
Exa 是一个专为人工智能(AI)应用设计的搜索引擎,具备多种功能,旨在提升搜索效率和准确性。



  • Exa 能够理解查询的深层语义,而不仅仅是表面关键词。这使得它在处理复杂查询时表现出色,提供更直观和个性化的搜索结果。


  • Exa 可以从任何网页抓取完整且经过清理的内容,为 AI 提供高质量的数据输入。这对于需要大量数据的 AI 模型训练非常有用。


  • Exa 通过 URL 或长文本片段找到相似的结果,增强搜索的精准度。这对于需要查找相关文档或网页的用户非常有帮助。


  • Exa 使用向量数据库和嵌入模型技术,将网页内容转换为向量表示,使搜索更智能和精确。它能够预测和推荐下一个相关链接,而不是下一个词。


  • Exa 能够处理大量的搜索结果,并通过持续爬取新的 URL,确保搜索引擎的数据保持最新。这对于需要实时信息的应用场景非常重要。


  • Exa 提供高度定制化的搜索体验,允许用户根据域名、日期范围或数据类别进行搜索。这使得用户可以更精确地找到所需的信息。


  • Exa 结合了关键词搜索和神经搜索的优势,通过“自动搜索”功能,为用户提供最佳的搜索体验。这种功能特别适用于探索性搜索,其中精确的术语可能未知。



  • Exa 提供一个免费计划,允许用户每月进行最多 1000 次搜索请求。这对于个人开发者和小型项目来说是一个很好的起点。


  • Wanderer 计划:每月收费 $100,适用于需要更多搜索请求和高级功能的用户。
  • Wanderer+ 计划:每月收费 $250,专为研究人员和需要更大搜索量的用户设计。
  • Enterprise 计划:提供定制解决方案,价格根据具体需求而定,适合企业用户和大型项目。


生成式 AI 支持

  • Exa 为生成式 AI 提供背景信息和支持,帮助 AI 模型在回答问题时获取最新和最相关的信息。


  • Exa 可以嵌入到聊天机器人中,提供准确、最新的回答信息,提升用户体验。


  • 内容创作者可以利用 Exa 搜索引擎获取研究素材和灵感,帮助他们更高效地完成写作任务。


  • 企业可以使用 Exa 进行市场和竞争对手分析,获取最新的市场动态和竞争对手信息,从而制定更有效的商业策略。


  • Exa 可以用于数据提取、转换和加载(ETL)流程,帮助数据科学家和分析师更高效地处理和分析大数据。


  • 研究人员可以利用 Exa 搜索引擎查找学术论文、研究报告和其他相关文献,支持他们的研究工作。

AI 模型训练

  • Exa 可以为 AI 模型提供高质量的训练数据集,帮助提高模型的准确性和性能。


  • Exa 的“高亮显示”功能可以即时提取搜索结果中的网页内容,并根据用户需求自定义内容长度和数量,适用于需要实时信息的应用场景。


  • Exa 能够处理长查询,包括句子、段落甚至整篇网页。这对需要详细信息的研究工作、写作助手、学习工具等应用场景非常有用。

Exa is a search engine specifically designed for artificial intelligence (AI) applications, offering a range of features aimed at improving search efficiency and accuracy.

Key Features

  1. Semantic Search: Exa understands the deep semantics of queries, rather than just surface-level keywords. This makes it excellent for handling complex queries and providing more intuitive and personalized search results.
  2. Content Scraping: Exa can scrape complete and cleaned content from any webpage, providing high-quality data input for AI. This is particularly useful for AI model training that requires large datasets.
  3. Similarity Search: Exa can find similar results through URLs or long text segments, enhancing the precision of searches. This is especially helpful for users looking for related documents or web pages.
  4. Vector Database and Embedding Models: Exa uses vector databases and embedding model technology to convert webpage content into vector representations, making searches smarter and more accurate. It predicts and recommends the next relevant link rather than just the next word.
  5. Real-Time Updates: Exa processes large volumes of search results and continuously crawls new URLs, ensuring that the search engine’s data stays up to date. This is crucial for applications requiring real-time information.
  6. Advanced Filtering: Exa offers a highly customized search experience, allowing users to filter by domain, date range, or data category. This enables users to pinpoint the exact information they need.
  7. Automated Search: Combining the benefits of keyword search and neural search, Exa’s “automated search” feature provides users with the optimal search experience. This is particularly useful for exploratory searches where precise terms might be unknown.

Pricing Plans

  • Free Plan: Exa offers a free plan that allows users up to 1,000 search requests per month, making it a great starting point for individual developers and small projects.
  • Paid Plans:
    • Wanderer Plan: Priced at $100/month, suitable for users needing more search requests and advanced features.
    • Wanderer+ Plan: Priced at $250/month, designed for researchers and users requiring a higher volume of searches.
    • Enterprise Plan: Offers customized solutions, with pricing based on specific needs, making it ideal for enterprise users and large projects.

Use Cases

  1. Generative AI Support: Exa provides background information and support for generative AI, helping AI models retrieve the most recent and relevant information when answering questions.
  2. Chatbots: Exa can be integrated into chatbots to deliver accurate, up-to-date answers, improving the user experience.
  3. Writing Assistant: Content creators can use Exa’s search engine to gather research materials and inspiration, helping them complete writing tasks more efficiently.
  4. Competitive Analysis: Businesses can use Exa to perform market and competitor analysis, gaining access to the latest market trends and competitor information to formulate better business strategies.
  5. Data Science and Big Data Analytics: Exa is useful for Extract, Transform, Load (ETL) processes, helping data scientists and analysts efficiently process and analyze large datasets.
  6. Academic Research: Researchers can use Exa’s search engine to find academic papers, research reports, and other relevant literature to support their work.
  7. AI Model Training: Exa provides high-quality training datasets for AI models, helping improve the accuracy and performance of the models.
  8. Real-Time Content Extraction: Exa’s “highlight” feature allows real-time extraction of webpage content from search results, with customizable content length and quantity to meet user needs. This is ideal for scenarios that require real-time information.
  9. Long Query Processing: Exa can handle long queries, including sentences, paragraphs, or even entire webpages. This is useful for research, writing assistance, learning tools, and other applications that require detailed information.