
智谱清言(Zhipu Qingyan)是由智谱AI开发的一款基于中英双语对话模型ChatGLM2的人工智能助手。



  • 能够回答各种类型的问题,覆盖众多领域,为用户提供实时准确的信息和解决方案。


  • 具备出色的对话能力,能够与用户进行自然、流畅的多轮对话,提供个性化的回答和建议。


  • 支持文章创作、故事编写、摘要生成等,用户可以提供关键词或指导,智谱清言会根据要求生成相应的文本。


  • 能够分析文本中的情感倾向和情感表达,帮助用户了解文本所传达的情感,如积极、消极或中立等。


  • 支持多种语言,可以与用户进行跨语言的对话和交流,满足不同语言用户的需求。


  • 支持代码生成、代码补全、bug调试等功能,适用于多种编程语言,为程序员提供更快更精确的代码生成。


  • 可以与动漫角色、动物、历史人物等进行虚拟对话,提供娱乐和教育功能。


  • 提供雅思作文、学习计划、研报大纲、语法修改等学习支持。


  • 包括简历框架、工作规划、新闻稿、简历润色、工作总结等职场相关功能。


  • 支持开题报告、论文选题、目录大纲、论文综述、演讲稿、年度总结等。


  • 提供旅行计划、纪念日文、生日惊喜、电影推荐、购车建议等生活相关建议。


  • 具备AI视频生成能力,支持文生视频和图生视频两种模式。


  • 新增的视频通话功能,支持跨文本、音频和视频进行实时推理和互动。



  • 每月大约50元人民币,适合中小企业或个体工作者使用。


  • 每月大约200元人民币,提供更多的自定义选项和优先技术支持。


  • 每次使用0.1元人民币,适合不频繁使用的用户。



  • 智谱清言能够回答各种类型的问题,适用于智能客服、个人助手等场景,帮助用户快速获取所需信息。


  • 适用于需要连续对话的场景,如智能客服、教育辅导等,能够与用户进行自然、流畅的多轮对话,提供个性化的回答和建议。


  • 在创意写作方面表现出色,适用于文章创作、故事编写、广告文案等场景,帮助用户生成高质量的文本内容。


  • 支持代码生成、代码补全、bug调试等功能,适用于软件开发、编程学习等场景,提升编程效率。


  • 可以与动漫角色、动物、历史人物等进行虚拟对话,适用于娱乐和教育场景,提供沉浸式的互动体验。


  • 提供雅思作文、学习计划、研报大纲、语法修改等学习支持,适用于学生和教育工作者,提升学习效率。


  • 包括简历框架、工作规划、新闻稿、简历润色、工作总结等功能,适用于职场人士,帮助他们更高效地完成工作任务。


  • 支持开题报告、论文选题、目录大纲、论文综述、演讲稿、年度总结等,适用于学术研究和公文写作,提升写作质量和效率。


  • 提供旅行计划、纪念日文、生日惊喜、电影推荐、购车建议等生活相关建议,适用于日常生活中的各种场景,提升生活质量。


  • 具备AI视频生成能力,支持文生视频和图生视频两种模式,适用于内容创作和多媒体制作。


  • 新增的视频通话功能,支持跨文本、音频和视频进行实时推理和互动,适用于远程会议和在线教育等场景。



  • 智谱AI已经开源了多个大语言模型,包括GLM-130B和ChatGLM-6B等。这些开源模型允许开发者自由下载和使用,促进了AI技术的普及和发展。
  • 开源模型的优势在于透明度高,开发者可以查看和修改源代码,适用于研究和开发需要定制化解决方案的场景。


  • 智谱AI也提供闭源模型,如GLM-4和GLM-3-Turbo等,这些模型通常具有更高的性能和更多的功能,但需要付费使用。
  • 闭源模型的优势在于商业化程度高,通常提供更好的技术支持和服务保障,适用于企业级应用和需要高可靠性的场景。

Zhipu Qingyan is an AI assistant developed by Zhipu AI, based on the bilingual Chinese-English dialogue model ChatGLM2.

Key Features

General Q&A:

  • Zhipu Qingyan can answer a wide range of questions, covering numerous fields, providing users with real-time, accurate information and solutions.

Multi-turn Dialogue:

  • It excels in conversation abilities, enabling natural, fluent multi-turn dialogues with users, offering personalized responses and suggestions.

Creative Writing:

  • Supports tasks like article creation, story writing, and summary generation. Users can provide keywords or guidelines, and Zhipu Qingyan will generate the corresponding text based on the requirements.

Sentiment Analysis:

  • It can analyze the emotional tendencies and expressions within text, helping users understand the emotions conveyed, such as positive, negative, or neutral sentiments.

Multilingual Support:

  • Supports multiple languages, allowing cross-language conversations and communication to meet the needs of users speaking different languages.

Programming Assistance:

  • Zhipu Qingyan offers features like code generation, code completion, and bug debugging, supporting various programming languages and providing faster and more accurate code generation for programmers.

Virtual Dialogue:

  • Users can engage in virtual conversations with anime characters, animals, historical figures, etc., providing entertainment and educational functions.

Learning Assistance:

  • Provides support for tasks such as IELTS essay writing, study planning, report outlines, and grammar correction.

Workplace Support:

  • Includes features for resume frameworks, work planning, press releases, resume polishing, and work summaries.

Papers and Official Documents:

  • Supports tasks like proposal reports, thesis topics, table of contents outlines, literature reviews, speeches, and annual summaries.

Life Assistant:

  • Offers advice on travel planning, commemorative writing, birthday surprises, movie recommendations, car purchase suggestions, and other life-related guidance.

AI Video Generation:

  • Equipped with AI video generation capabilities, supporting both text-to-video and image-to-video modes.

Video Calls:

  • A newly added video call feature supports real-time reasoning and interaction across text, audio, and video.

Pricing Models

Standard Version:

  • Approximately 50 RMB per month, suitable for small to medium-sized businesses or individual users.

Professional Version:

  • Approximately 200 RMB per month, offering more customization options and priority technical support.


  • 0.1 RMB per use, suitable for users who do not require frequent access.

Application Scenarios

General Q&A:

  • Zhipu Qingyan can answer a wide range of questions, making it suitable for scenarios like intelligent customer service or personal assistants, helping users quickly obtain the information they need.

Multi-turn Dialogue:

  • Suitable for scenarios requiring continuous conversation, such as intelligent customer service or educational tutoring, enabling natural, fluent multi-turn dialogues with personalized responses and suggestions.

Creative Writing:

  • Excels in creative writing, suitable for scenarios like article creation, story writing, and advertising copy, helping users generate high-quality text content.

Programming Assistance:

  • Supports code generation, code completion, and bug debugging, making it ideal for software development, programming learning, and other scenarios to enhance programming efficiency.

Virtual Dialogue:

  • Allows virtual conversations with anime characters, animals, historical figures, etc., suitable for entertainment and educational scenarios, providing an immersive interactive experience.

Learning Assistance:

  • Offers support for tasks such as IELTS essay writing, study planning, report outlines, and grammar correction, suitable for students and educators to improve learning efficiency.

Workplace Support:

  • Features like resume frameworks, work planning, press releases, resume polishing, and work summaries are ideal for professionals, helping them complete work tasks more efficiently.

Papers and Official Documents:

  • Supports tasks like proposal reports, thesis topics, table of contents outlines, literature reviews, speeches, and annual summaries, suitable for academic research and official document writing, improving writing quality and efficiency.

Life Assistant:

  • Provides advice on travel planning, commemorative writing, birthday surprises, movie recommendations, car purchase suggestions, and other life-related guidance, enhancing the quality of everyday life.

AI Video Generation:

  • Equipped with AI video generation capabilities, supporting both text-to-video and image-to-video modes, suitable for content creation and multimedia production.

Video Calls:

  • The newly added video call feature supports real-time reasoning and interaction across text, audio, and video, suitable for scenarios like remote meetings and online education.

Open Source vs. Closed Source

Open Source:

  • Zhipu AI has open-sourced several large language models, including GLM-130B and ChatGLM-6B. These open-source models allow developers to freely download and use them, promoting the popularization and development of AI technology.
  • The advantage of open-source models is their high transparency, allowing developers to view and modify the source code, making them suitable for research and development scenarios requiring customized solutions.

Closed Source:

  • Zhipu AI also provides closed-source models, such as GLM-4 and GLM-3-Turbo, which typically offer higher performance and more features but require a paid subscription.
  • The advantage of closed-source models lies in their higher degree of commercialization, usually offering better technical support and service guarantees, making them suitable for enterprise-level applications and scenarios requiring high reliability.