
Anifusion 是一款基于 AI 技术的漫画生成工具,主要利用 Stable Diffusion 技术来生成图像。


  • 文生图:用户可以通过输入文本描述来生成相应的图像。这一功能利用了 Stable Diffusion 技术,能够根据用户的描述生成高质量的图像。
  • 面部和姿势控制:用户可以对生成的角色进行面部表情和姿势的调整,使得角色更加生动和符合故事情节。
  • 多页漫画生成:支持生成多页漫画,用户可以在一个项目中创建多个漫画页面,方便进行长篇故事的创作。
  • 简洁画布界面:提供了简洁直观的画布界面,用户可以在画布上自由创作和编辑漫画内容。
  • 无限画布:支持无限画布功能,用户可以在一个画布上进行大规模的创作,不受空间限制。
  • 自动图像定位:新功能包括自动图像定位,用户无需手动剪辑图像即可轻松创建漫画画板。
  • 一键分镜:提供一键分镜功能,用户可以快速生成漫画的分镜头,提高创作效率。
  • 形状编辑和图层模式:结合形状编辑和图层模式,用户可以更精细地调整和编辑漫画内容。
  • 文本工具:即将添加的文本工具将进一步简化用户在漫画中添加对话和文字的过程。

Anifusion 提供了多种定价方案,具体如下:

  • 免费层:Anifusion 提供一个免费层,用户可以在这个层级上使用一些基本功能,但可能会有使用限制。
  • 付费层:对于需要更多高级功能和更高使用限制的用户,Anifusion 提供了付费订阅选项。具体的价格和功能可能会根据不同的订阅计划有所不同。



Anifusion 提供了强大的工具和功能,适合专业漫画家进行高质量的漫画创作。通过文生图、面部和姿势控制、多页漫画生成等功能,专业漫画家可以高效地创作出复杂的漫画作品。


对于漫画创作的初学者和业余爱好者,Anifusion 的简洁界面和易用功能使其成为一个理想的选择。用户可以通过简单的操作生成高质量的漫画图像,快速实现自己的创作想法。


Anifusion 可以用于快速生成漫画原型和故事板,帮助创作者快速迭代和完善故事情节。通过一键分镜和自动图像定位等功能,用户可以迅速创建出漫画的初步框架。


在教育和培训领域,Anifusion 可以作为一个教学工具,帮助学生学习漫画创作的基本技能和技巧。教师可以利用该工具进行示范教学,学生则可以通过实际操作来提高自己的创作能力。


Anifusion 也可以用于广告和营销领域,通过生成具有吸引力的漫画图像来吸引目标受众。企业可以利用该工具快速创建出符合品牌形象的漫画内容,用于社交媒体推广和广告宣传。


对于社交媒体内容创作者,Anifusion 提供了一个快速生成高质量漫画图像的平台。用户可以利用该工具创作出有趣的漫画内容,吸引更多的粉丝和关注。


最后,Anifusion 也适合个人娱乐使用。用户可以在闲暇时间利用该工具进行漫画创作,享受创作的乐趣。

Anifusion is an AI-powered comic creation tool that primarily uses Stable Diffusion technology to generate images.

Key Features

  1. Text-to-Image: Users can generate images by inputting text descriptions. This feature leverages Stable Diffusion technology to create high-quality images based on user descriptions.
  2. Face and Pose Control: Users can adjust the facial expressions and poses of generated characters, making them more lively and fitting for the storyline.
  3. Multi-Page Comic Generation: Supports the creation of multi-page comics, allowing users to generate multiple pages within a single project, which is convenient for creating longer stories.
  4. Simple Canvas Interface: Offers a clean and intuitive canvas interface where users can freely create and edit comic content.
  5. Unlimited Canvas: The tool supports an unlimited canvas, allowing users to create on a large scale without space constraints.
  6. Automatic Image Placement: A new feature that includes automatic image placement, enabling users to easily create comic panels without manually cropping images.
  7. One-Click Storyboarding: Provides a one-click storyboarding feature, allowing users to quickly generate comic frames, enhancing creation efficiency.
  8. Shape Editing and Layer Mode: Combines shape editing and layer modes, allowing users to make more precise adjustments and edits to their comic content.
  9. Text Tool: An upcoming text tool will further simplify the process of adding dialogue and text to comics.

Pricing Plans

  1. Free Tier: Anifusion offers a free tier where users can access basic features, though there may be usage limitations.
  2. Paid Tier: For users who require more advanced features and higher usage limits, Anifusion offers paid subscription options. Pricing and specific features may vary across different subscription plans.

Use Cases

  1. Professional Comic Creation:
    • Anifusion provides robust tools and features ideal for professional comic artists to create high-quality comics. With features like text-to-image, face and pose control, and multi-page comic generation, professionals can efficiently produce complex comic works.
  2. Hobbyists:
    • For beginners and amateur comic creators, Anifusion’s simple interface and easy-to-use features make it an ideal choice. Users can quickly generate high-quality comic images with minimal effort, bringing their creative ideas to life.
  3. Rapid Prototyping:
    • Anifusion can be used to quickly generate comic prototypes and storyboards, helping creators rapidly iterate and refine storylines. Features like one-click storyboarding and automatic image placement enable users to quickly lay out the framework for their comics.
  4. Education and Training:
    • In education and training, Anifusion can serve as a teaching tool to help students learn the basic skills and techniques of comic creation. Teachers can use it for demonstrations, and students can improve their creative abilities through hands-on practice.
  5. Advertising and Marketing:
    • Anifusion can also be applied in advertising and marketing, generating attractive comic images to capture target audiences. Businesses can quickly create comic content that aligns with their brand image for use in social media promotions and advertising campaigns.
  6. Social Media Content Creation:
    • For social media content creators, Anifusion provides a platform to quickly generate high-quality comic images. Users can create engaging comic content to attract more followers and fans.
  7. Personal Entertainment:
    • Lastly, Anifusion is suitable for personal entertainment. Users can enjoy comic creation in their leisure time, experiencing the fun of bringing their creative ideas to life.