Luma AI

Luma AI 是一家专注于利用人工智能技术进行3D捕捉和视频生成的公司。其主要产品和服务包括3D场景捕捉和AI视频生成工具。



  1. 3D场景捕捉
    • 用户可以使用智能手机(如iPhone)捕捉周围环境的3D场景,包括产品、物体和风景等。
    • 捕捉的3D模型具有复杂的细节、反射和光照效果,能够真实再现现实世界中的场景。
  2. 产品3D展示
    • 可以将捕捉到的3D产品模型嵌入到电子商务网站中,提供更真实的产品展示,提升用户购物体验。
  3. 游戏资产捕捉
    • 捕捉高质量的3D网格游戏资产,并导出到Blender、Unity等3D引擎中,提升游戏开发效率和画面质量。
  4. 导出功能
    • 支持将捕捉的3D数据导出为NeRFs和Gaussian Splats格式,方便在Unreal、Unity等工具中使用。

Dream Machine 功能

  1. 文本到视频生成
    • 用户可以输入文本描述,Dream Machine 会根据描述生成高质量的短视频片段。
    • 生成的视频具有逼真的动作、一致的角色和电影级的摄像机运动。
  2. 图像到视频生成
    • 用户可以上传静态图像,Dream Machine 会将其转换为动态视频内容,使静止图像栩栩如生。
  3. 快速生成
    • Dream Machine 能够在120秒内生成120帧视频,帮助用户快速实现创意和进行实验。
  4. 关键帧功能
    • 用户可以上传两张图像,Dream Machine 会生成这两张图像之间的过渡视频,提供更多的控制和创意空间。
  5. 多镜头支持
    • 支持生成多镜头视频,不仅限于单一视角,增强了视频的视觉效果和叙事能力。


  • 免费试用:Luma AI 提供每月30次的免费生成额度,用户可以在不支付任何费用的情况下体验平台的基本功能。


Luma AI 的付费方案分为多个等级,以满足不同用户的需求:

  1. Standard 方案
    • 价格:$29.99/月
    • 生成额度:每月120次生成
  2. Pro 方案
    • 价格:$99.99/月
    • 生成额度:每月400次生成
  3. Premier 方案
    • 价格:$499.99/月
    • 生成额度:每月2000次生成



  • 个人记忆捕捉:用户可以使用Luma AI捕捉和分享个人记忆和重要时刻的3D场景。这些3D场景可以真实再现当时的环境和细节,提供一种全新的方式来保存和回忆重要时刻。


  • 游戏资产捕捉:游戏开发者可以使用Luma AI捕捉高质量的3D网格游戏资产,并导入到Blender、Unity等3D引擎中。这不仅提升了游戏画面的质量,还大大提高了开发效率。


  • 高质量视频生成:利用Dream Machine生成高质量的视频素材,提升影视作品的制作效率和效果。无论是写实风格、动画风格还是视频游戏镜头风格,Dream Machine都能够出色地生成。
  • 视觉特效:Luma AI的技术可以用于创建复杂的视觉特效,增强影视作品的视觉冲击力。


  • 电子商务:商家可以使用Luma AI的3D展示技术更真实地展示产品,提升用户购物体验。通过3D模型,用户可以从多个角度查看产品,增加购买的信心。


  • 教育内容生成:教育工作者可以利用Dream Machine将高质量的视频整合到课程中,增强学习体验。通过生动的3D模型和视频,学生可以更直观地理解复杂的概念。


  • 虚拟3D场景:Luma AI可以用于录制视频并将其转换为虚拟3D场景,应用于地图和导航系统中,提供更直观的导航体验。


  • 环境感知:机器人可以使用Luma AI捕捉的3D场景进行环境感知和导航,提高自动化系统的效率和准确性。


  • 社交媒体内容:营销人员可以通过创建引人入胜的短视频内容,提高社交平台上的用户参与度。Luma AI生成的高质量视频可以用于各种社交媒体平台,吸引更多的观众。


  • 虚拟看房:房地产公司可以使用Luma AI创建房屋的3D模型,提供虚拟看房服务,让潜在买家可以在线上详细查看房屋的每一个角落。

Luma AI 的核心技术和模型(如 Dream Machine)是闭源的,但它们提供了一些开放的API和工具,供开发者在自己的项目中使用。这种方式既保护了公司的核心技术,又为开发者提供了灵活的使用途径。

Luma AI is a company specializing in 3D capture and video generation using artificial intelligence technology. Its main products and services include 3D scene capture and AI video generation tools.

Key Features

  1. 3D Capture Functionality
    • 3D Scene Capture: Users can capture 3D scenes of their surroundings, including products, objects, and landscapes, using smartphones (e.g., iPhone). The captured 3D models include complex details, reflections, and lighting effects to accurately recreate real-world scenes.
    • Product 3D Display: Captured 3D product models can be embedded into e-commerce websites for more realistic product presentations, enhancing the user shopping experience.
    • Game Asset Capture: High-quality 3D mesh game assets can be captured and exported to 3D engines like Blender and Unity, improving game development efficiency and visual quality.
    • Export Functionality: Supports exporting captured 3D data in NeRFs and Gaussian Splats formats for use in tools like Unreal and Unity.
  2. Dream Machine Features
    • Text-to-Video Generation: Users can input text descriptions, and Dream Machine will generate high-quality short video clips based on the descriptions. The videos feature realistic motion, consistent characters, and cinematic camera movements.
    • Image-to-Video Generation: Users can upload static images, and Dream Machine will convert them into dynamic video content, bringing still images to life.
    • Fast Generation: Dream Machine can generate 120 frames of video in 120 seconds, allowing users to quickly realize their creative ideas and experiment.
    • Keyframe Function: Users can upload two images, and Dream Machine will create transition videos between them, providing more control and creative space.
    • Multi-Camera Support: Supports generating multi-camera videos, not limited to a single perspective, enhancing visual effects and narrative capability.

Pricing Plans

  • Free Plan: Luma AI offers a free trial with 30 video generations per month, allowing users to experience the basic features of the platform at no cost.
  • Paid Plans:
    • Standard Plan: $29.99/month, with 120 generations per month.
    • Pro Plan: $99.99/month, with 400 generations per month.
    • Premier Plan: $499.99/month, with 2000 generations per month.

Application Scenarios

  1. Personal Memory Capture
    • Users can capture and share 3D scenes of personal memories and important moments. These 3D scenes provide a new way to preserve and recall significant events by accurately recreating the environment and details.
  2. Game Development
    • Game developers can capture high-quality 3D mesh game assets and import them into engines like Blender and Unity. This enhances both the visual quality and development efficiency of games.
  3. Animation and Film Production
    • High-Quality Video Generation: Dream Machine can be used to generate high-quality video material, improving the efficiency and impact of film production. It excels in generating realistic, animated, and video game-style footage.
    • Visual Effects: Luma AI’s technology can be utilized to create complex visual effects, enhancing the visual impact of films.
  4. Product Display and Sales
    • E-Commerce: Merchants can use Luma AI’s 3D display technology to present products more realistically, enhancing the user shopping experience. 3D models allow users to view products from multiple angles, increasing purchase confidence.
  5. Education and Training
    • Educational Content Generation: Educators can use Dream Machine to create educational videos and animations, enhancing the learning experience with vivid 3D models and videos.
    • Training Material Visualization: Businesses can convert training materials into visual content, improving employee learning and engagement.
  6. Maps and Navigation
    • Virtual 3D Scenes: Luma AI can record videos and convert them into virtual 3D scenes for use in maps and navigation systems, providing a more intuitive navigation experience.
  7. Robotics and Automation
    • Environmental Perception: Robots can use 3D scenes captured by Luma AI for environmental perception and navigation, improving the efficiency and accuracy of automated systems.
  8. Social Media and Marketing
    • Social Media Content: Marketers can create engaging short video content to boost user engagement on social media platforms. Luma AI’s high-quality videos can attract more viewers across various social media channels.
  9. Real Estate and Architecture
    • Virtual Tours: Real estate companies can use Luma AI to create 3D models of properties, offering virtual tours and allowing potential buyers to explore every corner of a house online.

Luma AI’s core technologies and models, such as Dream Machine, are proprietary and closed-source. However, they offer some open APIs and tools for developers to integrate into their own projects, balancing the protection of core technology with providing flexible usage options.
