
ComicAI 是一个创新的人工智能平台,旨在帮助用户轻松地将他们的故事转化为视觉上吸引人的漫画。


  • 文本转漫画:用户可以输入文本故事,ComicAI 会自动将其转换为漫画,包括角色、背景和对话气泡。
  • 多种艺术风格:提供多种艺术风格,如单色、模拟电影、超级英雄漫画、霓虹朋克和幻想艺术等,以满足不同的审美偏好和叙事需求。
  • 角色生成和定制:用户可以创建并定制角色的外观和特征,包括五官、发型和服饰等属性,确保角色独一无二。
  • 背景创作:ComicAI 能够生成详细的背景,用户也可以上传参考图像以改善生成结果,特别适用于复杂的背景设计。
  • 分镜布局:自动生成漫画分镜,用户可以根据需要进行调整,确保故事的流畅性和视觉效果。
  • 对话气泡:提供丰富的对话气泡样式,用户可以轻松添加和编辑对话内容。
  • 一致性算法:在整个项目中保持角色、风格和背景的一致性,增强叙事流和效率。
  • 自由模式和故事模式:用户可以选择在自由模式下逐步创作漫画,或在故事模式下通过文本输入自动生成漫画。
  • 社区互动:ComicAI 提供了一个互动性强的社区,用户可以在这里分享作品,与其他创作者交流心得,甚至可以合作创作。
  • 收益模式:用户可以通过他们的漫画赚取收益,设置漫画的价格和权限(如免费、付费、订阅、打赏等),并选择是否允许其他用户转载或修改他们的漫画。


  • 免费计划:包括基本功能和对模板及素材的有限访问。适合初次使用者或对功能需求较少的用户。
  • 专业计划:每月收费 $15,用户可以无限制地访问所有功能、模板和素材,并享受优先客户支持。
  • Mana 充值:用户可以通过购买 Mana 来生成更多的图像或使用高级功能。例如,600 Mana 的价格为 $3,4500 Mana 的价格为 $15。



ComicAI 是漫画创作者的理想工具,无论是业余爱好者还是专业漫画家,都可以利用其强大的功能快速生成高质量的漫画。用户可以通过输入文本故事或使用 AI 生成的故事来创建漫画,并自定义角色和背景。


作家可以使用 ComicAI 将他们的小说改编成漫画形式,使读者更直观地理解故事情节。这对于希望扩展读者群体的作家来说是一个非常有用的工具。


教师和学生可以利用 ComicAI 制作教育漫画,用于教学和学习。通过漫画形式,复杂的概念可以变得更易于理解和记忆。


用户可以使用 ComicAI 创建独特的漫画内容,并将其分享到社交媒体平台上,如 Instagram 和 Twitter。这不仅可以增加个人或品牌的曝光率,还可以吸引更多的关注者。


企业可以利用 ComicAI 创建引人注目的广告漫画,以吸引潜在客户的注意力。通过生动的视觉效果和有趣的故事情节,广告漫画可以有效地传达品牌信息。


ComicAI 的图像生成技术不仅适用于漫画创作,还可以广泛应用于游戏、广告和影视等多个领域。通过生成高质量的角色和背景图像,游戏开发者和影视制作人可以大大提高工作效率。


对于有创作梦想的人来说,ComicAI 提供了一个实现梦想的平台。用户可以通过 ComicAI 将自己的创意转化为现实,创作出属于自己的漫画作品。

ComicAI is an innovative artificial intelligence platform designed to help users easily turn their stories into visually appealing comics.

Key Features

  1. Text-to-Comic Conversion: Users can input a text story, and ComicAI will automatically convert it into a comic, complete with characters, backgrounds, and speech bubbles.
  2. Multiple Art Styles: Offers a variety of art styles, including monochrome, cinematic, superhero comics, neon-punk, and fantasy art, to meet different aesthetic preferences and narrative needs.
  3. Character Creation and Customization: Users can create and customize their characters’ appearance and features, such as facial expressions, hairstyles, and outfits, ensuring unique characters for each story.
  4. Background Creation: ComicAI can generate detailed backgrounds, and users can also upload reference images to enhance the results, especially for complex background designs.
  5. Panel Layouts: Automatically generates comic panel layouts, which users can adjust as needed to ensure the flow and visual appeal of the story.
  6. Speech Bubbles: Offers a wide variety of speech bubble styles, allowing users to easily add and edit dialogue content.
  7. Consistency Algorithm: Maintains consistency in characters, style, and backgrounds throughout the project, improving narrative flow and efficiency.
  8. Free Mode and Story Mode: Users can choose to create their comic step by step in Free Mode or automatically generate a comic based on text input in Story Mode.
  9. Community Interaction: ComicAI provides a highly interactive community where users can share their works, exchange ideas with other creators, and even collaborate on projects.
  10. Monetization Options: Users can earn revenue from their comics by setting prices and permissions (e.g., free, paid, subscription, donations) and choose whether to allow others to repost or modify their comics.

Pricing Plans

  • Free Plan: Includes basic features and limited access to templates and assets, ideal for beginners or users with minimal needs.
  • Pro Plan: Costs $15 per month, offering unlimited access to all features, templates, and assets, along with priority customer support.
  • Mana Recharge: Users can purchase Mana to generate more images or use premium features. For example, 600 Mana costs $3, and 4,500 Mana costs $15.

Use Cases

  1. Comic Creation: ComicAI is an ideal tool for comic creators, whether hobbyists or professional artists, allowing them to quickly generate high-quality comics. Users can create comics by inputting text stories or using AI-generated stories while customizing characters and backgrounds.
  2. Novel Adaptations: Writers can use ComicAI to adapt their novels into comic form, offering readers a more visual way to understand the story. This is particularly useful for authors looking to expand their audience.
  3. Educational Use: Teachers and students can create educational comics for teaching and learning. Comics make complex concepts easier to understand and remember.
  4. Social Media Content: Users can create unique comic content using ComicAI and share it on social media platforms like Instagram and Twitter. This not only increases personal or brand exposure but also attracts more followers.
  5. Advertising and Marketing: Businesses can use ComicAI to create eye-catching comic ads that grab the attention of potential customers. Through vivid visuals and engaging storylines, comic ads can effectively convey brand messages.
  6. Gaming and Film: ComicAI’s image generation technology can also be widely applied in gaming, advertising, and film. By generating high-quality character and background images, game developers and filmmakers can greatly improve their workflow efficiency.
  7. Personal Creations: For those with creative dreams, ComicAI provides a platform to make them a reality. Users can turn their ideas into their own comic works with the help of ComicAI.

ComicAI empowers users to transform their creative ideas into visually stunning comics, offering endless possibilities for storytelling and artistic expression.
