



  • 日报周报:一键生成结构清晰的日报和周报。
  • 营销策划方案:提供创意和辅助生成完整的营销策划方案。
  • 视频脚本:自动生成视频脚本,适用于各类视频创作。
  • 新闻稿:快速生成高质量的新闻稿。


  • 多种风格:支持生成电影写真、儿童绘画、赛博朋克、水彩画、3D动漫、二次元等多种风格的图片。
  • 虚拟人视频:根据用户需求生成虚拟人视频,并支持自定义形象、背景和声音。


  • 实时信息获取:通过智能搜索功能,用户可以实时获取全网信息,提供准确且详尽的回答。


  • 多格式文档处理:支持对Word、PPT、PDF、Excel、图片与音视频等多格式文档进行分析、总结和翻译。
  • 一键生成PPT:根据输入的文本或指令,自动生成结构清晰、模板精美的PPT。


  • 代码生成:支持多种编程语言的代码生成和补齐功能。
  • 代码解释与纠错:提供代码解释和纠错功能,帮助开发者理解和优化代码。
  • 单元测试:支持单元测试功能,提升代码质量和开发效率。


  • 私域知识库:用户可以上传和管理多种格式的文档,形成个人知识库。
  • 文档润色与改写:支持对文档进行润色、改写、扩写和总结。


  • 待办事项:一句话创建日程,轻松设置待办事项,助力高效办公和目标管理。


  • 职场、营销、生活等领域:提供丰富的文本创意功能,适用于小红书、抖音、微博、快手等平台。


  • 多种智能体:拥有超过16000个公开智能体,帮助用户轻松完成各种任务,如年终总结、制作PPT、优化简历、写代码、制定旅游攻略等。



  • 个人用户:讯飞星火大模型为个人用户提供一定的免费额度,用户可以在免费额度内使用其功能。
  • 讯飞星火Lite API:永久免费开放,用户可以免费调用这一版本的API。


  • 企业用户:对于企业用户,讯飞星火大模型的能力开放是收费的,具体费用可以通过讯飞开放平台进行咨询。
  • 讯飞星火Pro/Max API:这些版本的API调用是收费的,价格低至0.21元/万tokens,相比其他大模型具有较大的价格优势。


  • 不同套餐:讯飞星火提供多种套餐选择,例如:
    • 套餐一:1,800元,包含5千万tokens,有效期为一年。
    • 套餐二:3,600元,包含1亿tokens,有效期同样为一年。
    • 套餐三:36,000元,包含10亿tokens。


  • AI学习机:基于作文的理解能力和评语能力,AI像老师一样批改作文,覆盖课标话题,实现类人自由对话与实时发音测评,提升语言学习效果。
  • 智能教育助手:帮助学生优化和修订中英文内容,提供个性化学习建议和辅导。


  • 智能笔记本:用于组织和起草会议记录和会议纪要,提升办公效率。
  • 文档处理:支持文档润色、改写、扩写和总结,适用于各种办公场景。
  • 数据分析:对各种格式的文档进行分析、总结和翻译,提升数据处理能力。


  • 医疗助理:iFLYTEK Medical Spark Desk集成于医疗过程的各个环节,包括辅助诊断和治疗、智能处方审核、病历生成辅助、病历质量控制、诊后患者管理等。
  • 健康助手:提供症状自检、体检报告解读、快速医疗信息检索、健康档案管理等功能,提供个性化健康咨询。


  • 智能座舱:提供多功能智能车载系统,支持人机交互,提升驾驶体验。
  • 语音搜索:适用于车载搜索、手机搜索等多种场景,解放双手,提高驾驶安全性。


  • 虚拟人平台:运用AI虚拟数字形象技术,结合语音识别、语义理解、语音合成等核心技术,提供虚拟数字人形象资产构建和多模态交互服务。
  • 智能助手:在个人助手、健康助手、智能座舱等多个场景中,提供多种智能体,帮助用户完成各种任务。
  • 智能搜索:实时从全网搜寻信息,提供准确且详尽的回答,适用于多种信息检索场景。


  • 讯飞星火开源-13B:这是科大讯飞推出的开源大模型,拥有130亿参数。该模型在多个知名公开评测任务中表现优异,具备通用任务处理能力,如聊天、问答、文本提取和分类等,还具备数据分析和代码生成等生产力功能。
  • 开源工具链:科大讯飞还开源了微调工具iFlytekSpark-13B-Lora和人设定制工具iFlytekSpark-13B-Character,方便企业和学术研究基于这些工具训练自己的专用大模型。


  • 讯飞星火V4.0:这是科大讯飞的闭源大模型,整体性能超越了GPT-4 Turbo。该模型通过与华为合作,利用自研计算平台进行训练,展示了中国在AI领域的自给自足能力。
  • 应用场景:闭源模型主要应用于需要高性能和高安全性的场景,如企业级应用、医疗、智能座舱等。

iFLYTEK Spark is a next-generation cognitive intelligence model developed by iFLYTEK, featuring a variety of powerful functions and application scenarios.

Key Features


  • Daily and Weekly Reports: Generates clear and structured daily and weekly reports with a single click.
  • Marketing Plans: Provides creative ideas and assists in generating complete marketing plans.
  • Video Scripts: Automatically generates video scripts suitable for various video productions.
  • Press Releases: Quickly generates high-quality press releases.

Image Generation

  • Various Styles: Supports generating images in multiple styles, including cinematic photography, children’s drawings, cyberpunk, watercolor, 3D animation, and anime.
  • Virtual Human Videos: Generates virtual human videos based on user needs, with customizable appearance, background, and voice.

Intelligent Search

  • Real-time Information Retrieval: Users can obtain real-time information from the internet through intelligent search, providing accurate and detailed answers.

Data Analysis and Summarization

  • Multi-format Document Processing: Supports the analysis, summarization, and translation of various document formats, including Word, PPT, PDF, Excel, images, and audio/video files.
  • One-click PPT Generation: Automatically generates well-structured and beautifully templated PPTs based on input text or commands.

Code Programming

  • Code Generation: Supports code generation and autocompletion in multiple programming languages.
  • Code Explanation and Debugging: Offers code explanation and debugging functions, helping developers understand and optimize code.
  • Unit Testing: Supports unit testing, enhancing code quality and development efficiency.

Personal Space

  • Private Knowledge Base: Users can upload and manage documents in various formats to form a personal knowledge base.
  • Document Polishing and Rewriting: Supports polishing, rewriting, expanding, and summarizing documents.

Schedule Management

  • To-do Lists: Create schedules with a single sentence, easily setting up to-do lists to aid in efficient office work and goal management.

Multi-scenario Text Generation

  • Workplace, Marketing, and Lifestyle: Offers rich text creation functions suitable for platforms like Xiaohongshu, Douyin, Weibo, and Kuaishou.

Smart Assistant

  • Various Smart Agents: With over 16,000 publicly available smart agents, it helps users complete various tasks such as year-end summaries, creating PPTs, optimizing resumes, writing code, and planning travel itineraries.

Free and Paid Models

Free Quota

  • Personal Users: iFLYTEK Spark provides a certain amount of free usage quota for personal users.
  • iFLYTEK Spark Lite API: The Lite version of the API is open for free and can be called by users without charge.

Paid Services

  • Enterprise Users: For enterprise users, iFLYTEK Spark’s capabilities are offered as a paid service, with specific pricing available through the iFLYTEK Open Platform.
  • iFLYTEK Spark Pro/Max API: These versions of the API are chargeable, with prices as low as 0.21 RMB per 10,000 tokens, offering a significant price advantage over other models.

Package Pricing

  • Different Packages: iFLYTEK Spark offers various package options, such as:
    • Package 1: 1,800 RMB, includes 50 million tokens, valid for one year.
    • Package 2: 3,600 RMB, includes 100 million tokens, also valid for one year.
    • Package 3: 36,000 RMB, includes 1 billion tokens.

Education Sector

AI Learning Machine: Enhances language learning through AI-powered essay grading, free-form dialogue, and real-time pronunciation evaluation, similar to teacher feedback.

  • Intelligent Education Assistant: Helps students optimize and revise English and Chinese content, providing personalized learning suggestions and tutoring.

Office Sector

Smart Notebook: Organizes and drafts meeting notes and summaries, improving office efficiency.

  • Document Processing: Supports polishing, rewriting, expanding, and summarizing documents, suitable for various office scenarios.
  • Data Analysis: Analyzes, summarizes, and translates documents in various formats, enhancing data processing capabilities.

Medical Sector

Medical Assistant: The iFLYTEK Medical Spark Desk integrates into various aspects of the medical process, including diagnostic and treatment assistance, intelligent prescription review, medical record generation, quality control, and post-treatment patient management.

  • Health Assistant: Offers symptom self-check, physical examination report interpretation, quick medical information retrieval, and health record management, providing personalized health consultations.

Automotive Sector

Smart Cockpit: Provides a multifunctional intelligent in-car system that supports human-machine interaction, enhancing the driving experience.

  • Voice Search: Suitable for in-car search, mobile search, and other scenarios, freeing hands and improving driving safety.

Other Application Scenarios

Virtual Human Platform: Utilizes AI virtual digital avatar technology, combined with core technologies like speech recognition, semantic understanding, and speech synthesis, to provide virtual digital avatar creation and multimodal interaction services.

  • Smart Assistant: Provides various smart agents in personal assistant, health assistant, smart cockpit, and other scenarios to help users complete various tasks.
  • Intelligent Search: Searches the entire internet in real-time, providing accurate and detailed answers, suitable for various information retrieval scenarios.

Open-source Models

iFLYTEK Spark Open-source – 13B: This is iFLYTEK’s open-source model with 13 billion parameters. It has performed well in multiple well-known public benchmark tasks and is capable of handling general tasks such as chat, Q&A, text extraction, and classification, as well as productivity functions like data analysis and code generation.

  • Open-source Toolchain: iFLYTEK has also open-sourced fine-tuning tool iFlytekSpark-13B-Lora and character customization tool iFlytekSpark-13B-Character, allowing enterprises and academic researchers to train their own specialized models.

Closed-source Models

iFLYTEK Spark V4.0: This is iFLYTEK’s closed-source model, with overall performance surpassing GPT-4 Turbo. The model was trained using a self-developed computing platform in collaboration with Huawei, demonstrating China’s self-sufficiency in AI.

  • Application Scenarios: The closed-source model is primarily used in scenarios requiring high performance and high security, such as enterprise applications, healthcare, and smart cockpits.