Kimi Chat

Kimi Chat是由北京月之暗面科技有限公司推出的一款智能助手产品,首次发布于2023年10月9日。其最大的亮点在于支持高达20万汉字的长文本输入。



  • Kimi Chat可以搜索实时信息,迅速整合并给出详尽回答,同时提供信息来源,使对话既丰富又准确。


  • 该功能允许用户输入链接或上传文件,Kimi Chat可以迅速进行摘要,帮助用户精准理解文献书籍、长篇报告、复杂合同等。


  • 无论是金融分析、法律咨询还是市场调研,Kimi Chat都能以专业水准提供支持。它可以快速摘要、翻译和答疑,支持上传PDF、Word、Excel、PPT、TXT文件和图片。


  • Kimi Chat能智能识别和整理资料,自动提取关键点,使信息一目了然,减少了手动整理的繁琐。


  • 根据用户提供的网页链接、文件或指令,Kimi Chat可以帮助梳理大纲、续写文章、创作文案、写作周报和撰写方案,提供无限灵感。


  • Kimi Chat可以快速阅读API文档,定位所需信息,并根据需求生成代码和快速Debug,支持多种编程语言如Python、C++、Java等。



  • Kimi Chat支持输入高达20万汉字的长文本,并且在处理长文本信息时,能够保持信息的完整性和连贯性。


  • Kimi Chat具备较强的多语言能力,尤其在中文处理上具有显著优势。


  • 提供了实时的在线交流功能,用户可以随时向Kimi Chat提问或寻求帮助。


  • Kimi Chat具备联网搜索功能,可以通过互联网搜集资料,提供最新的数据和分析。



  • Kimi Chat提供免费试用,用户可以体验其核心功能而无需支付费用。


  • 对于高级功能或更大量的使用,Kimi Chat会收取一定的费用。具体收费标准会根据用户的需求和所选功能有所不同。


  • Kimi Chat推出了“打赏”功能,用户可以通过支付对Kimi进行“打赏”,以获得在高峰期优先使用的权利。打赏金额从5.20元到399元不等,主要区别在于高峰期优先使用的时长不同。


  • Kimi Chat开放了API接口,用户可以根据实际输入输出的tokens数量进行计费。新用户会赠送一定额度的Token以供体验。



  • 文献阅读与分析:Kimi Chat可以快速阅读并深入理解大量学术文献,帮助科研人员提取关键信息,进行文献综述和研究结果分析。
  • 论文撰写:辅助撰写学术论文,提供结构建议和内容补充,帮助回应审稿人的建议。


  • 信息搜集与分析:高效搜集竞品信息、市场动态和用户反馈,辅助运营策划和市场分析。
  • 内容创作:根据特定需求生成创意文案、撰写博客文章、制作营销方案等。


  • 编程辅助:快速阅读API文档,生成代码片段,进行代码调试和优化,支持多种编程语言如Python、C++、Java等。
  • 技术问题解答:提供编程问题的解决方案和技术支持,帮助学习编程和解决技术难题。


  • 法律文书处理:高效处理大量案件资料,整理证据,梳理法律政策,协助撰写法律文书和报告。
  • 合同分析:快速解读复杂合同,提取关键信息,提供法律咨询和建议。


  • 内容生成:根据提供的网页链接、文件或指令,生成创意文案、续写文章、撰写周报和方案。
  • 风格学习:学习特定公众号、文件或网页链接的风格,辅助创作符合特定风格的内容。


  • 闲聊与陪伴:作为一个智能聊天伙伴,提供有趣的对话和陪伴,解答生活中的各种问题。
  • 信息查询:快速查询日常生活中的各种信息,如天气预报、新闻动态、健康建议等。


  • 市场调研:通过分析多篇市场报告和财务报表,提供市场趋势和竞争分析。
  • 会议记录整理:智能识别和整理会议记录,自动提取关键点,生成会议纪要。

Kimi Chat是闭源的。尽管Kimi Chat提供了丰富的功能和强大的文本处理能力,但其核心技术和模型并未开源。

Kimi Chat is an intelligent assistant product launched by Beijing Dark Moon Technology Co., Ltd., first released on October 9, 2023. Its standout feature is the support for long text input of up to 200,000 Chinese characters.

Key Features

Intelligent Search:

  • Kimi Chat can search for real-time information, quickly integrate it, and provide detailed answers, along with information sources, making conversations both rich and accurate.

Efficient Reading:

  • This feature allows users to input links or upload documents, and Kimi Chat can quickly summarize the content, helping users accurately understand literature, long reports, complex contracts, and more.

Professional Document Interpretation:

  • Whether it’s financial analysis, legal consultation, or market research, Kimi Chat can provide professional-level support. It can quickly summarize, translate, and answer questions, supporting uploads of PDF, Word, Excel, PPT, TXT files, and images.

Organizing Information:

  • Kimi Chat can intelligently recognize and organize materials, automatically extracting key points, making information clear at a glance and reducing the tediousness of manual organization.

Creative Assistance:

  • Based on the webpage links, documents, or instructions provided by the user, Kimi Chat can help outline, continue writing, create copy, write weekly reports, and draft plans, offering endless inspiration.

Programming Assistant:

  • Kimi Chat can quickly read API documentation, locate the required information, and generate code or quickly debug it according to the needs, supporting multiple programming languages such as Python, C++, Java, and more.

Special Features

Long Text Processing:

  • Kimi Chat supports input of up to 200,000 Chinese characters in a single text, and it maintains the integrity and coherence of information when processing long texts.

Multilingual Support:

  • Kimi Chat has strong multilingual capabilities, with a particular advantage in handling Chinese.

Real-time Interaction:

  • It offers real-time online communication, allowing users to ask questions or seek help from Kimi Chat at any time.

Internet Search:

  • Kimi Chat has an internet search function that can gather information from the web and provide the latest data and analysis.

Pricing Model

Basic Features:

  • Kimi Chat offers a free trial, allowing users to experience its core features without any cost.

Advanced Features:

  • For advanced features or higher usage volumes, Kimi Chat charges a fee. The specific pricing depends on the user’s needs and selected features.

Tipping Feature:

  • Kimi Chat has introduced a “tipping” feature, where users can “tip” Kimi to gain priority access during peak times. The tipping amounts range from 5.20 RMB to 399 RMB, with the main difference being the length of priority access during peak periods.

API Calls:

  • Kimi Chat has opened its API interface, charging users based on the number of tokens input and output. New users receive a certain amount of tokens for free to try out the service.

Application Scenarios

Academic Research

  • Literature Reading and Analysis: Kimi Chat can quickly read and deeply understand large volumes of academic literature, helping researchers extract key information, conduct literature reviews, and analyze research results.
  • Paper Writing: Assists in writing academic papers, providing structural suggestions and content supplementation, and helping respond to reviewers’ comments.

Internet Professionals

  • Information Collection and Analysis: Efficiently collects competitor information, market trends, and user feedback, aiding in operational planning and market analysis.
  • Content Creation: Generates creative copy, writes blog posts, and produces marketing plans according to specific needs.


  • Programming Assistance: Quickly reads API documentation, generates code snippets, and performs code debugging and optimization, supporting multiple programming languages like Python, C++, Java, and more.
  • Technical Problem Solving: Provides solutions to programming issues and technical support, helping with learning programming and solving technical challenges.

Legal Professionals

  • Legal Document Processing: Efficiently handles large volumes of case materials, organizes evidence, reviews legal policies, and assists in drafting legal documents and reports.
  • Contract Analysis: Quickly interprets complex contracts, extracts key information, and provides legal consultation and advice.

Content Creators and Media

  • Content Generation: Creates creative copy, continues writing, drafts weekly reports, and plans based on provided webpage links, files, or instructions.
  • Style Learning: Learns the style of specific public accounts, files, or webpage links, helping create content that matches a particular style.

Daily Life

  • Chat and Companionship: Serves as an intelligent chat companion, offering interesting conversations and companionship, and answering various daily life questions.
  • Information Query: Quickly queries various daily life information, such as weather forecasts, news updates, health advice, and more.

Enterprise Applications

  • Market Research: Analyzes multiple market reports and financial statements to provide market trends and competitive analysis.
  • Meeting Notes Organization: Intelligently recognizes and organizes meeting notes, automatically extracting key points to generate meeting minutes.

Open-source Status

Kimi Chat is Closed-source:

  • Although Kimi Chat offers a wide range of features and powerful text processing capabilities, its core technology and models are not open-source.