


  1. 深度推理能力

    • X1模型具备强大的深度推理能力,能够处理复杂的逻辑推理问题,尤其在中文数学领域表现出色。它能够在解答高考和奥林匹克竞赛题时,展现出更高的效率和准确率。
  2. 慢思考模式

    • 模型的解题过程更接近人类的“慢思考”方式。X1通过将复杂问题分步拆解,逐步进行思考和推理,从而提高了答题的准确性和逻辑性。
  3. 自我反思与验证

    • X1能够进行自我探索和反思验证,依据答案的正确与否进行强化训练。这种机制使得模型在解题过程中不断优化其推理能力,提升整体表现。
  4. 化繁为简

    • 该模型能够将复杂问题化繁为简,分步拆解成多个步骤进行思考。这种特性使得它在面对复杂的数学题时,能够更清晰地展示解题思路和步骤。
  5. 高效的算力使用

    • 尽管具备强大的推理能力,X1在算力使用上表现出色,能够以较低的算力实现业界领先水平的效果,特别是在多个关键指标上位居国内第一。


  1. 教育领域

    • 智能教师助手:X1模型已与中国教育科学研究院合作,推出基于“问题链”的高中数学智能教师助手。该助手能够帮助教师更好地进行教学,提供个性化的学习推荐和诊断,提升学生的学习效果。
    • 数学解题:X1在解答高考、奥林匹克竞赛等数学题时表现优异,不仅能给出正确答案,还能详细拆解解题思路和步骤,模拟人类的“慢思考”过程。
  2. 医疗领域

    • 辅助诊断:在医疗应用中,X1模型的策略已初步验证,能够实现专科辅助诊断,复杂病历的准确率达到90%。这使得医疗工作者在处理病历时能够更高效、准确地进行决策。
    • 医疗大模型升级:科大讯飞计划在2025年上半年发布基于X1的医疗大模型升级版,进一步提升医疗领域的智能化水平。
  3. 智能办公

    • X1模型也被应用于智能办公产品中,提升智能代理的深度推理能力,使其在处理复杂任务时更加高效和准确。这一应用将推动智能办公环境的进一步发展,满足企业对智能化的需求。
  4. 金融与其他行业

    • 尽管目前主要集中在教育和医疗领域,X1模型的强大推理能力也为金融、能源等行业的应用提供了可能性,未来有望在这些领域中实现更广泛的应用。

The iFlytek Spark Deep Reasoning Model X1 is the only deep reasoning large model released by iFlytek on its fully domestic computing platform on January 15, 2025.

Key Features

Deep Reasoning Capability

The X1 model possesses powerful deep reasoning abilities, particularly excelling in complex logical reasoning tasks, especially in the Chinese mathematics domain. It demonstrates higher efficiency and accuracy in solving problems such as those found in college entrance exams and Olympiad competitions.

Slow Thinking Mode

The model’s problem-solving process closely mimics human “slow thinking.” X1 breaks down complex problems into steps, reasoning and reflecting progressively, which enhances the accuracy and logical coherence of its answers.

Self-Reflection and Verification

X1 has the ability to explore and verify its own answers. Based on the correctness of its responses, it undergoes reinforcement training, allowing the model to continually optimize its reasoning capabilities during problem-solving and improve its overall performance.

Simplifying Complexity

The model can simplify complex problems by breaking them down into manageable steps. This feature makes it easier for X1 to present clear and logical solutions, especially when handling complex mathematical problems.

Efficient Use of Computational Power

Despite its powerful reasoning capabilities, X1 is highly efficient in terms of computational power usage, achieving industry-leading results with relatively low computational requirements. It ranks first in several key metrics in China.

Application Scenarios


  • Intelligent Teacher Assistant: In collaboration with the Chinese Academy of Educational Sciences, iFlytek has launched a high school math intelligent teacher assistant based on the “problem chain” approach. This assistant helps teachers provide personalized learning recommendations and diagnostics, improving student learning outcomes.
  • Mathematical Problem Solving: X1 performs excellently in solving high school entrance exam and Olympiad-level math problems. It not only provides correct answers but also breaks down the problem-solving process, simulating the “slow thinking” process of humans.


  • Auxiliary Diagnosis: In healthcare applications, the X1 model’s strategies have been preliminarily validated, achieving an accuracy rate of 90% in diagnosing complex medical cases. This enables healthcare professionals to make more efficient and accurate decisions when handling medical records.
  • Medical Large Model Upgrade: iFlytek plans to release an upgraded version of the healthcare large model based on X1 in the first half of 2025, further advancing the intelligence level in the medical field.

Intelligent Office

X1 is also applied in intelligent office products, enhancing the deep reasoning capabilities of smart agents, making them more efficient and accurate when handling complex tasks. This application is expected to promote further development in smart office environments and meet the growing demand for intelligent solutions in businesses.

Financial and Other Industries

Although the current focus is primarily on education and healthcare, the strong reasoning abilities of X1 also open up possibilities for applications in industries such as finance and energy. It is expected to see wider adoption in these fields in the future.
