
PixVerse 是一个由人工智能驱动的视频创作平台,允许用户将自己的想法转化为令人惊叹的视觉内容。该平台通过强大的生成式AI模型,将图像、文本和音频等多模态输入转化为精彩绝伦的视频。


  • 文生视频
    • 用户可以通过输入描述性文字,AI会自动生成与之匹配的视频内容。这对于快速制作短视频、广告或故事片非常有用。
  • 图生视频
    • 用户可以上传一张图像,AI会根据图像的特征生成动态视频。这种功能在动画制作、游戏设计和虚拟现实等领域具有广泛的应用前景。
  • 视频分辨率提升 (Upscale)
    • 提供将视频分辨率提升至4K的功能,使视频更加清晰和细致。
  • 多样化影片风格
    • 支持生成多种风格的影片,包括真实风格、动漫风格和3D卡通风格,满足不同创作需求。
  • 角色创建
    • 用户可以上传图像生成固定角色视频,并为角色添加动作和表情。这在动画制作和虚拟角色创建中非常有用。
  • 帧率提升和去噪
    • 提供帧率提升和去噪功能,进一步提高视频的质量和观感。
  • 字幕修复和音频提升
    • 支持字幕修复和音频质量提升,使视频更加专业和易于理解。


  • 功能:允许用户试用基本功能。
  • 限制:导出的视频会带有水印,且对素材库和模板的访问有限。


  1. Pro 计划
    • 价格:每月 $29。
    • 功能:包括高级功能、无水印、更高的视频质量,以及访问更大规模的素材库和模板。
    • 适用人群:适合需要定期制作视频的专业用户。
  2. 其他付费计划
    • 标准计划:每月 $10,提供每日和每月的更新积分、去水印功能,以及最多3个并发视频生成。
    • 自定义计划:适用于企业用户,根据团队需求和操作规模提供定制解决方案。


  • 广告视频:广告商可以使用 PixVerse 快速创建高质量的广告视频,吸引消费者的眼球。
  • 品牌推广:为企业和品牌创造吸引人的广告视频,提升品牌知名度和市场影响力。


  • 短视频创作:为社交媒体平台(如 TikTok、Instagram 和 YouTube)制作独特的视频内容,吸引关注和互动。
  • 用户生成内容:帮助用户快速制作个性化的短视频和动画,记录生活点滴,分享创意想法。


  • 教学视频:教育机构可以利用 PixVerse 制作教学视频,帮助学生更好地理解和掌握知识点。
  • 培训材料:企业可以创建培训视频,提高员工的学习效率和培训效果。


  • 动画制作:为电影和视频制作提供动画支持,生成高质量的动画片段。
  • 故事片:快速制作短视频、广告或故事片,节省制作时间和成本。


  • 新闻报道:媒体机构可以利用 PixVerse 生成新闻报道中的动态画面,增强报道的生动性和可读性。
  • 动态内容:为新闻和媒体内容添加动态效果,使其更具吸引力。


  • 故事讲述:制作动画故事、音乐视频或视觉叙事,为创意项目提供支持。
  • 虚拟角色:创建虚拟角色并为其赋予动态效果和动作,适用于动画制作和游戏设计。


  • 智能美颜:通过 PixVerse 技术实现智能美颜,应用于照片和视频的美化处理。
  • 视频分辨率提升:提高视频分辨率,使旧视频或低分辨率视频焕然一新。

PixVerse 是一个闭源的AI视频生成工具,提供高性能和丰富的功能,适合需要高质量视频生成的用户使用。

PixVerse is an AI-powered video creation platform that enables users to transform their ideas into stunning visual content. By leveraging powerful generative AI models, the platform converts multimodal inputs such as images, text, and audio into remarkable videos.

Key Features

  1. Text-to-Video: Users can input descriptive text, and the AI will automatically generate matching video content. This is useful for quickly creating short videos, advertisements, or feature films.
  2. Image-to-Video: Users can upload an image, and the AI will generate dynamic video based on the image’s features. This function has broad applications in animation production, game design, and virtual reality.
  3. Video Upscaling: Provides a feature to upscale video resolution to 4K, making videos clearer and more detailed.
  4. Diverse Video Styles: Supports the generation of various video styles, including realistic, anime, and 3D cartoon styles, catering to different creative needs.
  5. Character Creation: Users can upload images to generate fixed character videos, adding actions and expressions to the characters. This is highly useful in animation production and virtual character creation.
  6. Frame Rate Boost and Noise Reduction: Offers frame rate boosting and noise reduction functions to further enhance the quality and viewing experience of videos.
  7. Subtitle Restoration and Audio Enhancement: Supports subtitle restoration and audio quality improvement, making videos more professional and easier to understand.

Free Plan

  • Features: Allows users to try out basic features.
  • Limitations: Exported videos come with a watermark, and access to the media library and templates is limited.

Paid Plans

  1. Pro Plan
    • Price: $29 per month.
    • Features: Includes advanced features, watermark removal, higher video quality, and access to a larger library of media and templates.
    • Target Audience: Suitable for professional users who regularly produce videos.
  2. Other Paid Plans
    • Standard Plan: $10 per month, offers daily and monthly credits, watermark removal, and up to 3 concurrent video generations.
    • Custom Plan: Designed for enterprise users, offering tailored solutions based on team needs and operational scale.


  1. Advertising and Marketing
    • Ad Videos: Advertisers can use PixVerse to quickly create high-quality ad videos that capture consumer attention.
    • Brand Promotion: Create engaging promotional videos for businesses and brands, boosting brand awareness and market influence.
  2. Social Media Content
    • Short Video Creation: Produce unique videos for social media platforms like TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube to capture attention and foster engagement.
    • User-Generated Content: Help users quickly create personalized short videos and animations to document life moments and share creative ideas.
  3. Education and E-learning
    • Educational Videos: Educational institutions can use PixVerse to create instructional videos, helping students better understand and grasp key concepts.
    • Training Materials: Businesses can create training videos to enhance employee learning efficiency and training effectiveness.
  4. Film and Video Production
    • Animation Production: Supports animation production, generating high-quality animated segments.
    • Feature Films: Quickly create short videos, ads, or feature films, saving production time and cost.
  5. Media and News
    • News Reporting: Media organizations can use PixVerse to generate dynamic footage for news reports, making them more engaging and readable.
    • Dynamic Content: Add dynamic effects to media content to increase its appeal.
  6. Creative and Entertainment
    • Storytelling: Produce animated stories, music videos, or visual narratives to support creative projects.
    • Virtual Characters: Create virtual characters with dynamic effects and actions, applicable in animation production and game design.
  7. Other Applications
    • Smart Beauty Enhancement: Use PixVerse technology for intelligent beauty enhancement, applicable to photo and video beautification.
    • Video Upscaling: Improve the resolution of videos, rejuvenating old or low-resolution videos.

Open/Closed Source Model

PixVerse is a closed-source AI video generation tool that offers high performance and a rich set of features, making it ideal for users who need high-quality video generation.
