


  • 对话能力:豆包能够准确理解用户提出的问题,支持连续的多轮对话,维持上下文的连贯性,提供相关且一致的回答。
  • 个性化互动:豆包可以根据用户的交流风格和偏好,调整回答的方式,使对话更加个性化和友好。它还能识别用户的情感状态,根据情绪调整回答的语调和内容。
  • 文案创作与优化:豆包能够创作符合平台特性和用户需求的文案,帮助提高内容的吸引力和阅读量。
  • 文档阅读与深度分析:支持用户上传PDF并分析大型文件,快速提炼关键信息,为用户提供决策支持。
  • 文本到图片生成:根据用户输入的文本描述生成具有特定风格或情感色彩的图片。
  • AI音乐生成:提供多种音乐风格的生成功能,包括民谣、嘻哈、R&B等,用户可选择男声或女声演唱。
  • 学习辅助工具:豆包的智能体工具可以辅助用户进行中英文作文写作,通过润色和增加细节,提升文章的质量和表达的准确性。
  • 编程助手:豆包提供编程辅助功能,支持多种编程语言和IDE,能够进行代码补全、代码解释、代码审查和问题修复等。


  • 免费版本:豆包AI助手提供基础版的免费使用,用户可以在没有经济负担的情况下体验其基本功能。
  • 收费版本:豆包AI助手也提供高级功能的收费版本。收费版的年费为人民币198元,提供更多高级功能和服务。


  • 文档处理:豆包可以帮助用户快速翻译和总结外文报告,处理大量文档,提高工作效率。
  • 邮件撰写:通过“帮我写作”功能,用户可以快速撰写引人入胜的电子邮件、简讯和演讲稿。
  • 信息搜索:利用AI搜索功能,用户可以快速获取互联网上的信息,无广告且精准。


  • 学术研究:研究人员可以利用豆包的AI伴读PDF功能,高效阅读和理解学术论文。
  • 作业辅助:学生可以使用豆包生成学习笔记和撰写论文,解决作业难题,寻求写作灵感。
  • 语言学习:豆包提供中英翻译对照功能,帮助用户学习和掌握外语。


  • 文案创作:豆包能够创作符合平台特性和用户需求的文案,帮助提高内容的吸引力和阅读量。
  • 图片生成:根据用户输入的文本描述,豆包可以生成具有特定风格或情感色彩的图片,用于社交媒体、博客等。
  • 音乐生成:豆包提供多种音乐风格的生成功能,包括民谣、嘻哈、R&B等,用户可选择男声或女声演唱。


  • 代码补全:豆包MarsCode编程助手支持多种编程语言和IDE,提供智能代码补全功能,显著提升开发效率。
  • 代码审查:在开发过程中,豆包可以进行代码解释和代码审查,帮助开发者发现和修复问题。


  • 情感陪伴:豆包可以和用户进行自然、亲切的对话,提供情感陪伴和心理支持。
  • 生活助手:用户可以咨询生活中的各类问题,如旅游建议、食谱推荐等,豆包会提供详细且实用的回答。


  • 闭源性质:豆包AI助手是由字节跳动开发的闭源人工智能工具。虽然它提供了广泛的功能和服务,但其底层代码和模型并未公开。

Doubao AI Assistant is a multifunctional artificial intelligence tool developed by ByteDance, designed to enhance user efficiency and creativity in work, study, and daily life through its powerful natural language processing technology.

Key Features

Conversational Ability:

  • Doubao can accurately understand user queries, supporting continuous multi-turn conversations while maintaining contextual coherence and providing relevant, consistent responses.

Personalized Interaction:

  • Doubao adjusts its responses based on the user’s communication style and preferences, making conversations more personalized and friendly. It can also recognize the user’s emotional state and adjust the tone and content of its replies accordingly.

Copywriting Creation and Optimization:

  • Doubao can create content tailored to platform characteristics and user needs, helping increase the attractiveness and readership of the content.

Document Reading and In-depth Analysis:

  • Users can upload PDFs and have Doubao analyze large documents, quickly extracting key information to provide decision-making support.

Text-to-Image Generation:

  • Doubao can generate images with specific styles or emotional tones based on text descriptions provided by the user.

AI Music Generation:

  • It offers music generation features in various styles, including folk, hip-hop, R&B, etc., with options for male or female vocals.

Learning Assistance Tools:

  • Doubao’s intelligent tools can assist users in writing essays in Chinese and English, enhancing the quality and accuracy of the content through polishing and adding details.

Programming Assistant:

  • Doubao offers programming assistance, supporting multiple programming languages and IDEs, providing code completion, explanation, review, and bug fixing.

Free and Paid Versions

Free Version:

  • Doubao AI Assistant offers a basic free version, allowing users to experience its core functions without any financial burden.

Paid Version:

  • Doubao AI Assistant also offers a premium version with advanced features. The annual fee for the paid version is 198 RMB, providing more advanced functions and services.

Office Scenarios

  • Document Processing: Doubao can help users quickly translate and summarize foreign reports, handle large volumes of documents, and improve work efficiency.
  • Email Writing: With the “Help Me Write” feature, users can quickly draft engaging emails, messages, and speeches.
  • Information Search: Using the AI search function, users can quickly obtain information from the internet, ad-free and precise.

Learning Scenarios

  • Academic Research: Researchers can use Doubao’s AI-assisted PDF reading feature to efficiently read and comprehend academic papers.
  • Homework Assistance: Students can use Doubao to generate study notes and write essays, solve homework problems, and find writing inspiration.
  • Language Learning: Doubao provides a Chinese-English translation comparison function to help users learn and master foreign languages.

Creative Scenarios

  • Copywriting Creation: Doubao can create content tailored to platform characteristics and user needs, helping increase the attractiveness and readership of the content.
  • Image Generation: Based on user input, Doubao can generate images with specific styles or emotional tones for use in social media, blogs, etc.
  • Music Generation: Doubao offers music generation features in various styles, including folk, hip-hop, R&B, etc., with options for male or female vocals.

Programming Scenarios

  • Code Completion: Doubao’s MarsCode programming assistant supports multiple programming languages and IDEs, providing intelligent code completion to significantly improve development efficiency.
  • Code Review: During development, Doubao can provide code explanations and reviews, helping developers identify and fix issues.

Daily Life Scenarios

  • Emotional Companion: Doubao can engage in natural and friendly conversations with users, offering emotional support and companionship.
  • Life Assistant: Users can inquire about various life-related issues, such as travel advice or recipe recommendations, and Doubao will provide detailed and practical answers.

Closed-source Model

Closed-source Nature:

  • Doubao AI Assistant is a closed-source artificial intelligence tool developed by ByteDance. While it offers a wide range of features and services, its underlying code and models have not been made public.