
Felo AI搜索是一款由日本AI初创公司Sparticle开发的多语言AI搜索引擎,旨在通过先进的AI技术帮助用户更高效地发现和理解全球知识。


  • 多语言支持:Felo AI搜索支持多种语言,包括日语、中文、英语、西班牙语、德语、法语、意大利语、俄语、韩语、泰语、捷克语、印尼语、粤语和越南语等。
  • 即时翻译:Felo的翻译功能可以实时将语音转换为文本,并提供多语言字幕,适用于跨语言交流、会议和学习等场景。
  • 自动语言检测:Felo能够自动检测对话双方使用的语言,提供更精准的翻译和搜索结果。
  • 文档搜索:用户可以通过Felo搜索特定格式的文档,如PDF和DOC文件,简化查找过程,提高工作效率。
  • 社交媒体搜索:Felo可以从Twitter、Reddit等社交媒体平台获取最新信息,确保用户获得最及时和相关的内容。
  • 无广告搜索:Felo提供无广告的搜索体验,让用户可以专注于信息获取而不受干扰。
  • 智能优化算法:Felo使用智能优化算法来提升搜索效率和结果的准确性。
  • 隐私保护:Felo注重用户隐私,不追踪用户的搜索行为,确保用户数据的安全。
  • 话题收藏:用户可以将搜索结果保存到收藏夹中,方便日后访问和管理。


  • 基础功能免费:Felo AI搜索引擎的基础功能是免费的,用户可以无需支付任何费用即可使用其多语言搜索、即时翻译、社交媒体搜索等基本功能。
  • 无广告干扰:免费版本的Felo AI搜索引擎提供无广告的搜索体验,用户可以专注于信息获取而不受广告干扰。


  • 高级功能:Felo还提供一些高级功能,需要订阅付费计划才能使用。例如,Felo Pro Search订阅计划每月收费$14.99,提供每天100次专业搜索、深度挖掘答案和选择不同的LLM模型(如GPT-4、Claude3-Opus等)进行搜索的体验。
  • 翻译服务:Felo的实时语音翻译和转录服务也有付费选项,用户可以订阅Felo Translator Pro计划,享受无限制的实时语音翻译和转录服务,年费为$239.99 USD。



  • 跨学科资料获取:研究人员可以使用Felo来快速获取跨学科的资料和文献,特别是那些以不同语言发布的研究成果。
  • 文献综述:通过Felo的多语言支持和精准搜索功能,研究人员可以高效地进行文献综述,获取最新的研究动态和相关文献。


  • 行业分析:企业和市场分析师可以利用Felo搜索行业报告、市场趋势和竞争对手信息,帮助制定商业策略。
  • 消费者反馈:通过社交媒体搜索功能,企业可以收集消费者的反馈和意见,了解市场需求和产品改进方向。


  • 新闻获取:用户可以通过Felo实时获取最新的新闻和事件,确保信息的时效性和准确性。
  • 娱乐信息:Felo可以搜索电影、音乐、书籍等娱乐信息,帮助用户找到感兴趣的内容。


  • 技术问题解答:工程师和技术人员可以使用Felo搜索技术文档、解决方案和代码示例,快速解决工作中的技术问题。
  • 项目管理:通过Felo的文档搜索和话题收藏功能,项目经理可以高效管理项目资料和进度。


  • 语言学习:Felo的多语言支持和即时翻译功能非常适合语言学习者,帮助他们理解和掌握外语。
  • 在线课程:学生可以使用Felo搜索在线课程和学习资源,获取丰富的学习资料。


  • 商务会议:Felo的即时翻译和转录功能适用于跨国商务会议,帮助不同语言的参与者无障碍交流。
  • 国际合作:通过Felo的多语言搜索功能,国际合作项目的成员可以轻松获取全球信息,促进合作。

Felo AI搜索引擎并未公开其源代码,属于闭源软件。

Felo AI Search is a multilingual AI search engine developed by the Japanese AI startup Sparticle, designed to help users more efficiently discover and understand global knowledge through advanced AI technology.

Key Features

  1. Multilingual Support: Felo AI Search supports a variety of languages, including Japanese, Chinese, English, Spanish, German, French, Italian, Russian, Korean, Thai, Czech, Indonesian, Cantonese, and Vietnamese.
  2. Real-Time Translation: Felo’s translation feature can convert speech to text in real-time and provide multilingual subtitles, making it ideal for cross-language communication, meetings, and learning scenarios.
  3. Automatic Language Detection: Felo automatically detects the languages used by both parties in a conversation, offering more precise translation and search results.
  4. Document Search: Users can search for specific document formats, such as PDF and DOC files, through Felo, simplifying the search process and enhancing work efficiency.
  5. Social Media Search: Felo can retrieve the latest information from social media platforms like Twitter and Reddit, ensuring users get the most timely and relevant content.
  6. Ad-Free Search: Felo offers an ad-free search experience, allowing users to focus on obtaining information without distractions.
  7. Intelligent Optimization Algorithm: Felo uses intelligent optimization algorithms to improve search efficiency and the accuracy of results.
  8. Privacy Protection: Felo values user privacy, does not track user search behavior, and ensures the security of user data.
  9. Topic Bookmarking: Users can save search results into their favorites for easy access and management later.

Free Services

  • Basic Features for Free: Felo AI Search’s core functionalities are free to use, allowing users to access multilingual search, real-time translation, and social media search without paying any fees.
  • Ad-Free Experience: Even in the free version, Felo provides an ad-free search experience, allowing users to focus on information retrieval without being interrupted by ads.

Paid Services

  • Advanced Features: Felo offers some premium features that require a paid subscription. For example, the Felo Pro Search subscription plan costs $14.99 per month and provides up to 100 professional searches per day, deeper answer digging, and the option to choose between different LLM models (such as GPT-4, Claude3-Opus, etc.) for searching.
  • Translation Services: Felo’s real-time voice translation and transcription services also offer a paid option. Users can subscribe to the Felo Translator Pro plan for unlimited real-time voice translation and transcription services, with an annual fee of $239.99 USD.

Use Cases

  1. Academic Research:
    • Cross-Disciplinary Resource Access: Researchers can quickly access cross-disciplinary resources and literature through Felo, especially research results published in different languages.
    • Literature Review: Felo’s multilingual support and precise search capabilities help researchers efficiently conduct literature reviews, providing the latest research trends and relevant studies.
  2. Market Research:
    • Industry Analysis: Businesses and market analysts can use Felo to search for industry reports, market trends, and competitor information to assist in formulating business strategies.
    • Consumer Feedback: With the social media search feature, businesses can gather consumer feedback and opinions, understanding market needs and product improvement directions.
  3. Daily Life:
    • News Retrieval: Users can obtain the latest news and events in real-time via Felo, ensuring the timeliness and accuracy of the information.
    • Entertainment Information: Felo can search for entertainment content, such as movies, music, and books, helping users find content of interest.
  4. Professional Work:
    • Technical Problem Solving: Engineers and technical professionals can use Felo to search for technical documents, solutions, and code examples, quickly solving technical issues encountered at work.
    • Project Management: Project managers can efficiently manage project materials and schedules through Felo’s document search and topic bookmarking features.
  5. Education and Learning:
    • Language Learning: Felo’s multilingual support and real-time translation features are ideal for language learners, helping them understand and master foreign languages.
    • Online Courses: Students can use Felo to search for online courses and learning resources, accessing a wealth of educational materials.
  6. Cross-Border Communication:
    • Business Meetings: Felo’s real-time translation and transcription features are suitable for cross-border business meetings, allowing participants speaking different languages to communicate seamlessly.
    • International Collaboration: With Felo’s multilingual search functionality, members of international collaboration projects can easily access global information, facilitating cooperation.

Felo AI Search is proprietary software and does not publicly disclose its source code.
