


  • 定制搜索结果:用户可以根据自己的偏好定制搜索结果,确保搜索结果更符合个人需求。
  • 隐私保护 提供无广告的搜索体验,并且不会出售个人信息或在互联网上追踪用户。


  • 高级语言模型:集成了多个领先的 AI 模型,如 OpenAI 的 GPT-4o、Anthropic 的 Claude 3 Opus、Google 的 Gemini 1.5 Pro、Meta 的 Llama 3 等,提供更准确和实时的响应。
  • 实时网络访问:第一个将高级语言模型连接到实时网络访问的 AI 平台,提供实时、最新的响应,并附带链接到源的引文。

AI 代理

  • 提示工程:提供多种 AI 代理,帮助用户进行提示工程,简化高级 AI 功能的使用。
  • 可视化信息:用户可以通过这些代理快速找到最佳答案、可视化信息,并轻松创建精美的图像。



  • 聊天机器人:类似于 ChatGPT,可以翻译、提供想法、总结文本、发送信件,甚至编写代码,所有这些都以自然、对话的方式进行。


  • 开发者工具:专为开发者社区构建的私有、无广告的搜索引擎,允许快速轻松地访问 StackOverflow、GitHub 等资源,帮助程序员轻松找到问题的解决方案。


  • 文本生成:一个 AI 驱动的文本生成器,可以帮助用户快速生成社交媒体帖子、电子邮件段落等内容。


  • 图像生成:提供 AI 驱动的图像生成工具,用户可以根据提示生成所需的图像。


  • 个性化助手:允许用户免费构建自己的 AI 助手,使用相同的技术来满足特定需求。

免费计划 提供一个免费的基础计划,用户可以免费使用大部分功能,包括基本的搜索和一些 AI 工具。具体功能包括:

  • 基础搜索功能:用户可以进行常规的搜索查询。
  • YouChat:提供基本的对话式搜索功能。
  • YouWrite 和 YouImagine:用户可以使用这些工具生成文本和图像,但可能有一些限制。

付费计划 还提供多个付费计划,称为 YouPro,提供更多高级功能和服务。以下是一些主要的付费选项:

YouPro 月度计划

  • 费用:每月 $9.99。
  • 功能:包括高级语言模型、更多的数据源、更大的存储空间等高级功能。

YouPro 年度计划

  • 费用:每年 $179.99,相当于每月约 $15。
  • 功能:与月度计划类似,但通常会有一些额外的优惠或功能。


日常搜索 提供了一个强大的搜索引擎,用户可以用来查找各种信息,包括新闻、学术文章、产品信息等。其个性化搜索功能可以根据用户的偏好定制搜索结果,提供更相关和精准的信息。

编程与开发 的 YouCode 功能专为开发者设计,提供无广告的搜索体验,帮助程序员快速找到代码片段、解决方案和技术文档。它集成了多个编程资源,如 StackOverflow 和 GitHub,使得开发者可以更高效地工作。

内容创作 提供了多个 AI 工具,如 YouWrite 和 YouImagine,帮助用户进行内容创作。YouWrite 可以生成社交媒体帖子、电子邮件段落等文本内容,而 YouImagine 则可以根据提示生成图像,适用于设计和创意工作。

教育与学习 的 AI 聊天功能可以用于教育领域,提供个性化的学习体验和教育帮助。学生可以利用 AI 聊天功能解决问题、获取学习指导,教师也可以用它来辅助教学。

市场营销 的 AI 工具可以帮助市场营销人员生成广告文案、优化 SEO 内容和分析市场趋势。其个性化推荐功能可以根据用户行为提供定制化的营销策略。


研究人员可以利用 的高级搜索功能查找学术文章、研究报告和数据集。其实时网络访问功能确保用户获取最新的研究成果和数据。


对于注重隐私的用户, 提供无广告的搜索体验,并且不会出售个人信息或在互联网上追踪用户。这使得它成为一个值得信赖的搜索工具,适用于需要高隐私保护的场景。 is an AI-powered search engine designed to offer a personalized search experience while protecting user privacy.

Key Features

  1. Personalized Search Experience:
    • Customizable Search Results: Users can tailor search results according to their preferences, ensuring more relevant and personalized results.
    • Privacy Protection: provides an ad-free search experience, does not sell personal information, and refrains from tracking users across the internet.
  2. Multi-Model Integration:
    • Advanced Language Models: Integrates multiple leading AI models, such as OpenAI’s GPT-4o, Anthropic’s Claude 3 Opus, Google’s Gemini 1.5 Pro, and Meta’s Llama 3, to deliver more accurate and real-time responses.
    • Real-Time Web Access: The first AI platform to connect advanced language models to real-time web access, providing up-to-date responses with citations linked to sources.
  3. AI Agents:
    • Prompt Engineering: Offers multiple AI agents to assist users with prompt engineering, simplifying the use of advanced AI functionalities.
    • Visualized Information: Users can quickly find the best answers, visualize data, and easily create beautiful images through these agents.
  4. Highlighted Features:
    • YouChat:
      • Chatbot: Similar to ChatGPT, YouChat can translate, provide ideas, summarize text, send letters, and even write code—all in a natural conversational manner.
    • YouCode:
      • Developer Tools: A private, ad-free search engine built for the developer community, enabling quick access to resources like StackOverflow and GitHub, helping programmers find solutions efficiently.
    • YouWrite:
      • Text Generation: An AI-powered text generator that assists users in quickly generating social media posts, email segments, and more.
    • YouImagine:
      • Image Generation: Offers AI-driven image generation tools that allow users to create images based on text prompts.
    • Custom Assistants:
      • Personalized Assistants: Users can build their own AI assistant for free, using the same technology to meet specific needs.

Pricing Plans

  1. Free Plan:
    • offers a free tier where users can access basic features, including search and some AI tools. Specific features include:
      • Basic search functionalities for regular queries.
      • YouChat: Access to conversational search.
      • YouWrite and YouImagine: Text and image generation tools with some usage limits.
  2. Paid Plans:
    • also offers paid plans called YouPro, providing access to more advanced features and services. Main options include:
    • YouPro Monthly Plan:
      • Cost: $9.99 per month.
      • Features: Includes advanced language models, access to more data sources, larger storage capacity, and additional premium features.
    • YouPro Annual Plan:
      • Cost: $179.99 per year (approximately $15 per month).
      • Features: Similar to the monthly plan but may include additional discounts or benefits.

Use Cases

  1. Daily Searches:
    • offers a powerful search engine for finding information, including news, academic articles, product details, and more. Its personalized search feature allows users to tailor results to their preferences, providing more relevant and precise information.
  2. Programming and Development:
    •’s YouCode feature is designed specifically for developers, offering an ad-free search experience to help programmers quickly find code snippets, solutions, and technical documentation. It integrates resources like StackOverflow and GitHub, making work more efficient for developers.
  3. Content Creation:
    • provides multiple AI tools like YouWrite and YouImagine to assist with content creation. YouWrite generates text content such as social media posts and email segments, while YouImagine helps generate images based on prompts—ideal for design and creative tasks.
  4. Education and Learning:
    •’s AI chatbot functionality can be used in education, offering personalized learning experiences and educational support. Students can use the AI to solve problems and receive study guidance, while teachers can leverage it as a supplementary teaching tool.
  5. Marketing:
    •’s AI tools help marketers generate ad copy, optimize SEO content, and analyze market trends. Its personalized recommendations feature can also provide tailored marketing strategies based on user behavior.
  6. Research and Analysis:
    • Researchers can use’s advanced search features to find academic articles, research reports, and datasets. The real-time web access feature ensures users can access the latest research and data.
  7. Privacy Protection:
    • For privacy-conscious users, offers an ad-free search experience and does not sell personal information or track users across the internet. This makes it a trustworthy tool in scenarios where high privacy protection is essential.