



  • 文生图:用户只需提供简单的文字描述,系统便能自动生成相应的图像。这种功能适用于需要快速生成创意图片的场景。
  • 图生图:用户可以上传一张基础图片,系统会根据用户选择的风格进行美化和改造,生成新的图片。这种功能适用于需要对现有图片进行再创作的场景。


  • 个性化头像生成:用户可以上传自己的照片,选择喜欢的动漫风格,系统会自动生成个性化的动漫头像。这种功能特别适合用于社交媒体头像或个人品牌形象的打造。


  • 智能文案生成:简单AI可以根据用户输入的关键词或短语,自动生成符合特定场景或需求的文案内容。这对于需要快速生成高质量文案的用户非常有帮助。


  • 多种模板和素材:平台内置了多个主体对象的模板,包括人物头像、艺术流派、动物、风景等,用户可以根据需求选择合适的模板进行创作。


  • 创意设计:简单AI提供了多种设计风格的生成渲染,包括迪士尼、二次元、手绘、水彩、古风、毕加索、赛博朋克等,用户可以根据需求选择不同的风格进行创作。


  • Prompt社区:用户可以在社区中分享和获取文生图的提示词,交流创作经验,提升创作效率。



  • 基础功能:简单AI提供了一些基础的生成式AI工具,如文本生成器、图像生成器等,这些基础功能通常是免费的,用户可以在一定限度内免费使用。


  • 高级功能:对于一些高级的、具有商业价值的生成式AI产品,如AI助手、AI客服等,简单AI可能会收取费用。这些高级功能通常提供更高的生成质量、更快的处理速度和更多的使用次数。
  • 会员服务:简单AI提供不同等级的会员服务,用户可以根据需求选择不同的套餐。会员服务通常包括更多的生成次数、更大的存储空间和更快的处理速度。例如,基础版VIP和专业版VIP分别提供不同的图片生成数量和云端存储空间。


  • 基础版VIP:每月35元,提供15000张图片生成和20GB云端存储,以及300次加速。
  • 专业版VIP:每月70元,提供35000张图片生成和50GB云端存储,以及2000次加速。



  • 医学影像分析:AI可以用于分析医学图像,如X射线、CT扫描和MRI,辅助医生诊断疾病。
  • 个性化治疗:通过分析患者的基因数据和病历,AI可以帮助制定个性化的治疗方案。


  • 风控和反欺诈:AI可以用于识别和阻止欺诈行为,降低金融机构的风险。
  • 智能投顾:通过分析市场数据和用户投资偏好,AI可以提供个性化的投资建议。


  • 个性化推荐:AI可以根据用户的购物历史和浏览行为,提供个性化的产品推荐,提升用户体验和销售额。
  • 库存管理和需求预测:利用大数据分析和机器学习,AI可以预测产品需求,优化库存水平。


  • 智能客服:通过自然语言处理(NLP)和机器学习技术,AI可以自动回答用户的常见问题,提高客户服务效率。
  • 呼叫分类系统:AI可以快速分类和处理客户的复杂请求,将其转接到正确的渠道。


  • 简历筛选:AI可以自动筛选简历,识别符合职位要求的候选人,提高招聘效率。
  • 员工绩效评估:通过数据分析,AI可以帮助HR进行员工绩效评估,提供改进建议。


  • 智能制造:AI可以优化生产流程,实现自动化和智能化,提高生产效率和产品质量。
  • 预测性维护:通过分析设备数据,AI可以预测设备故障,提前进行维护,减少停机时间。


  • 个性化学习:AI可以根据学生的学习进度和兴趣,提供个性化的学习资源和辅导,提高学习效率。
  • 智能辅导和答疑:AI可以提供24/7的在线答疑服务,帮助学生解决学习中的问题。


  • AI绘画:AI可以根据用户的文字描述或基础图片,生成创意图像,帮助设计师提高创作效率。
  • 文案生成:AI可以根据关键词或短语,自动生成符合特定场景的文案内容。

JianDan AI is an intelligent image generation platform and community launched by Sohu, designed to provide comprehensive AI-related services and resources to users.

Key Features

AI Drawing

  • Text-to-Image: Users can input simple text descriptions, and the system will automatically generate corresponding images. This feature is ideal for scenarios where creative images need to be quickly generated.
  • Image-to-Image: Users can upload a base image, and the system will beautify and transform it according to the chosen style, creating a new image. This feature is useful for re-creating existing images.

AI Avatar

  • Personalized Avatar Generation: Users can upload their own photos and select a preferred anime style. The system will automatically generate a personalized anime avatar, making it ideal for use in social media profiles or personal branding.

AI Copywriting

  • Smart Copywriting Generation: JianDan AI can automatically generate copywriting content based on user-inputted keywords or phrases, which is highly beneficial for users needing to quickly create high-quality written content.

AI Resources

  • Various Templates and Materials: The platform includes multiple templates for subjects like portraits, art styles, animals, landscapes, etc., enabling users to choose appropriate templates for their creations.

AI Design

  • Creative Design: JianDan AI offers multiple rendering styles for creation, including Disney, anime, hand-drawn, watercolor, traditional Chinese, Picasso, and cyberpunk. Users can choose different styles according to their needs.

AI Community

  • Prompt Community: Users can share and access text-to-image prompts in the community, exchange creative experiences, and improve their creative efficiency.

Pricing Model

Free Services

  • Basic Features: JianDan AI offers basic generative AI tools, such as text generators and image generators, which are typically free for users within certain usage limits.

Paid Services

  • Advanced Features: Some advanced AI products with commercial value, like AI assistants and AI customer service, may incur fees. These advanced features usually provide higher generation quality, faster processing speeds, and more usage.
  • Membership Services: JianDan AI offers various membership levels, allowing users to choose different packages based on their needs. Membership services typically include more generation attempts, greater storage space, and faster processing speeds. For example, Basic VIP and Professional VIP offer different amounts of image generation and cloud storage.

Specific Pricing Standards

  • Basic VIP: ¥35 per month, includes 15,000 image generations, 20GB of cloud storage, and 300 acceleration boosts.
  • Professional VIP: ¥70 per month, includes 35,000 image generations, 50GB of cloud storage, and 2,000 acceleration boosts.

Primary Application Scenarios

  1. Healthcare
    • Medical Imaging Analysis: AI can be used to analyze medical images such as X-rays, CT scans, and MRIs, assisting doctors in diagnosing diseases.
    • Personalized Treatment: By analyzing patient genetic data and medical records, AI can help devise personalized treatment plans.
  2. Financial Services
    • Risk Control and Fraud Detection: AI can identify and prevent fraudulent activities, reducing risks for financial institutions.
    • Robo-Advisory: AI can provide personalized investment advice by analyzing market data and user preferences.
  3. Retail and E-commerce
    • Personalized Recommendations: AI can recommend products based on users’ shopping history and browsing behavior, enhancing user experience and sales.
    • Inventory Management and Demand Forecasting: With big data analysis and machine learning, AI can forecast product demand and optimize inventory levels.
  4. Customer Support
    • Smart Customer Service: Using natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning, AI can automatically answer common user questions, improving customer service efficiency.
    • Call Classification System: AI can quickly classify and process complex customer requests, routing them to the appropriate channels.
  5. Human Resource Management
    • Resume Screening: AI can automatically screen resumes, identifying candidates who meet job requirements and improving recruitment efficiency.
    • Employee Performance Evaluation: Through data analysis, AI can assist HR in evaluating employee performance and provide improvement suggestions.
  6. Manufacturing
    • Smart Manufacturing: AI can optimize production processes, achieving automation and intelligence, thus improving efficiency and product quality.
    • Predictive Maintenance: By analyzing equipment data, AI can predict equipment failures and schedule maintenance in advance, reducing downtime.
  7. Education
    • Personalized Learning: AI can provide personalized learning resources and tutoring based on students’ learning progress and interests, enhancing learning efficiency.
    • Smart Tutoring and Q&A: AI can offer 24/7 online tutoring services, helping students solve problems encountered in their studies.
  8. Creative Design
    • AI Drawing: AI can generate creative images based on user text descriptions or base images, helping designers increase their creative efficiency.
    • Copywriting Generation: AI can automatically generate copywriting content based on keywords or phrases to meet specific scene requirements.