
Flux模型是由 Black Forest Labs 开发的一种先进的 AI 图像生成模型。

Flux 模型版本

1. Flux.1 [pro]

  • 特点:这是 Flux 模型中性能最强的版本,专为商业用途设计。
  • 用途:适用于需要高质量图像生成的商业应用,如广告、影视制作等。
  • 获取方式:通过 API 使用,需付费。

2. Flux.1 [dev]

  • 特点:这是一个指导蒸馏模型,继承了 Pro 版的大部分性能,但主要用于非商业用途。
  • 用途:适合研究人员和开发者进行实验和开发,支持社区使用和创新。
  • 获取方式:开源并提供非商业许可,可以在 GitHub 和 Hugging Face 上下载。

3. Flux.1 [schnell]

  • 特点:这是一个精简版模型,运行速度比基础版本快 10 倍,性能也相当出色。
  • 用途:适用于需要快速生成图像的应用场景,如实时图像处理和快速原型设计。
  • 获取方式:开源并采用 Apache 2 许可,可以在 GitHub 上下载和使用。


1. Flux.1 [pro]

  • 收费方式:按使用量收费,主要通过 API 访问。
  • 费用:每生成一张图像需要 20 个积分(credits),具体费用取决于购买的积分包。
  • 适用场景:商业用途,如广告、影视制作等。

2. Flux.1 [dev]

  • 收费方式:开源版本,免费提供非商业许可。
  • 费用:无直接费用,但需要遵守开源许可协议,主要用于研究和开发。
  • 适用场景:研究人员和开发者进行实验和开发。

3. Flux.1 [schnell]

  • 收费方式:开源版本,免费提供。
  • 费用:无直接费用,适用于个人和非商业用途。
  • 适用场景:需要快速生成图像的应用场景,如实时图像处理和快速原型设计。


1. 艺术创作

  • 数字艺术:Flux 模型可以生成高质量的数字艺术作品,适用于插画、绘画和其他形式的视觉艺术创作。艺术家可以通过简单的文本描述生成复杂的艺术作品。
  • 虚拟生态系统:通过生成逼真的动物图像并结合其他 AI 工具,艺术家可以构建出一个充满生机的虚拟生态系统,为观众带来前所未有的视觉体验。

2. 广告和营销

  • 广告素材生成:Flux 模型可以快速生成符合品牌形象的广告素材,帮助企业在短时间内制作出高质量的广告图像。
  • 营销内容:通过简单的文本描述,Flux 模型可以生成与营销活动相匹配的视觉内容,提升品牌的视觉吸引力。

3. 游戏和影视

  • 场景设计:Flux 模型可以生成逼真的游戏和影视场景,帮助设计师快速创建复杂的视觉环境。
  • 角色设计:通过文本描述,Flux 模型可以生成逼真的角色图像,提升游戏和影视作品的视觉效果。

4. 教育和研究

  • 教育工具:Flux 模型可以用于教育领域,帮助学生和教师生成教学材料和视觉辅助工具。
  • 研究开发:研究人员可以使用 Flux 模型进行图像生成相关的研究和开发,探索新的应用和技术。

5. 个性化内容

  • 个性化照片:Flux 模型可以生成用户在不同场景中的个性化照片,适用于社交媒体和个人收藏。
  • 定制礼品:通过生成个性化的图像,Flux 模型可以用于制作定制礼品,如个性化的明信片、海报等。

6. 设计和原型

  • 快速原型设计:Flux 模型可以帮助设计师快速生成设计原型,缩短设计周期,提高工作效率。
  • 图形设计:通过简单的文本描述,Flux 模型可以生成高质量的图形设计,适用于各种设计项目。

1. Flux.1 [dev]

  • 特点:Flux.1 [dev] 是一个开源版本,采用非商业许可。它直接从 Flux.1 [pro] 蒸馏而来,具有相似的图像质量和提示词遵循能力,同时更高效。
  • 用途:主要用于研究和开发,适合开发者和研究人员进行实验和创新。
  • 获取方式:可以在 Hugging Face 和 GitHub 等平台下载并运行。

2. Flux.1 [schnell]

  • 特点:Flux.1 [schnell] 是一个精简版的开源模型,运行速度比基础版本快 10 倍。它在保证高性能的同时提升了速度和效率。
  • 用途:适用于需要快速生成图像的应用场景,如实时图像处理和快速原型设计。
  • 获取方式:可以在 Hugging Face 和 GitHub 等平台下载并运行,采用 Apache 2 许可。

Flux Model is an advanced AI image generation model developed by Black Forest Labs.

Flux Model Versions

  1. Flux.1 [pro]
    • Features: This is the most powerful version of the Flux model, designed specifically for commercial use.
    • Use Case: Suitable for high-quality image generation in commercial applications such as advertising and film production.
    • Access: Available through an API with a fee.
  2. Flux.1 [dev]
    • Features: This is a distilled model that retains most of the performance of the Pro version but is primarily intended for non-commercial use.
    • Use Case: Ideal for researchers and developers for experimentation and development, supporting community use and innovation.
    • Access: Open source with a non-commercial license, available for download on GitHub and Hugging Face.
  3. Flux.1 [schnell]
    • Features: This is a streamlined version that runs 10 times faster than the base version while maintaining excellent performance.
    • Use Case: Suitable for applications requiring rapid image generation, such as real-time image processing and fast prototyping.
    • Access: Open source under the Apache 2 license, available for download on GitHub.

Pricing Overview

  1. Flux.1 [pro]
    • Pricing: Charged based on usage, primarily through API access.
    • Cost: Each image generation requires 20 credits, with specific costs depending on the purchased credit package.
    • Use Case: Commercial applications such as advertising and film production.
  2. Flux.1 [dev]
    • Pricing: Open source version available for free under a non-commercial license.
    • Cost: No direct costs, but users must adhere to the open source license agreement, primarily for research and development.
    • Use Case: Researchers and developers for experimentation and development.
  3. Flux.1 [schnell]
    • Pricing: Open source version available for free.
    • Cost: No direct costs, suitable for personal and non-commercial use.
    • Use Case: Applications requiring rapid image generation, such as real-time image processing and fast prototyping.

Application Scenarios

  1. Art Creation
    • Digital Art: Flux can generate high-quality digital art for illustrations, paintings, and other visual art forms. Artists can create complex artworks from simple text descriptions.
    • Virtual Ecosystems: By generating realistic animal images and combining them with other AI tools, artists can build vibrant virtual ecosystems, offering unprecedented visual experiences to viewers.
  2. Advertising and Marketing
    • Ad Material Generation: Flux can quickly generate brand-aligned advertising materials, helping businesses produce high-quality ad images in a short time.
    • Marketing Content: By providing simple text descriptions, Flux can generate visual content that matches marketing activities, enhancing the brand’s visual appeal.
  3. Gaming and Film
    • Scene Design: Flux can generate realistic game and film scenes, assisting designers in quickly creating complex visual environments.
    • Character Design: Through text descriptions, Flux can generate realistic character images, enhancing the visual impact of games and films.
  4. Education and Research
    • Educational Tools: Flux can be used in the education sector to create teaching materials and visual aids for students and teachers.
    • Research and Development: Researchers can use Flux for image generation-related research and development, exploring new applications and technologies.
  5. Personalized Content
    • Personalized Photos: Flux can generate personalized photos of users in various scenarios, suitable for social media and personal collections.
    • Custom Gifts: By generating personalized images, Flux can be used to create custom gifts such as personalized postcards and posters.
  6. Design and Prototyping
    • Rapid Prototyping: Flux can help designers quickly generate design prototypes, shortening design cycles and improving work efficiency.
    • Graphic Design: Through simple text descriptions, Flux can produce high-quality graphic designs for various projects.

Access Details

  1. Flux.1 [dev]
    • Features: An open-source version distilled from Flux.1 [pro], offering similar image quality and prompt adherence with higher efficiency.
    • Use Case: Mainly for research and development, suitable for developers and researchers.
    • Access: Available for download on Hugging Face and GitHub.
  2. Flux.1 [schnell]
    • Features: A streamlined open-source model that is 10 times faster than the base version, offering high performance with improved speed and efficiency.
    • Use Case: Suitable for rapid image generation needs, such as real-time image processing and fast prototyping.
    • Access: Available for download on Hugging Face and GitHub, under the Apache 2 license.