
Runway AI是一家专注于生成式人工智能(AI)研究和技术的美国公司,成立于2018年,总部位于纽约市。Runway提供了超过30种AI驱动的创意工具,用于生成视频、图像、动画等内容。


  • Stable Diffusion:用于高分辨率图像生成的潜在扩散模型,能够创建高质量的图像。
  • 图像扩展(Expand Image):可以扩展现有图像,增加新的元素,使图像尺寸扩大。
  • 图像变体(Image Variation):生成上传图像的不同变体,保持原始风格和构图。


  • Gen-1 和 Gen-2:文本生成视频模型,用户只需描述想要的视频内容和风格,即可生成相应的视频。
  • Gen-3 Alpha:最新的视频生成模型,能够生成高分辨率、详细且一致的视频。
  • 动态追踪:通过AI技术辨别视频中物体的运动轨迹,并附上其他元素,使这些元素自动跟随物体运动。
  • AI 调色:自动分析画面色彩等级,并根据文本描述调整视频色调。
  • 背景移除:从视频中删除背景,允许用户更改背景。


  • AI Audio:自动生成文字稿,去除空白音频和背景杂音。

3D 内容生成

  • 3D 捕捉(3D Capture):从视频中创建3D模型。
  • 3D 纹理(3D Texture):使用文本提示生成3D资产的原始纹理,调整分辨率、网格、光照等设置。


  • 实时协作:支持团队成员之间的实时协作。
  • 多媒体支持:支持多种媒体格式的编辑和生成。
  • 场景检测:自动将上传的视频分割成多个片段。
  • 深度图效果:自动生成视频的深度图,为后期处理提供支持。


  1. 标准版
    • 价格:每用户每月 $12
    • 适合个人用户,提供基本的图像和视频生成功能.
  2. 专业版(Pro)
    • 价格:每用户每月 $28
    • 提供更多的功能和更高的资源配额,包括高级视频编辑工具和自定义 AI 生成器训练.
  3. 无限版(Unlimited)
    • 价格:每用户每月 $76(按年预付)或 $95(按月支付)
    • 包括所有专业版功能以及无限的视频生成和更多的高级功能.
  4. 企业定制
    • 价格:根据需求定制
    • 提供专属的 AI 模型训练、高级技术支持和更高的资源配额,适合大型企业或有特殊需求的用户.


Runway AI 提供一个基本计划作为免费试用,允许用户在承诺付费之前探索平台的基本功能.


Runway AI 的工具被广泛应用于电影制作中,帮助电影制片人创建高质量的视觉效果和复杂的场景。例如,电影《瞬息全宇宙》就使用了 Runway 的技术来实现其动态视觉效果。


广告创意人员可以利用 Runway AI 的图像和视频生成工具快速创建引人注目的广告内容。通过文本到图像或视频的生成功能,广告创意可以更迅速地从概念转化为实际视觉内容。


Runway AI 的工具非常适合社交媒体内容创作者。用户可以快速生成高质量的图像和视频,用于平台如 Instagram、TikTok 和 YouTube 等。自动背景移除、动态追踪和 AI 调色等功能可以显著提升内容的专业性和吸引力。


音乐艺术家和视频制作人可以利用 Runway AI 的视频生成和编辑工具来创建独特的音乐视频。知名音乐艺术家如 A$AP Rocky 和 Kanye West 已经在他们的音乐视频制作中使用了 Runway 的技术。


游戏开发者可以使用 Runway AI 的 3D 捕捉和 3D 纹理生成工具来创建游戏中的角色和场景。这些工具可以显著减少开发时间和成本,同时提高游戏的视觉质量。


Runway AI 提供的工具也被用于教育和研究领域。学生和研究人员可以利用这些工具进行各种实验和项目,探索生成式 AI 的潜力和应用。


品牌营销人员可以利用 Runway AI 的图像和视频生成工具来创建品牌推广内容。通过自定义 AI 模型训练,品牌可以生成符合其独特风格和需求的视觉内容。


艺术家和设计师可以利用 Runway AI 的生成工具来探索新的创作方式和风格。文本到图像和图像变体生成功能可以帮助艺术家快速实现他们的创意构想。

Runway AI is a U.S.-based company specializing in generative artificial intelligence (AI) research and technology. Founded in 2018 and headquartered in New York City, Runway offers over 30 AI-powered creative tools for generating video, images, animations, and more.

Image Generation and Editing

  • Stable Diffusion: A latent diffusion model for generating high-resolution images capable of producing high-quality visuals.
  • Expand Image: Allows users to extend existing images, adding new elements to expand the image size.
  • Image Variation: Generates different variations of uploaded images while maintaining the original style and composition.

Video Generation and Editing

  • Gen-1 and Gen-2: Text-to-video generation models that enable users to create videos by simply describing the desired content and style.
  • Gen-3 Alpha: The latest video generation model capable of producing high-resolution, detailed, and consistent videos.
  • Dynamic Tracking: AI-powered object motion tracking in videos, allowing users to attach elements that automatically follow moving objects.
  • AI Color Grading: Automatically analyzes color levels in a scene and adjusts video tones based on text descriptions.
  • Background Removal: Removes backgrounds from videos, allowing users to change the background.

Audio Processing

  • AI Audio: Automatically generates transcripts and removes silence and background noise from audio recordings.

3D Content Generation

  • 3D Capture: Creates 3D models from videos.
  • 3D Texture: Generates original textures for 3D assets using text prompts, with settings for resolution, mesh, lighting, and more.

Other Features

  • Real-Time Collaboration: Supports real-time collaboration among team members.
  • Multimedia Support: Allows editing and generation in multiple media formats.
  • Scene Detection: Automatically segments uploaded videos into multiple clips.
  • Depth Map Effects: Automatically generates depth maps for videos to aid in post-production effects.

Subscription Plans

  • Standard Plan:
    • Price: $12 per user per month
    • Suitable for individuals, offering basic image and video generation functions.
  • Professional (Pro) Plan:
    • Price: $28 per user per month
    • Offers more features and higher resource quotas, including advanced video editing tools and custom AI model training.
  • Unlimited Plan:
    • Price: $76 per user per month (annual payment) or $95 (monthly payment)
    • Includes all Pro features, unlimited video generation, and additional advanced features.
  • Enterprise Custom:
    • Price: Custom pricing based on needs
    • Offers dedicated AI model training, advanced technical support, and higher resource quotas, ideal for large enterprises or users with specific requirements.

Free Trial

Runway AI provides a basic free trial plan, allowing users to explore the platform’s basic features before committing to a paid subscription.

Use Cases

  1. Film Production: Runway AI’s tools are widely used in film production, helping filmmakers create high-quality visual effects and complex scenes. For example, the movie Everything Everywhere All at Once utilized Runway’s technology to achieve its dynamic visual effects.
  2. Advertising Production: Creative professionals in advertising can use Runway AI’s image and video generation tools to quickly produce compelling ad content. The text-to-image and text-to-video generation features allow ad creatives to turn concepts into actual visuals more efficiently.
  3. Social Media Content Creation: Runway AI’s tools are ideal for social media content creators. Users can quickly generate high-quality images and videos for platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube. Features like background removal, dynamic tracking, and AI color grading enhance the professionalism and appeal of the content.
  4. Music Video Production: Music artists and video producers can use Runway AI’s video generation and editing tools to create unique music videos. Well-known music artists such as A$AP Rocky and Kanye West have used Runway’s technology in their music video productions.
  5. Game Development: Game developers can use Runway AI’s 3D capture and 3D texture generation tools to create in-game characters and environments. These tools significantly reduce development time and costs while enhancing the visual quality of the game.
  6. Education and Research: Runway AI’s tools are also used in educational and research fields. Students and researchers can leverage these tools for various experiments and projects, exploring the potential and applications of generative AI.
  7. Brand Marketing: Brand marketers can use Runway AI’s image and video generation tools to create promotional content. Through custom AI model training, brands can generate visual content that aligns with their unique style and needs.
  8. Artistic Creation: Artists and designers can explore new creative styles and approaches using Runway AI’s generative tools. The text-to-image and image variation generation features help artists quickly realize their creative ideas.