


  • 发布时间:2023年4月
  • 主要特点
    • 混合专家架构(MoE):采用MoE架构,基于超过10TB的训练数据,推理上下文窗口达到200K。
    • 多模态能力:支持图文生成、自然语言处理等多种功能。
    • 性能提升:在知识、数学、推理和编码能力方面有显著提升,特别是在创意写作、推理和总结能力上表现突出。


  • 发布时间:2024年7月
  • 主要特点
    • 参数规模:模型参数规模达到6000亿,综合性能较5.0版本平均提升30%。
    • 多模态交互:引入国内首个所见即所得、实时流式多模态交互模型,交互体验对标GPT-4 Turbo。
    • 性能优化:在数学推理、英文能力和指令跟随等方面有显著增强,推理效率提升15%,首包延迟降低40%。
    • 云边协同:采用混合云边协同专家架构,最大化“云到边缘”的协同效应,降低推理成本。

日日新5.5 Lite

  • 发布时间:2024年7月
  • 主要特点
    • 端侧模型:针对移动设备和边缘计算进行了优化,性能精度提升10%,推理效率提升15%,首包延迟降低40%。



    • 商量粤语API:根据模型输入和输出量计费,每100万tokens收费30港元。
    • 其他API服务:类似的按使用量计费模式适用于其他API服务,具体费用根据不同的模型和应用场景有所不同。



  • 城市运行智能中台:提供线下和线上智能业务公共支撑,覆盖城市经济、治理、生活三个领域的多个细分应用场景。
  • 智能交通:通过AI技术优化交通管理,减少拥堵,提高交通效率。
  • 公共安全:利用人脸识别和视频分析技术,提升城市安全监控能力。



  • 智能客服:通过自然语言处理技术,提供高效的客户服务和支持。
  • 市场分析:利用大数据和AI技术进行市场趋势分析和预测,帮助企业制定更有效的市场策略。
  • 智能推荐:在电商平台上,通过用户行为分析提供个性化推荐,提升用户体验和销售转化率。



  • 智能家居:通过语音识别和图像识别技术,实现智能家居设备的控制和管理。
  • 健康监测:利用AI技术进行健康数据分析和监测,提供个性化的健康建议和预警。



  • 自动驾驶:与汽车制造商合作,研发自动驾驶技术,提升驾驶安全性和舒适性。
  • 车载智能系统:通过语音识别和自然语言处理技术,提供智能导航、娱乐和信息服务。



  • 辅助诊断:利用图像识别技术进行医学影像分析,辅助医生进行诊断。
  • 健康咨询:通过自然语言处理技术,提供智能健康咨询服务。



  • 智能问答:通过自然语言处理技术,提供智能问答和知识总结,辅助教学。
  • 个性化学习:利用AI技术分析学生的学习行为和成绩,提供个性化的学习建议和资源。



  • 内容生成:通过自然语言处理和图像生成技术,辅助内容创作。
  • 智能推荐:在视频和音乐平台上,通过用户行为分析提供个性化推荐。


SenseNova, developed by SenseTime, is a large model system designed to provide an innovation engine for industries. This system includes multiple sub-models and platforms, covering capabilities such as natural language processing, image generation, automated data labeling, and custom model training.

SenseNova 5.0

  • Release Date: April 2023
  • Key Features:
    • Mixture of Experts (MoE) Architecture: Based on more than 10TB of training data, it utilizes an MoE architecture with a context window of up to 200K.
    • Multimodal Capabilities: Supports various functions such as image and text generation, and natural language processing.
    • Performance Enhancements: Significant improvements in knowledge, mathematics, reasoning, and coding abilities, particularly excelling in creative writing, reasoning, and summarization.

SenseNova 5.5

  • Release Date: July 2024
  • Key Features:
    • Parameter Scale: The model has 600 billion parameters, with overall performance improved by 30% on average compared to version 5.0.
    • Multimodal Interaction: Introduces China’s first real-time, WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get), streaming multimodal interaction model, with user experience comparable to GPT-4 Turbo.
    • Performance Optimization: Significant enhancements in math reasoning, English language proficiency, and instruction following, with inference efficiency improved by 15% and initial response latency reduced by 40%.
    • Cloud-Edge Collaboration: Utilizes a hybrid cloud-edge collaborative expert architecture, maximizing synergy between cloud and edge computing to reduce inference costs.

SenseNova 5.5 Lite

  • Release Date: July 2024
  • Key Features:
    • Edge Model: Optimized for mobile devices and edge computing, with a 10% increase in accuracy, a 15% improvement in inference efficiency, and a 40% reduction in initial response latency.

Pricing Models

Usage-Based Billing

  • SenseCantonese API: Charges based on model input and output, priced at 30 HKD per 1 million tokens.
  • Other API Services: Similar usage-based billing applies to other API services, with specific costs varying depending on the model and application scenario.

Smart City Solutions

SenseTime provides various solutions aimed at improving city management and service efficiency:

  • Intelligent City Operations Platform: Offers both online and offline intelligent public support for business, covering multiple sub-application scenarios in urban economy, governance, and daily life.
  • Smart Traffic: Uses AI technology to optimize traffic management, reduce congestion, and improve traffic efficiency.
  • Public Safety: Enhances urban security monitoring with facial recognition and video analysis technology.

Smart Business

SenseTime’s AI technology has broad applications in business, helping companies improve operational efficiency and customer experience:

  • Intelligent Customer Service: Provides efficient customer support through natural language processing technology.
  • Market Analysis: Utilizes big data and AI technology to analyze market trends and forecast, helping businesses develop more effective strategies.
  • Intelligent Recommendations: On e-commerce platforms, personalized recommendations are provided through user behavior analysis, improving user experience and conversion rates.

Smart Living

SenseTime’s AI technology also has wide applications in smart living, improving the quality of life for individuals and families:

  • Smart Home: Through voice and image recognition technology, it enables control and management of smart home devices.
  • Health Monitoring: Provides personalized health advice and alerts through AI-driven data analysis and monitoring.

Smart Automobiles

SenseTime’s AI technology in the smart automobile sector primarily focuses on autonomous driving and in-car smart systems:

  • Autonomous Driving: In collaboration with automakers, it develops autonomous driving technology to enhance driving safety and comfort.
  • In-Car Smart Systems: Offers intelligent navigation, entertainment, and information services through voice recognition and natural language processing.


SenseTime’s AI technology has significant applications in healthcare, enhancing the quality and efficiency of medical services:

  • Assisted Diagnosis: Utilizes image recognition technology to analyze medical images, assisting doctors in making diagnoses.
  • Health Consultation: Provides intelligent health consultation services through natural language processing technology.


SenseTime’s applications in education focus on intelligent teaching and learning assistance:

  • Intelligent Q&A: Provides smart Q&A and knowledge summarization to assist teaching through natural language processing.
  • Personalized Learning: Analyzes students’ learning behavior and performance with AI technology to provide personalized learning suggestions and resources.


SenseTime’s AI technology has extensive applications in the entertainment sector, enhancing content creation and user experience:

  • Content Generation: Assists content creation through natural language processing and image generation technologies.
  • Intelligent Recommendations: Provides personalized recommendations on video and music platforms based on user behavior analysis.

SenseNova operates under a closed-source strategy, providing high-performance, highly reliable solutions for commercial users.
