
通义千问(Tongyi Qianwen)是由阿里巴巴集团旗下的阿里云开发的一款大型语言模型(LLM)

























  • 会议记录与总结:实时转录会议内容,生成会议纪要和待办事项。
  • 文档创作:撰写邮件、商业提案、营销策划方案等。
  • 群聊信息总结:自动总结未读群聊信息中的要点。


  • 天猫精灵:提供智能语音助手功能,帮助用户进行购物、导航等操作。
  • 个性化推荐:根据用户的购物历史和偏好,生成个性化的推荐和购物清单。


  • 音视频转写与总结:将音频和视频内容转写为文本,并生成摘要,适用于在线教育、培训、直播等场景。


  • 智能投研助手:在金融领域,分析市场数据,生成投资研究报告。



  • Qwen 系列:包括Qwen-1.8B、Qwen-7B、Qwen-14B和Qwen-72B等多个版本。
  • 多模态模型:除了语言模型外,阿里巴巴还开源了大音频模型Qwen-Audio和视觉理解模型Qwen-VL。

这些开源模型在多个国际权威测评中表现优异,甚至超过了一些闭源模型。例如,Qwen-72B在HumanEval和MATH等基准测试中表现突出,超过了Meta的Llama 3-70B。



  • 通义千问2.5:这是一个闭源模型,主要针对企业级应用。该模型在中文能力上表现优异,甚至超过了OpenAI的GPT-4 Turbo。
  • 通义万象:这是一个类似于DALL-E和Midjourney的图像生成模型,也是闭源的。

Tongyi Qianwen is a large language model (LLM) developed by Alibaba Cloud, a subsidiary of Alibaba Group.

Key Features

Multi-turn Dialogue

  • Tongyi Qianwen can engage in multi-turn conversations, understanding and remembering the context of the dialogue, ensuring logical consistency. This makes it particularly effective in complex conversation scenarios, enabling continuous and coherent communication with users.


  • Tongyi Qianwen can generate various types of high-quality copywriting based on user needs, including but not limited to articles, stories, press releases, slogans, and product descriptions. It goes beyond simple text generation by incorporating contextual understanding to create logical and engaging content.

Logical Reasoning and Analysis

  • When faced with complex issues, Tongyi Qianwen can perform logical analysis and reasoning to provide reasonable answers. This function is particularly valuable in fields such as business decision-making, legal consulting, and academic research.

Multimodal Understanding and Interaction

  • Tongyi Qianwen can process and understand not only textual information but also images, audio, and other types of data, enabling intelligent cross-modal interaction. This feature has great potential in areas such as multimedia content creation and smart home control.

Multilingual Support

  • Tongyi Qianwen supports the processing and generation of multiple languages, facilitating cross-language communication and information retrieval. This function is widely applicable in international communication, cross-border e-commerce, and multilingual content creation.

Knowledge Q&A and Information Retrieval

  • Based on a vast training dataset and advanced algorithmic models, Tongyi Qianwen can answer common and some specialized questions across various fields. Additionally, it has powerful information retrieval capabilities, helping users quickly filter useful content from vast amounts of data.

Educational Assistance

  • Tongyi Qianwen shows great potential in the education sector. It can answer academic questions, provide learning resources, and offer personalized educational assistance based on students’ learning progress and needs.

Programming Assistance

  • Tongyi Qianwen can assist developers in writing and optimizing code, offering programming advice and solutions. This feature is particularly useful in software development and technical support.

Audio and Video Understanding

  • Tongyi Qianwen is equipped with real-time speech recognition and speaker separation capabilities, enabling it to extract full-text summaries, highlight key points, and handle multiple audio and video files simultaneously.

Pricing Model

Usage-based Pricing

  • Tongyi Qianwen typically charges based on the number of tokens used. A token is the basic unit the model uses to represent natural language text. For Chinese text, one token corresponds to an average of 1.5-1.8 characters; for English text, one token usually corresponds to one word or word root.

Application Scenarios

Enterprise Office

  • Meeting Transcription and Summarization: Real-time transcription of meeting content, generating meeting minutes and to-do lists.
  • Document Creation: Drafting emails, business proposals, marketing plans, etc.
  • Group Chat Summary: Automatically summarizing key points from unread group chat messages.

E-commerce and Smart Assistants

  • Tmall Genie: Provides intelligent voice assistant features to help users with shopping, navigation, and more.
  • Personalized Recommendations: Generates personalized recommendations and shopping lists based on users’ shopping history and preferences.

Multimedia Processing

  • Audio and Video Transcription and Summarization: Transcribes audio and video content into text and generates summaries, suitable for online education, training, live streaming, and more.

Industry Customization

  • Intelligent Investment Research Assistant: In the financial sector, analyzes market data and generates investment research reports.

Open-source Models

Alibaba has invested significant resources in open-sourcing Tongyi Qianwen and has released several open-source versions. These models vary in parameter sizes and are suitable for different application scenarios:

  • Qwen Series: Includes versions like Qwen-1.8B, Qwen-7B, Qwen-14B, and Qwen-72B.
  • Multimodal Models: Besides language models, Alibaba has also open-sourced large audio model Qwen-Audio and visual understanding model Qwen-VL.

These open-source models have performed exceptionally well in multiple authoritative international evaluations, even surpassing some closed-source models. For instance, Qwen-72B excelled in benchmark tests like HumanEval and MATH, outperforming Meta’s LLaMA 3-70B.

Closed-source Models

In addition to open-source models, Alibaba has also released closed-source versions of Tongyi Qianwen to meet specific commercial needs:

  • Tongyi Qianwen 2.5: A closed-source model primarily aimed at enterprise applications. It excels in Chinese language capabilities, even surpassing OpenAI’s GPT-4 Turbo.
  • Tongyi Wanxiang: A closed-source image generation model similar to DALL-E and Midjourney.