
Dashtoon 是一个基于 AI 技术的漫画创作和阅读平台,旨在为漫画创作者和读者提供无缝的在线体验。



  • 角色库:提供多种预设角色,用户可以直接选择使用。
  • 自定义角色:用户可以根据自己的需求创建和设计独特的角色。


  • 多样化风格选择:支持多种漫画风格,用户可以根据自己的喜好选择不同的艺术风格。

AI 辅助工具

  • 故事板转换:将文本或简单的故事板转换为完整的漫画页面。
  • 背景去除:自动去除图像背景,使得创作更加便捷。
  • 面部修正:自动修正角色面部细节,提高图像质量。
  • 图像升级:提升图像的整体质量,使漫画更加精美。


  • 无缝集成:支持跨平台使用,用户可以在桌面、平板或智能手机上进行创作,随时随地继续工作。
  • 一致性:确保漫画中的角色和风格保持一致,提供专业的视觉效果。


  • 漫画发布:支持将创作的漫画发布到 Dashtoon Comic Reader 平台,供全球读者阅读。
  • 变现功能:通过订阅和付费阅读模式,创作者可以通过平台实现盈利。


  • 易于上手:即使没有绘画经验的用户也能轻松使用 Dashtoon 进行创作。
  • 高效创作:AI 工具简化了复杂的创作步骤,使得漫画创作过程更加高效和有趣。



  • 免费使用:Dashtoon 提供一些基础功能供用户免费使用,适合初学者和轻度用户。


  • 订阅模式:Dashtoon 提供月订阅和年订阅两种选择,用户可以根据需要选择适合自己的订阅计划。高级订阅用户可以享受更多功能和更高的图像质量。
    • 标准订阅:每月约人民币 30 元,用户可以无限制地阅读所有标准漫画,并使用 Dashtoon Studio 的基础功能。
    • 高级订阅:每月约人民币 60 元,除了标准订阅提供的所有功能外,还包括更多高级功能和更高的图像质量。


  • 免费增值模式:每部漫画每 24 小时为用户免费提供一话,用户阅读超过一定数量的章节后,需要进入付费专区进行订阅。



  • 独立漫画创作:无论是初学者还是专业漫画家,都可以利用 Dashtoon Studio 创建属于自己的独立漫画。
  • 故事创作:用户可以将自己的故事通过漫画形式呈现,表达出独特的艺术风格和叙事方式。


  • 教学材料:Dashtoon 可以用于教育和培训领域,创作教学材料和培训手册等。
  • 儿童绘本:利用 Dashtoon 创作儿童绘本,帮助孩子们更好地理解和学习。


  • 社交媒体营销:在社交媒体上,动画视频和漫画往往能够吸引更多的关注和互动,Dashtoon 可以帮助企业制作高质量的营销内容。
  • 广告创作:企业可以利用 Dashtoon 制作创意广告,以更生动的方式传达品牌信息。


  • 漫画阅读:Dashtoon 提供了一个丰富的漫画阅读平台,用户可以在这里找到各种题材的漫画故事,包括浪漫、奇幻、动作等。
  • 视频制作:Dashtoon 还可以用于制作小说视频、风景视频等,通过 AI 自动生成画面和内容,极大地提高了制作效率。


  • 新闻漫画:利用漫画形式报道新闻事件,使信息传播更加生动有趣。
  • 科普动画:制作科学类动画,帮助公众更好地理解复杂的科学概念和知识。


  • 表情包制作:用户可以利用 Dashtoon 制作个性化的表情包,用于社交媒体和聊天应用。
  • 虚拟试衣:Dashtoon 还可以用于虚拟试衣等新兴应用场景,提供更直观的用户体验。

Dashtoon 采用了开源与闭源相结合的模式。部分底层库和编辑器是开源的,允许开发者进行访问和修改,但其核心功能和主要平台是闭源的,以保护其技术和商业利益。

Dashtoon is an AI-powered platform for creating and reading comics, designed to offer a seamless online experience for both comic creators and readers.

Key Features

  1. Character Design:
    • Character Library: Provides a variety of preset characters that users can directly select and use.
    • Custom Characters: Users can create and design unique characters based on their own needs.
  2. Comic Styles:
    • Diverse Style Selection: Supports multiple comic styles, allowing users to choose different art styles according to their preferences.
  3. AI-Assisted Tools:
    • Storyboard Conversion: Converts text or simple storyboards into fully finished comic pages.
    • Background Removal: Automatically removes image backgrounds, making the creation process easier.
    • Facial Correction: Automatically refines character facial details, enhancing image quality.
    • Image Upscaling: Improves the overall quality of images, making comics more polished.
  4. Creation Process:
    • Seamless Integration: Supports cross-platform use, allowing users to create on desktops, tablets, or smartphones and continue their work anytime, anywhere.
    • Consistency: Ensures that characters and styles remain consistent throughout the comic, delivering a professional visual effect.
  5. Publishing and Monetization:
    • Comic Publishing: Supports publishing created comics on the Dashtoon Comic Reader platform for a global audience.
    • Monetization: Creators can profit from their comics through subscription and pay-per-read models on the platform.
  6. User Experience:
    • Easy to Use: Even users without drawing experience can easily use Dashtoon to create comics.
    • Efficient Creation: AI tools simplify complex creation steps, making the comic creation process more efficient and enjoyable.

Pricing Models

  1. Basic Features:
    • Free Access: Dashtoon offers some basic features for free, suitable for beginners and light users.
  2. Premium Features:
    • Subscription Model: Dashtoon offers both monthly and yearly subscriptions. Users can choose the plan that best suits their needs. Premium subscribers can enjoy more features and higher image quality.
    • Standard Subscription: Approximately 30 RMB per month, offering unlimited access to all standard comics and basic features of Dashtoon Studio.
    • Premium Subscription: Approximately 60 RMB per month, includes all features of the standard subscription, along with more advanced tools and higher image quality.
  3. Pay-Per-Read:
    • Freemium Model: Each comic offers one free chapter every 24 hours. After reading a certain number of chapters, users need to enter the paid section to subscribe.

Use Cases

  1. Personal Creation:
    • Independent Comic Creation: Both beginners and professional comic artists can use Dashtoon Studio to create their own independent comics.
    • Story Creation: Users can present their stories in comic form, showcasing unique art styles and narrative techniques.
  2. Education and Training:
    • Teaching Materials: Dashtoon can be used to create educational materials and training manuals.
    • Children’s Picture Books: Create children’s picture books to help kids understand and learn better.
  3. Business Use:
    • Social Media Marketing: Animated videos and comics can attract more attention and engagement on social media. Dashtoon can help businesses create high-quality marketing content.
    • Ad Creation: Companies can use Dashtoon to create creative ads that convey brand messages more vividly.
  4. Entertainment:
    • Comic Reading: Dashtoon provides a rich platform for reading comics, with a variety of genres including romance, fantasy, action, and more.
    • Video Production: Dashtoon can also be used to create novel videos, scenery videos, etc., through AI-generated visuals and content, greatly enhancing production efficiency.
  5. News and Information Dissemination:
    • News Comics: Report news events in comic form, making information dissemination more engaging and fun.
    • Science Animation: Create educational science animations to help the public better understand complex scientific concepts and knowledge.
  6. Other:
    • Emoji Creation: Users can create personalized emojis with Dashtoon for use on social media and messaging apps.
    • Virtual Try-On: Dashtoon can be used for emerging applications such as virtual try-on, providing a more intuitive user experience.

Open Source and Proprietary Model

Dashtoon uses a combination of open-source and proprietary models. Some foundational libraries and editors are open-source, allowing developers to access and modify them. However, the core functionalities and main platform are proprietary to protect their technology and business interests.
