



  • 多模式搜索:提供简洁版、增强版和研究版三种搜索模式,满足不同深度的信息需求。
  • 追问功能:允许用户就一个问题展开多轮次交互,进行深度探索。
  • 图文并茂:搜索结果可以图文并茂地展示,提升信息的可读性和理解度。


  • 文案创作:支持撰写各种类型的文案,包括日报、周报、小说、脚本、策划方案等。
  • 写作模板:提供丰富的写作模板,用户可以根据需求选择合适的模板进行创作。
  • 文本处理:具备自然语言生成、情感分析、关键词提取和文本分类等功能。


  • 文档解析:支持多种格式的文档上传,自动生成摘要和重点内容,提升阅读效率。
  • 音视频解析:能够在长时间的视频和音频中智能定位特定内容,生成摘要。


  • 自动生成:根据用户输入的需求,自动生成PPT大纲,并匹配合适的图片和模板。
  • 个性化定制:支持个性化定制功能,用户可以手动编辑PPT内容。
  • 多格式下载:生成的PPT可以下载为多种格式,方便不同场景的使用。


  • 图片生成:支持根据文本描述生成图片,适用于创意设计和视觉内容创作。
  • 音乐生成:能够根据用户需求生成音乐,适用于多媒体创作。


  • 多轮对话:类似于ChatGPT的多轮对话助手,结合AI搜索引擎提高回答的准确性。
  • 个性化智能体:用户可以创建个性化的智能体,提供定制化的服务和交互体验。


  • 自动化分析:支持对大量数据进行自动化分析,生成可视化报告和数据洞察。
  • 行业调研:能够快速梳理行业报告,提供详细的分析和见解。


  • 代码写作:支持生成和优化代码,适用于编程和开发工作。
  • 表格生成:能够根据数据生成表格,提升数据处理效率。
  • 高考志愿填报:提供智能高考志愿填报服务,帮助用户选大学、定专业。



  • AI搜索
  • 智能对话
  • 基础写作辅助
  • 文档解析和音视频解析等


  • 销售数据分析:帮助企业分析销售数据,优化库存管理,提升运营效率。
  • 市场调研:分析消费者评论,洞察市场需求,辅助制定营销策略。


  • 文献检索:协助研究人员快速检索文献,整理研究资料。
  • 学术写作:提供写作辅助,生成摘要和研究报告。


  • 生产优化:通过数据分析优化生产流程,提高生产效率。
  • 设备维护:预测设备故障,减少停机时间。


  • 交通管理:分析交通数据,优化交通流量,减少拥堵。
  • 公共安全:通过视频监控和数据分析提升公共安全水平。


  • 疾病预测:通过大数据分析预测疾病趋势,辅助医疗决策。
  • 健康管理:提供个性化健康建议,提升健康管理水平。


  • 自动回复:通过自然语言处理技术,自动回复客户问题,提高客服效率。
  • 个性化服务:根据客户历史数据提供个性化服务。


  • 文案撰写:生成各种类型的文案,如新闻稿、广告文案、社交媒体内容等。
  • 多媒体创作:支持图片生成、视频转绘、音乐生成等多媒体内容创作。


  • 智能辅导:提供个性化学习建议和辅导,提升学习效果。
  • 知识问答:通过问答系统解答学生问题,辅助学习。


  • 风险评估:通过数据分析进行风险评估,辅助金融决策。
  • 市场预测:预测市场趋势,提供投资建议。


  • 高考志愿填报:提供智能高考志愿填报服务,帮助学生选择大学和专业。
  • 旅行规划:根据用户需求提供旅行建议和行程规划。

Tiangong AI is a multifunctional artificial intelligence assistant developed by Kunlun Tech, designed to rival ChatGPT. It boasts powerful natural language processing capabilities and a variety of application features.

Key Features

AI Search

  • Multi-mode Search: Offers three search modes—basic, enhanced, and research—to meet different levels of information needs.
  • Follow-up Questioning: Allows users to engage in multi-round interactions on a single question for in-depth exploration.
  • Rich Media Presentation: Search results are displayed with text and images, enhancing readability and comprehension.

Intelligent Writing

  • Copywriting: Supports writing various types of content, including daily reports, weekly reports, novels, scripts, and planning proposals.
  • Writing Templates: Provides a variety of writing templates for users to choose from according to their needs.
  • Text Processing: Includes natural language generation, sentiment analysis, keyword extraction, and text classification.

Document and Audio-Video Analysis

  • Document Parsing: Supports uploading various document formats and automatically generates summaries and key points to improve reading efficiency.
  • Audio-Video Parsing: Can intelligently locate specific content in long videos and audio files and generate summaries.

AI PPT Creation

  • Automatic Generation: Automatically generates PPT outlines based on user input and matches appropriate images and templates.
  • Personalized Customization: Supports personalized customization, allowing users to manually edit PPT content.
  • Multi-format Download: The generated PPT can be downloaded in multiple formats, making it convenient for different use cases.

Multi-modal Generation

  • Image Generation: Supports generating images based on text descriptions, suitable for creative design and visual content creation.
  • Music Generation: Can generate music based on user needs, ideal for multimedia creation.

Smart Dialogue Assistant

  • Multi-turn Dialogue: A multi-turn dialogue assistant similar to ChatGPT, combined with AI search engines to improve answer accuracy.
  • Personalized Agents: Users can create personalized agents to provide customized services and interactive experiences.

Data Analysis

  • Automated Analysis: Supports automated analysis of large datasets, generating visual reports and data insights.
  • Industry Research: Can quickly review industry reports and provide detailed analysis and insights.

Other Features

  • Code Writing: Supports code generation and optimization, suitable for programming and development work.
  • Table Generation: Can generate tables based on data, improving data processing efficiency.
  • College Entrance Exam Guidance: Provides intelligent college entrance exam guidance services to help users choose universities and majors.

Free Usage

Tiangong AI offers a free usage option where users can experience its basic features by simply registering an account. These free features include:

  • AI Search
  • Smart Dialogue
  • Basic Writing Assistance
  • Document and Audio-Video Parsing

Business Intelligence

  • Sales Data Analysis: Helps businesses analyze sales data, optimize inventory management, and improve operational efficiency.
  • Market Research: Analyzes consumer reviews, understands market demands, and assists in formulating marketing strategies.

Academic Research

  • Literature Search: Assists researchers in quickly searching for literature and organizing research materials.
  • Academic Writing: Provides writing assistance, generating summaries and research reports.

Smart Manufacturing

  • Production Optimization: Optimizes production processes through data analysis, improving production efficiency.
  • Equipment Maintenance: Predicts equipment failures to reduce downtime.

Smart Cities

  • Traffic Management: Analyzes traffic data to optimize traffic flow and reduce congestion.
  • Public Safety: Enhances public safety through video surveillance and data analysis.


  • Disease Prediction: Predicts disease trends through big data analysis, assisting medical decision-making.
  • Health Management: Provides personalized health advice to improve health management.

Smart Customer Service

  • Auto-reply: Uses natural language processing technology to automatically respond to customer inquiries, improving customer service efficiency.
  • Personalized Service: Provides personalized service based on customer history data.

Content Creation

  • Copywriting: Generates various types of copy, such as press releases, advertising copy, and social media content.
  • Multimedia Creation: Supports image generation, video conversion, music generation, and other multimedia content creation.


  • Smart Tutoring: Provides personalized learning advice and tutoring to enhance learning outcomes.
  • Knowledge Q&A: Answers students’ questions through a Q&A system, assisting learning.


  • Risk Assessment: Conducts risk assessments through data analysis to assist financial decision-making.
  • Market Forecasting: Predicts market trends and provides investment advice.

Other Applications

  • College Entrance Exam Guidance: Provides intelligent college entrance exam guidance services to help students choose universities and majors.
  • Travel Planning: Offers travel advice and itinerary planning based on user needs.