


  • 文本到视频生成:用户可以通过输入简短的文字描述,Haiper AI能够理解用户的想法,并将其转化为视频内容。这一功能让创意表达变得更加直接,无需复杂的视频编辑技巧。
  • 图像到视频生成:用户可以上传静态图像,AI会根据图像内容生成动态视频。这一功能使得静态图片变得生动有趣。
  • 视频重绘:Haiper AI提供视频重绘功能,允许用户为旧视频增添新的元素或者改变其风格。用户可以轻松调整视频的色彩、纹理和其他视觉元素,带来全新的视觉体验。
  • 多种视频风格:支持如电影、水彩、赛博朋克、印象派、卡通动画、蒸汽朋克等各种风格的视频生成,满足不同用户的审美需求和创意表达。
  • 高级控制工具:提供了调整AI相机、灯光、姿势控制和动作管理的高级选项,实现精确的内容指导。

Haiper AI目前提供免费使用,并且没有订阅费用或积分制度。用户可以无限次生成视频,而无需支付任何费用。此外,Haiper AI还提供免费试用,允许用户体验平台的基本功能,包括文本到视频的转换和图像动画化。

不过,需要注意的是,虽然目前Haiper AI是免费的,但未来可能会引入付费订阅计划或其他收费模式。因此,建议用户密切关注Haiper AI的官方公告,以获取最新的收费信息。



  • 营销视频:营销人员可以利用Haiper AI生成引人入胜的营销视频,用于推广产品或服务。
  • 产品演示:创建动态的产品演示视频,帮助潜在客户更好地理解产品功能和优势。


  • 短视频创作:为TikTok、Instagram等社交媒体平台快速制作吸引人的短视频内容,增加用户参与度和品牌可见性。
  • 个性化视频:个人用户可以利用Haiper AI制作个性化视频,用于社交媒体分享,展示个人创意。


  • 教育视频:教师和教育机构可以使用Haiper AI生成教育视频,帮助学生更好地理解复杂的概念。
  • 培训材料:企业可以创建培训视频,帮助员工快速掌握新技能和知识。


  • 自动化客服:通过生成视频教程和常见问题解答,提升客户支持的效率和效果。


  • 艺术创作:艺术家和设计师可以利用Haiper AI生成具有艺术风格的视频,进行创意表达和作品展示。
  • 故事讲述:创作者可以通过Haiper AI生成视频故事,增加内容的趣味性和吸引力。


  • 视频重绘:用户可以对现有视频进行重绘,改变其颜色、纹理和其他视觉元素,带来全新的视觉体验。
  • 动画制作:通过将静态图片转化为动态视频,增强视觉吸引力,为用户创建更生动的内容提供可能。

Haiper is a generative AI startup focused on building perceptual foundational models for next-generation visual content creation. The company offers an AI video generation platform that can convert text and images into videos while supporting multiple style variations. Users can create scenes up to 8 seconds long with Haiper, making it a powerful tool for producing viral videos.

Key Features

  1. Text-to-Video Generation: Users can input brief text descriptions, and Haiper AI interprets these ideas and transforms them into video content. This feature simplifies creative expression by eliminating the need for complex video editing skills.
  2. Image-to-Video Generation: Users can upload static images, and the AI generates dynamic videos based on the image content, making static images come to life in an engaging way.
  3. Video Repainting: Haiper AI offers a video repainting feature, allowing users to add new elements or alter the style of old videos. Users can easily adjust colors, textures, and other visual elements to create a fresh visual experience.
  4. Multiple Video Styles: The platform supports various video styles, including cinematic, watercolor, cyberpunk, impressionism, cartoon animation, steampunk, and more, catering to diverse aesthetic preferences and creative expressions.
  5. Advanced Control Tools: Haiper provides advanced options for controlling AI camera angles, lighting, pose, and action management, allowing users to guide the content creation process with precision.

Free Usage

Haiper AI currently offers free access with no subscription fees or credit systems. Users can generate unlimited videos without paying any fees. Additionally, Haiper AI offers a free trial, allowing users to experience basic platform features such as text-to-video conversion and image animation.

However, it’s important to note that although Haiper AI is currently free, it may introduce paid subscription plans or other pricing models in the future. Users are encouraged to stay updated by following official announcements for any changes in the platform’s pricing structure.


  1. Content Marketing
    • Marketing Videos: Marketers can use Haiper AI to generate captivating marketing videos to promote products or services.
    • Product Demos: Create dynamic product demonstration videos that help potential customers better understand the features and benefits of a product.
  2. Social Media
    • Short Video Creation: Quickly create engaging short videos for social media platforms like TikTok and Instagram, increasing user engagement and brand visibility.
    • Personalized Videos: Individual users can create personalized videos for social media sharing, showcasing their creativity.
  3. Education and Training
    • Educational Videos: Teachers and educational institutions can use Haiper AI to generate instructional videos, helping students grasp complex concepts.
    • Training Materials: Businesses can create training videos to help employees quickly acquire new skills and knowledge.
  4. Customer Support
    • Automated Customer Service: Enhance customer support by generating video tutorials and answering frequently asked questions through videos, improving efficiency and effectiveness.
  5. Creative Expression
    • Artistic Creation: Artists and designers can use Haiper AI to generate art-style videos for creative expression and showcasing their work.
    • Storytelling: Content creators can generate video stories using Haiper AI, adding more engagement and appeal to their content.
  6. Other Applications
    • Video Repainting: Users can repaint existing videos, changing their colors, textures, and other visual elements to create a new visual experience.
    • Animation Creation: Transform static images into dynamic videos to enhance visual appeal and provide more vivid content for users.

With these capabilities, Haiper AI offers a unique and dynamic approach to video creation, allowing users to express their ideas in a visually engaging manner.
