and creative exchange.
  7. Audio Processing and Enhancement:
    • Udio offers a range of audio processing tools such as equalizers, compressors, reverb, and delay, allowing users to enhance and modify audio signals.
  8. Virtual Audio Devices:
    • Udio enables developers to create virtual audio devices such as microphones, speakers, and MIDI devices, suitable for building custom audio systems and applications.
  9. Educational Interactive Applications:
    • Udio is used to build educational interactive applications like language learning and pronunciation training, using games and exercises to help users learn new languages.
  10. Medical Voice Transcription:
    • Udio’s voice recognition and transcription capabilities can be applied in the medical field, automatically converting voice recordings into text, improving workflow efficiency.