Viva AI

Viva AI 是一个功能丰富的人工智能平台,专注于图像和视频的生成与编辑。

1. 文本生成图像(Text-to-Image)

用户可以输入文本提示,Viva AI 会根据这些提示生成高质量的图像。这对于需要快速创建视觉内容的创作者非常有用。

2. 图像生成图像(Image-to-Image)

用户可以上传现有的图像,并使用 Viva AI 的工具对其进行重新绘制和增强。这包括图像的风格转换、细节增强等功能。

3. 文本生成视频(Text-to-Video)

通过输入文本描述,Viva AI 可以生成相应的视频内容。这使得视频创作者可以快速生成符合其需求的视频,而无需进行复杂的拍摄和剪辑。

4. 图像生成视频(Image-to-Video)

用户可以将现有的图像转换为视频内容,Viva AI 会自动添加动画效果,使静态图像变得生动。

5. 高级编辑工具

Viva AI 提供了一系列强大的编辑工具,包括:

  • 图像增强(Image Enhance):提升图像的质量和细节。
  • 魔法橡皮擦(Magic Eraser):移除图像中的不需要部分。
  • 魔法扩展(Magic Expand):扩展图像的边界,增加画布大小。
  • 视频增强(Video Enhance):提升视频的分辨率和质量,支持 4K 输出。

6. 垂直视频创建

专门用于创建适合社交媒体平台(如 Instagram 和 TikTok)的垂直视频,方便用户在这些平台上分享内容。

7. 3D 模型生成

从文本描述生成 3D 模型,具有实时编辑功能,并兼容 Vision Pro。这对于需要 3D 内容的创作者非常有帮助。

8. 自动提示优化

Viva AI 具备自动提示优化功能,可以根据用户输入的提示词,自动优化生成结果,确保图像和视频的质量更高。

Viva AI 目前提供的所有功能都是免费的。用户无需支付任何费用即可享受高质量的AI创作体验。

1. 创意设计

  • 平面设计:平面设计师可以利用 Viva AI 快速生成创意概念图,或使用编辑功能优化现有设计。
  • 视觉形象设计:个人或商业品牌可以使用 Viva AI 设计独特的视觉形象,提升品牌识别度。

2. 内容创作

  • 社交媒体内容:博主和自媒体从业者可以使用 Viva AI 生成有趣的视频和图像内容,用于吸引观众和增加互动。
  • 视频创作:视频创作者可以通过文本生成视频或图像生成视频功能,快速制作高质量的视频内容。

3. 广告与营销

  • 广告素材制作:广告商和营销人员可以利用 Viva AI 快速生成引人注目的广告视频和图像,用于社交媒体推广、网络广告和电视广告等。
  • 品牌推广:通过生成高质量的视觉内容,提升品牌曝光率和市场影响力。

4. 教育和培训

  • 教育视频制作:教育工作者可以使用 Viva AI 制作教育视频和动画,增强学习体验。
  • 培训材料可视化:企业可以利用 Viva AI 将培训材料转化为视觉内容,提高员工的学习效果和参与度。

5. 图像和视频编辑

  • 图像增强:提升图像的清晰度、色彩和细节,使其适用于专业用途和大幅面展示。
  • 视频增强:对视频内容进行深度优化,提高分辨率和动态效果,使视频更加生动和吸引人。
  • 图像重绘和扩展:对图像进行风格转换或外观调整,满足个性化设计需求,同时保持图像质量。
  • 背景移除:自动去除图像中的背景元素,简化复杂的图像编辑过程。

Viva AI is a feature-rich artificial intelligence platform focused on image and video generation and editing.

Key Features

  1. Text-to-Image
    • Users can input text prompts, and Viva AI will generate high-quality images based on these prompts. This is particularly useful for creators who need to quickly produce visual content.
  2. Image-to-Image
    • Users can upload existing images and use Viva AI’s tools to redraw and enhance them. This includes features like style transfer and detail enhancement.
  3. Text-to-Video
    • By entering text descriptions, users can generate corresponding video content. This allows video creators to quickly produce videos that meet their needs without complex filming and editing.
  4. Image-to-Video
    • Users can convert existing images into video content. Viva AI automatically adds animation effects, bringing static images to life.
  5. Advanced Editing Tools
    • Image Enhance: Improves the quality and details of images.
    • Magic Eraser: Removes unwanted parts from images.
    • Magic Expand: Expands the boundaries of an image, increasing the canvas size.
    • Video Enhance: Enhances the resolution and quality of videos, supporting 4K output.
  6. Vertical Video Creation
    • Specifically designed for creating vertical videos suitable for social media platforms like Instagram and TikTok, making it easy for users to share content on these platforms.
  7. 3D Model Generation
    • Generates 3D models from text descriptions with real-time editing capabilities and compatibility with Vision Pro. This is useful for creators needing 3D content.
  8. Automatic Prompt Optimization
    • Viva AI features automatic prompt optimization, which refines generated results based on user input to ensure higher quality images and videos.


Viva AI offers all its features for free, allowing users to enjoy high-quality AI creation experiences without any cost.

Application Scenarios

  1. Creative Design
    • Graphic Design: Graphic designers can use Viva AI to quickly generate creative concept images or enhance existing designs with editing features.
    • Visual Branding: Individuals or brands can use Viva AI to design unique visual identities, enhancing brand recognition.
  2. Content Creation
    • Social Media Content: Bloggers and content creators can use Viva AI to generate engaging videos and images to attract audiences and increase interaction.
    • Video Production: Video creators can use text-to-video or image-to-video features to quickly produce high-quality video content.
  3. Advertising and Marketing
    • Ad Material Creation: Advertisers and marketers can use Viva AI to swiftly generate eye-catching ad videos and images for social media promotion, online ads, and TV commercials.
    • Brand Promotion: By generating high-quality visual content, Viva AI helps enhance brand visibility and market impact.
  4. Education and Training
    • Educational Video Production: Educators can use Viva AI to create educational videos and animations, enhancing the learning experience.
    • Training Material Visualization: Businesses can use Viva AI to convert training materials into visual content, improving employee learning outcomes and engagement.
  5. Image and Video Editing
    • Image Enhancement: Improves the clarity, color, and details of images, making them suitable for professional use and large-scale displays.
    • Video Enhancement: Performs in-depth optimization on video content, improving resolution and dynamic effects to make videos more vibrant and engaging.
    • Image Redrawing and Expansion: Allows for style transfer or appearance adjustments while maintaining image quality to meet personalized design needs.
    • Background Removal: Automatically removes background elements from images, simplifying complex image editing tasks.