



  • 文本生成图像:用户可以通过输入文字描述(Prompt),AI根据这些描述生成相应的图像。支持多种绘画风格和细分模型选择,满足不同的创作需求。
  • 图像生成图像:用户可以上传图片,选择一种想要得到的图像风格,AI在此基础上生成符合要求的图像。
  • 条件生图:允许用户在生成图像时进行更精细的控制,比如指定图像的局部区域进行重绘或处理。


  • Prompt搜索:用户可以通过关键词搜索与AI绘画相关的各种风格和创作灵感,例如“科幻”、“古风”等关键词,平台会展示相关的绘画风格和作品。
  • AI图库:汇集了众多优秀的AI生成图像,用户可以浏览、筛选和收藏自己喜欢的作品,丰富自己的创作素材库。


  • 交流与分享:用户可以在AI广场发布自己的AI绘画作品,与其他用户分享创作心得和技巧。用户还可以浏览他人的作品,进行点赞、评论和转发等互动操作,构建一个充满活力的创作社区。


  • 描述词生成:咒语生成器通过提供多维度、丰富的描述词,帮助用户更具体、更生动地描述自己的创作需求,降低描述难度,使创作更加轻松。


  • 高级绘画工具:专业版提供了更多细致且强大的绘画工具,如条件生图、局部重绘、多区域控制绘图等,满足更为复杂的创作需求。
  • 工作流功能:支持用户创建、分享和导入工作流,适用于实际的商业应用场景,如电商、家装、漫画、建筑、游戏等。


  • 多语言支持:无界AI支持中英双语描述,用户可以根据需要选择使用中文或英文进行创作。
  • 版权保护:结合区块链技术,对AI作品进行版权登记与保护,确保用户的创作权益。




  • 更高的图像生成分辨率
  • 更多的生成次数
  • 优先处理
  • 访问高级绘画工具和功能





  • 使用更高分辨率的图像生成
  • 定制模型
  • 某些特定的高级绘画工具



  • 生成长边分辨率2048以下的图像每张扣除2积分
  • 生成长边分辨率2048以上的图像每张扣除4积分


  • 每日登录:每天登录无界AI即可获得30积分。
  • 任务和活动:参与平台任务和活动可以获得额外积分。
  • 购买积分:用户可以直接购买积分,用于生成更多图像或使用高级功能。



  • 每天15次免费生成额度
  • 实名认证和绑定银行卡可获得额外积分



  • 绘画与插画:无界AI可以生成各种风格的绘画和插画,包括国风、科幻、卡通等,帮助艺术家和插画师快速完成创作。
  • 数字艺术:艺术家可以利用无界AI生成独特的数字艺术作品,进行创意表达和艺术探索。


  • 广告设计:无界AI可以快速生成广告所需的图像和视频素材,提升广告设计的效率和创意水平。
  • 时尚设计:设计师可以使用无界AI生成服装设计草图和时尚插画,帮助快速迭代设计方案。
  • 室内设计:无界AI可以生成室内设计效果图,帮助设计师和客户更直观地看到设计效果。


  • 动画制作:无界AI可以生成动画角色和场景,帮助动画制作团队快速完成前期设计和概念图。
  • 影视特效:在影视制作中,无界AI可以生成特效图像和视频,提升特效制作的效率和质量。


  • 教育辅助:无界AI可以生成教育所需的图像和视频素材,帮助教师制作教学课件和教育视频。
  • 培训与赛事:无界AI提供的培训和赛事平台,可以帮助用户学习和提升AI创作技能。


  • 电商与营销:无界AI可以生成产品展示图和营销视频,帮助电商平台和品牌进行产品推广和营销活动。
  • 品牌定制:企业可以利用无界AI进行品牌形象设计和定制化营销素材的生成。


  • 社交媒体:用户可以利用无界AI生成个性化的社交媒体内容,如头像、封面图和动态视频,提升社交媒体的互动性和吸引力。
  • 游戏开发:游戏开发者可以使用无界AI生成游戏角色、场景和道具,提升游戏开发的效率和创意。

Wujie AI is a domestic AI-generated content (AIGC) platform dedicated to providing users with efficient and convenient AI image creation services.

Key Features

  • AI Painting Creation
    • Text-to-Image Generation: Users can input textual descriptions (prompts), and the AI generates corresponding images based on these descriptions. It supports multiple painting styles and model selections to meet diverse creative needs.
    • Image-to-Image Generation: Users can upload images and select a desired image style, and the AI will generate images that match the requirements based on the uploaded image.
    • Conditional Image Generation: Allows users to have more refined control when generating images, such as specifying certain areas of the image for redrawing or processing.
  • Prompt Search & AI Image Gallery
    • Prompt Search: Users can search for various styles and creative inspiration related to AI painting using keywords like “sci-fi” or “ancient style,” and the platform will display related painting styles and works.
    • AI Image Gallery: The platform hosts numerous excellent AI-generated images, allowing users to browse, filter, and collect their favorite works, enriching their creative material library.
  • AI Square
    • Interaction & Sharing: Users can post their AI-generated paintings in the AI Square, share creative insights and techniques with others, and engage in activities such as liking, commenting, and sharing others’ works, building a vibrant creative community.
  • Prompt Generator
    • Description Word Generation: The prompt generator provides multi-dimensional, rich descriptive words to help users express their creative needs more specifically and vividly, making creation easier and reducing the difficulty of descriptions.
  • Professional Edition Features
    • Advanced Drawing Tools: The professional edition offers more detailed and powerful drawing tools, such as conditional image generation, partial redrawing, and multi-area controlled drawing to meet more complex creative needs.
    • Workflow Features: Supports creating, sharing, and importing workflows, which is useful in real commercial applications like e-commerce, interior design, comics, architecture, and gaming.
  • Other Features
    • Multilingual Support: Wujie AI supports both Chinese and English descriptions, allowing users to choose the language for their creation.
    • Copyright Protection: Using blockchain technology, Wujie AI registers and protects the copyright of AI-generated works, ensuring users’ creative rights.

Pricing Model

  • VIP Membership Services Wujie AI offers VIP membership, allowing users to pay monthly or annually to become VIP members. VIP members enjoy exclusive privileges and advanced features, such as:
    • Higher image generation resolution
    • More generation attempts
    • Priority processing
    • Access to advanced drawing tools and features
  • Pay-As-You-Go For users who do not wish to subscribe long-term, Wujie AI offers a pay-as-you-go option. Users can purchase image generation credits based on actual usage without committing long-term. This option is ideal for occasional users.
  • Value-Added Services Some advanced features and services of Wujie AI require additional payment, such as:
    • Higher resolution image generation
    • Custom models
    • Certain specific advanced drawing tools
  • Points System Wujie AI operates on a points system, with users consuming points for image generation. Different resolutions and generation attempts correspond to different point consumption rates, such as:
    • 2 points for each image with a long edge resolution below 2048
    • 4 points for each image with a long edge resolution above 2048

    Users can earn points in various ways:

    • Daily Login: 30 points for daily login.
    • Tasks and Activities: Participating in platform tasks and events can earn additional points.
    • Points Purchase: Users can directly purchase points for generating more images or using advanced features.
  • Free Mode Wujie AI also offers a limited amount of free services. Users can experience the platform’s basic functions and services within the free quota. Typically, free users can generate a certain number of images but will face limitations in features and usage frequency, such as:
    • 15 free generation attempts per day
    • Extra points for real-name verification and linking a bank card

Main Application Scenarios

  • Artistic Creation
    • Painting & Illustration: Wujie AI can generate various styles of paintings and illustrations, including traditional Chinese, sci-fi, and cartoon, helping artists and illustrators complete their creations quickly.
    • Digital Art: Artists can use Wujie AI to create unique digital artworks for creative expression and artistic exploration.
  • Design Field
    • Advertising Design: Wujie AI can quickly generate images and video materials needed for advertising, enhancing the efficiency and creativity of ad design.
    • Fashion Design: Designers can use Wujie AI to generate clothing design sketches and fashion illustrations, helping to iterate design ideas quickly.
    • Interior Design: Wujie AI can generate interior design renderings, allowing designers and clients to visualize design effects more intuitively.
  • Film & Animation
    • Animation Production: Wujie AI can generate animation characters and scenes, helping animation teams quickly complete early design and concept art.
    • Film Special Effects: In film production, Wujie AI can generate special effects images and videos, improving the efficiency and quality of special effects production.
  • Education & Training
    • Educational Aids: Wujie AI can generate images and video materials needed for education, helping teachers create teaching materials and educational videos.
    • Training & Competitions: The platform provides training and competition opportunities, helping users learn and improve their AI creation skills.
  • Commercial Applications
    • E-commerce & Marketing: Wujie AI can generate product display images and marketing videos, helping e-commerce platforms and brands with product promotion and marketing activities.
    • Brand Customization: Businesses can use Wujie AI for brand image design and customized marketing material generation.
  • Other Applications
    • Social Media: Users can generate personalized social media content such as avatars, cover images, and dynamic videos using Wujie AI, increasing engagement and appeal on social platforms.
    • Game Development: Game developers can use Wujie AI to generate game characters, scenes, and props, enhancing the efficiency and creativity of game development.